3 Keys to Write Juicy Blog Post Titles That Can Make Users to Click

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Since the beginning of journalism, the headline has been an essential element to condense the essence of news and articles and attract the attention of potential readers. 

Pro Tips to Write Exciting Blog Post Titles That Can Make Users Click

Moved to the digital age, we tell you some keys to write juicy blog post titles on your website that can make users click.

Do you write extensive articles in depth with dozens of quality sources after a thorough investigation and do not receive enough visitors? Do you want to increase traffic to your blog but do not find the appropriate method? Are you stuck with headline or article title writing and too obsessed with SEO? It is likely that one of the weaknesses resides in the headlines. Do you know how to write them? Do you unleash your creativity on them without falling into the click bait?


3 Keys to Write Juicy Blog Post Titles

There is no magic or the formula of Coca-Cola applied to the world of headlines, something that depends a lot on your target segment, the market segment for which you write or the characteristics of your post. For this we will give you some recommendations for that potential user on the other side of the screen is tempted to click. 

The good, if brief …

Blog article titles are best when they do not reach 70 characters for various reasons. One is that they adapt to the Internet’s own reading mode, where users scan more than they read and heat maps are fundamental to understanding their online behaviour. Google also rewards shorter headlines for the purposes of SEO, as those that exceed the limit of characters appear shorter in the search engines.

Keep it accurate

For issues of journalistic ethics and content quality, take care of accuracy and treat the owner as the arrow that leads your audience to the target where they will unravel all the keys to the advancement. Do not use keywords that do not match the body of the text, or perform deceptive practices to catch readers or resort to deception. If you are a creative writer, you will be able to find attractive formulas such as lists, questions or puns without resorting to lies or morbidity.

One tip for attracting readers is to indicate the type of content in parentheses that you may find below. such as [Podcast], [Interview] or [Infographics].

[Podcast], [Interview] or [Infographics].

Seduction vs. SEO

It is important that you put the quality of the owner to the mere marketing or SEO positioning, taking into an account that the original, own, extensive and valuable content is positioned by itself and is able to achieve numerous incoming links and elevate your medium to the reference source category. The keywords and their density are not sacred nor it is easy to claim up to the positions fast in the search engines.

Your title should be seductive. For this, you can use literary figures such as literacy, metaphors or hyperbole, through comparisons, puns, sayings or humour. Passion and fun are contagious and will help extend the boundaries of your target audience.

These are the three keys to which we will be able to create a juicy title that makes people click on our articles.
If you have any queries regarding any of the point, feel free to ask us through the comment section below. We will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your questions.

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Which terms do you consider in creating a juicy Title to a blog post?