Facebook has changed the ‘like’ button to six different emotions

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The long speculation has come to an end! Facebook has finally launched its much-awaited Reactions button, an extension of the “Like” button all over the world. Facebook is about to get all emotional on us, with the launch of six new emoji-style reactions to express the usual feels you have when looking at the posts posted by your friends. pictures of food your friends have taken. You can now like, love, laugh, smile, be shocked by, get excited, sad at or angry at the posts that appear on your news feed. The emoticons are pretty adorable that brings a lot of fun instead of simply hitting the ‘Like’ button.
The popular social network rolled out “Reactions” which is an extension of the “Like” button globally on Wednesday, to enable users to express their different feelings via emoticons that include like, love, sadness, wow, anger, and laughter. Facebook users all over the world can now do more than just “like” a post.

Facebook Launches ‘Reactions’ Worldwide

Facebook has rolled out the long-awaited reactions button across the world enabling its users to express their feelings towards a post surfaced on the NewsFeed. Earlier this year, in the month of October, Facebook launched a pilot of “Reactions” in Ireland and Spain which let users pick from seven emotions including Like, Love, Angry, Sad, haha and Wow. In the latest video accompanying a blog post, the five new buttons appear as animated emoticons that pop up when the “Like” button is held down on mobile devices. The buttons appear on desktops when users hover over the “Like” button.
Facebook Launched Reactions emoticons worldwide
Earlier, Facebook announced that it would be launching the reactions button with 7 emojis.But, the “Yay” emoticon, which was present in the pilot launch, was not seen in the latest video. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of the popular social networking site wrote on his Facebook page that people who wanted to express their empathy will be now comfortable to share a wider range of emotions via these reactions button.

Reason Behind the Launch of Reactions Button

There is a valid reason behind the launch of this new reactions button on Facebook as an extension for the Like button. While scrolling down the NewsFeed, people actually don’t look for an ability to downvote other people’s posts. What they truly want is to be able to express empathy. Not every moment is a good moment, right?
Emojis on Facebook - Extension of Like button

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Sometimes, if you are sharing something that is tragic, whether it’s something in current events like the refugee crisis that is truly touching or if a family member passed away, then it might not feel comfortable to Like that post. This is the actual reason behind the launch of this amazing reactions button on Facebook.
The company explained that these “Reactions” can also be used to track user behavior and for ad delivery. As of now, it will be initially using any Reaction similar to a Like to presume that you wish to see more of that type of content. As soon as the giant social media launched this new feature to all its users globally, it received mixed reviews from users on social networking sites. Many lamented that they could not see the new emoticons while some were sad that Facebook did not launch a “dislike” button. However, Facebook declined the notion because it was considered too negative.