Do you know Technological objects? So you’re not as young as you think

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A few years ago these objects were indispensable, but today they have become obsolete. They were part of the daily life of the people until the new technologies broke into the market. How many of them do you know and how many have you ever used?


Twenty years ago, the technological world had a very different shape and appearance than the objects we live with today. The cassette tapes, the video recorders located below those televisions that occupied half the living room, or the vintage DJs that animated any dance hall.

But the flat screens came along with touch screens, minimal-sized laptops, and smartphones, dethroning the vintage phone that was very stylish but too big for the new technology generation.

Some nostalgic people continue to use these technological objects that could well be in an antiquities museum, and the younger ones are increasingly distancing themselves from knowing the usefulness and even the names of each of them. And you, do you know all these technological objects?

Old but Gold Technological objects

If you ever know or us any of these Technological objects let us know them in the below comment box.

1. Floppy disk


It is possible that children today have not seen one of these in their life. A study conducted by You Gov in which they surveyed 2,000 children between 6 and 18 years in the United Kingdom led to several results, according to the BBC. Some identified it as the ‘save’ icon on the computer desktop, and two-thirds did not know what a diskette was. The first floppy disk measured 20 cm and was developed by IBM.

2. Teletext


Also called ‘Ceefax’ was launched in 1974 to provide headlines for news, sports results or lottery. The majority of children today, 86%, have no idea what it is, according to the BBC.

3. People locator


These radio receivers were widely used in the 1950s. They can receive and display numeric, alphanumeric or voice messages, transmitted through a network of transmitting radio antennas. They are still used in hospitals to receive urgent messages.

4. Cassette tape


For 40% of children this tape does not mean anything, nor do they know what it is for. The UK’s largest electronics retailer, Curry’s, stopped selling music cassettes in 2007.

5. Videocassette tape


Before the existence of Netflix videocassette recorders were indispensable in any house. They were released by Sony in 1971. At first, these were out of reach for most families, but in the late 1980s, they became much more affordable.

6. DJs


The DJ is one of the technological objects that most children recognized in the You Gov survey, almost three quarters knew how to identify it, a number much higher than the cassette tapes.

7. Typewriter


The typewriters have also stood the test of time, only 27% of the children did not know its name although they had all seen it at some time.

8. Landline


Although the phones have evolved considerably, most of the children knew how to recognize it. Only 4% could not identify an old-style telephone with a rotating wheel.

Especially, I like these old landlines for its rotating wheel. I guess I used it once or twice. I wish I could find it now.

Now it’s your turn to answer. Which old tech object do you like to use it now? Answer them in the below comment box.