Grow Organic Traffic: Taking Your Website to New Heights

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If you have a business, you must have a website. There’s just no getting around it. It’s the necessary bedrock for building an online presence and growing your business.

When visitors arrive at your site, you have the opportunity to learn more about them, and then you can transform them into an advocate, partner, or customer.

When this happens, it’s a win, but you have to get people to your website for this to occur. So, the question is, how do you do that?

5 Easy Ways to Grow Organic Traffic

1. Tailor your Website for Organic Search

An organic search happens when someone types a word or phrase into a search engine to find a website.

If you know the search terms that people use to find your website, you can optimize your site to draw more visitors.

These words or phrases may be specific to you, such as your brand or product name. Or they can be attributes that describe your product or service.

For example, “all-natural peanut butter” or “environmentally-friendly clothing.”

Some of the best free SEO tools can help you find the ideal search terms for your business:

  • Google Analytics: shows you what terms your site visitors have used to find you organically. You can then use these terms to optimize your website content.
  • Google Search Console: shows you how often your website shows up in search results, what search terms provide the most visitors, and how many people click on your site in search results.

2. Create Targeted Landing Pages

Creating dedicated landing pages that feature precisely what a website visitor is interested in helps them engage with your site and, ultimately, your business. You can find out what website visitors are most interested in by mining audience data.

For instance, you might create a special promotion based on the posts that a visitor has been reading or a page of updates on the new features of a product someone has been researching.

3. Build a Blog

If you wish to increase organic traffic to your site, you might consider creating a blog.

Blogging is great for your business because it helps you reach your target audience and boost your site’s trust and authority while increasing organic traffic to your business.

When you write a blog, you’re sharing valuable information that your audience desires. This means that when they search for this information using the relevant keyword you’re targeting, they will find your site and check out your post.

As a result, you’ll be able to drive more leads to your page because you’re offering them the helpful information they’re looking for.

4. Optimize the Content of the Featured Snippet

The featured snippet appears at the top of your search results page and gives searchers a direct answer to their query. It is the result that searchers most often click on.

Therefore, one way to increase organic traffic to your site is to optimize the content that appears in this snippet.

However, not everyone can get their content into the featured snippet. To increase your chances of ranking in this spot, you should develop content that answers searcher’s queries.

You then want to format the content into a bulleted or numbered list or a short, to-the-point answer. For example, if the searcher is looking for “how to repair my credit score,” a bulleted list of steps to take would be handy to this searcher.

Or if they search for “how to tell if an avocado is ripe,” a short answer that clearly explains how to identify a ripe avocado is ideal.

In addition to answering questions clearly and directly, your answer content should also incorporate core keywords. This will increase the chances that your content will appear in the featured snippet at the top of the search results.

5. Write an Interesting Title Tag and Meta Description

When your site appears on a search engine results page, the information that a searcher sees is your title tag and meta description. It is based on the content of these two things that most searchers will decide whether or not to visit your site.

Therefore, you need to make sure you’ve optimized your title tag and meta description to increase the number of site visitors.

For your title tag, you should keep it within 60 characters. Otherwise, part of it will get cut off, and searchers won’t get the full message.

You’ll also want to put your core keyword at the beginning of the tag, so searchers and the search engine understand why your listing is relevant to the search query.

For the meta description, you should keep it within 160 characters and integrate your core keyword within it. Furthermore, the description itself should explain what the searcher can expect from your website if they choose to visit it.


If you want to grow your organic traffic, you need to put the above tips into action. It may seem time-consuming, but the pay-off is worth it.

After all, the more people who visit your site, the more chances that visitors will become clients.