How to Reach New Audience with a Little Bit of SEO Research

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How can we discover the topics of interest of new audiences? How and in what sense can we take advantage of SEO positioning to broaden the scope of the business? In this article, we will tell you about reaching a new audience with a little bit of SEO research.


Capture and retain a loyal audience for a brand is one of the most complicated missions that a company has to face, whatever its sector of activity. But there is an even more difficult goal for companies to face: expanding their potential audience.

Getting our messages to new audiences, according to languages and interests different from those we are used to among our consumer base, is very complicated. And yet, it is the only way to sustain stable growth in increasingly liquid and agile markets.

Focusing on online business, much of that reach users (current or future) is achieved through SEO positioning. The choice of keywords with which we describe our company will largely determine the commercial future of the firm. So will the topics with which we associate through blog entries or formulas that we use in the categories, landing pages or different versions of our website.

SEO Research Tricks to reach New Audience

How can we discover the topics of interest of new audiences? How and in what sense can we take advantage of SEO positioning to broaden the scope of the business? Let’s go step by step.

Establish the new target

The first thing we must do to broaden our reach is to carry out a brainstorming and an analysis of the new audiences that we intend to address: young people, seniors, men, women, urban people, rural population, different academic levels, different relationships with technology or culture … All this will determine the choice of keywords and the SEO strategy that we must follow.

Identify the key issues


Before we change or add keywords to our online business, what we have to do is find out which keywords are of most interest to our new audience. In this way, it will be much easier for us to direct our messages to the traffic that is most relevant to us.

There are some free research tools that we can use to learn about the interests and ways of searching / accessing the contents of our new audience. Among them stands out, above all, Google Trends (in combination with Google Adwords Planner), through which we can filter the words by their interest over time, subregions, topics and related queries. But if we choose an alternative, we can find ourselves in the market with Keyword Tool, WordStream Keyword Tool, Ubersuggest or Keyword Eye.

Create custom content


Once we know what are the terms that we must strengthen to get closer to that interesting audience we want to reach, we have to outline the SEO positioning strategy that will mark the change of course. In it, we must include the appropriate modification of the metadata of the web and, of course, the development of new pages and appropriate descriptions within the portal.

Likewise, with regard to positioning through publications on the blog, we must establish an ambitious but realistic content calendar, in which we combine creativity and the tone of the brand with the introduction of keywords throughout the text, in the subtitle, the title and the URL. We can even recycle old themes – always modifying the text to avoid being considered duplicated by Google – but introducing the new terms in an outstanding way. Regarding the title, the main incentive in these cases, we can write at least 7-8 title options and test them through the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer before selecting the best option.

That is it! These are tricks that we can follow to reach the new audiences. If you have any other queries let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.

Do you know any other strategies or tricks to reach new Audiences through SEO? Share them with our readers in the comment box below.