10 Main Things To Do After Completion of Event Based Niche Blog

10 Main Things To Do After Completion of Event Based Niche Blog

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In first days of blogging every one choose to do Long terms blogs like Technology, Education, Results, etc. When some people started Niche blog and gained a huge success in that, then after every one started learning regarding Niche blog and many of them succeeded and still some of them were struggling about that. So, here to my knowledge I do these 10 main things after completion of Niche blog. So, sharing these 10 main things and tips with you people just for an Idea and if you do these things and if any other things that are need to do just comment below with your ideas and knowledge.

10 Main Things To Do After Completion of Event Based Niche Blog

  • Track your keyword ranking (after 6 hours) – its called moniter keyword
  •  Don’t build links with same anchor text again and again, like if we want to rank our website on that keyword. If you do so there may be a chances to get penalized by Google at the last moment of the event.

=>For example: “happy friendship day 2014” is a keyword that we want to rank for, then                 don’t build links with the same keyword again and again. Instead build links for other keyword too.

  • If you are doing event based blogging on blogger platform than your blogger website should be with mobile version. To check it, at the end of the url write “?m=1” and if website is opening normally than it is said to be responsive and fine.
  • Use Web2.0 site as referral like Pinterest, Learnist,Wattpad.
  • Don’t go for sidebar links as soon as you build a blog. If a site gets penalized from Google then it will be De-indexed from Google. Sidebar links get indexed very very fast. (withing one day) where as Web2.0 site gets indexed very slow.
  • GEO Targeting in event based blog. (Canada, Australia, Portugal, France) you can skip USA as it also have high competition. Like for IPL focus India and for FIFA focus on those countries which have huge fan following of football.
  • Don’t target .in domain to foreign countries. Domain selection is very important. Subdomain is also considered as another domain by Google.
  • In Blogger Labels don’t get indexed in Google and Read More, Number of Navigation also waste page rank juice. Better remove all those so that our website will load very fast.
  • Optimize Niche Blog . Focus on Low competition with good number of searched keyword, write description.
  • If you are using responsive theme than disable mobile version of the site (blogger)

These are the 10 main things to do after completion of event based niche blog and if any things that are important to do just give your valuable comments. I have explained it in brief manner and in further posts I may come with detailed report.