30+10 Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs For Best Outputs

30+10 Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs For Best Outputs

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It is complicated due to the number of applications in the market. So, I am able to extract a list of the best free tools for entrepreneurs.

40 Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs on Producing the Best Outputs

I meant to write this post because depending on the type of business, need more than one type or another tool for ease of work done in an organization. However, what I thought is to define a number of areas that are important for any entrepreneur and thus selected the best free tools for each of these sections.

The sections chosen are:

  • Accounting.
  • Project management.
  • Analysis and Monitoring of Competition.
  • CRM.
  • Finding information.
  • Creating Presentations.
  • Meetings by videoconference.
  • Creating images and infographics.
  • Other interesting resources for entrepreneurs.
  • Other free tools for entrepreneurs.

Free Tools for Entrepreneurs

All sessions tools for Entrepreneurs are listed as follows.

Free Tools for accounting

1. Kolab.org

Kolab.org is a tool which is easy to use and accounting is done in simple way which will offer billing and controlled expenditure monitoring. This tool is free for small businesses.

2. QuoteBase

You can create quotes in PDF format and customize it by adding your own logo, as well as used to network with the members of your team. Quotebase is a very useful tool for creating budgets collaboratively.

3. Expensify

With this application you can keep better track of spending in any banking transaction or credit card. Capture billable mileage and other expenses. Expensify can install on any mobile and in the market as it is compatible with iPhone / iPad, Android, WebOS / Palm and BlackBerry phones.

4. Outright

Tool which allows you to track revenue and expenses . Allows you to import data from our transactions from all accounts linked to a business (eBay, Etsy, Amazon, PayPal, credit cards, bank accounts)

Free Tools to manage projects

5. Trello

Tool with which we can manage a simple project very effectively and easily, and where several employees can be involved in a company. Do not miss this comprehensive manual by Daniel Cootingo  where you learn how to use this tool.

6. Assembly

It is recommended for project management development tool. It has a ticketing system that are assigned to each member of the team, in which the difficulty of the task is incorporated, as well as working hours to do it. The free version allows you to create one project with unlimited users and repositories and 1GB of storage.

7. Producteev

Tool that you can use for free and with which you can create tasks and receive notifications of the same through the mail, instant messaging or iPhone. Now you can create projects in a simple manner and increase the productivity of your business

8. Bitrix24.com

Platform that can be used by entrepreneurs and small businesses, and allows communication and online project collaboration. You can learn, store and search documents in the cloud, to make available a local intranet, plus postal service.

Free tools to analyze and monitor competition

Analyze competition is critical that any entrepreneur has to perform, since we can obtain useful data and actions for inclusion in our Online Marketing Strategy.

9. Follow.net

With this free application you can follow the entries made for the competition, from this you can identify the most active users are and try to attract them to our community of followers, also obtain a basic analysis with monthly visits from the competition, his best position in Google search engine, source of visitor traffic, etc. You can install this plugin in the browser and use it in a very easy and simple. Personally I love this tool and used it before.

10. Woorank

It is one of the most complete for a report from our competition tools, obtaining very interesting data about the SEO and Social Media. We can also use to correct known errors and some tips to improve.
For free tool only allows you to update and analysis some limitations.

11. SEMRush

It is definitely one of the best tools to analyze competition and great features to thoroughly analyze the SEO and SEM for any business. The free version of SEMrush although very limited data is provided for us with general competence that are very useful as they can be. Receiving visits from the Google search engine, the number of top ranked keywords and some of them, etc. This application is must.

12. MetricSpot

A completely free tool with which we can make a full SEO or Social competence of our analysis.This application is highly recommended. Analyze what the most popular content from your competitors are on Twitter

13. QuickSprout Website Analyzer

You can perform a comparative analysis of your website to other 3 in your sector. The analysis is based on four criteria estimation of visits, SEO , site speed and the  number of social bookmarks entries.

Free CRM Tools

14. Streak

Perhaps one of the most simple and practical CRM to use especially when we handle the not very large number clients. Streak is an extension designed, so that it can integrate into our Gmail and aims to be a good alternative to meet the needs of small businesses in customer management.This app also works with Google Apps and ideal for a good monitor aspects of customer service.

15. Molecule CRM

It is a complete, free and with which entrepreneurs can access features such as contact center, incidents, business management, marketing, human resources, projects and reports.
  • Advantages:
  • Lots of modules.
  • Nice graphical interface.
  • Charts and reports of good quality.
  • Several support options.

Free Tools for Social Media and Communication

16. LinkedIn

Connect with other professionals and improve your brand image as a professional. Linkedin is a social network, so it is essential for any entrepreneur worth his salt.

17. Twitter

Professional social network where anyone who wants to take your company can connect with other entrepreneurs in the same subject or similar. Twitter is the best way to reach hundreds of thousands of people in a few hours, it’s definitely one of the most viral social networks.

18. GotFreeFax.com

Fax service that allows you to send up to 3 pages for free (maximum 2 faxes per day). Someone may think this of fax communication is obsolete, but the fact is that according to the type of business can be one of the most common forms of communication. The online fax service is only valid for US and Canada.

19. Skype

This tool will benefit entrepreneurs to communicate for free with any computer in the world. We strongly recommend this tool to create a channel of attention or support from the company itself.

20. SurveyPlanet

Survey Planet is a free survey creator that lets you design research surveys in simple, customizable ways.

Make or market research surveys via e-mail in a simple way.

21. HootSuite

Free tool which allows you to manage and schedule your posts on social networks in order to earn and save time.

22. MailChimp

Tool that can manage the newsletter company and manage the list of subscribers to the blog. In my opinion it is the best free tool on the market for mass mailings.

23. Bitly

Besides shortening post links to our content on social networks, it will show a complete social analytics of our publications. An essential tool for anyone.

Free tools to find useful information

24. Feedly

Basic tool to follow all the latest Blogs from our main theme. Latest trends in our industry are essential but we need a tool to show us only the latest news and content that we have not read before. So, I recommend to use this feedly free tool.

25. Google Alert

With this tool you can create alerts for analyzing the reputation of your brand and know when you mention as well as to discover the latest content about the topics that interest us.

26. Keyhole.com

With this tool you can analyze and find the most popular of a topic specific content as well as the most influential users in the last day, last 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days.

Free tools to create images and infographics

27. Pixlr

Totally free online application which allows you to create images to incorporate into your presentations or reports.

28. PicMonkey

Online tool which allows you to create images in a very simple manner and without design skills.

29. Piktochart

This is my favorite tool for creating basic computer graphics based on templates that we can use for free.

30. Easel.ly

Tool which allows you to create infographics, almost “no desperateness” and in a very simple manner.

Free tools to create presentations

31. Prezi

It is definitely the best alternative to PowerPoint presentations, and certainly one of the best free tools to create stunning presentations for your meetings or events. We can use on Windows, Mac, iPad and iPhone, and you can use it from anywhere without installing anything.

32. Powtoon

Tool which allows you to create video presentations. You can use free and unlimited, and are ready to use templates is huge and great quality.

33. Emaze

This tool is like prezi, but maybe you have more free templates with which you can create amazing presentations with animations and cool effects.

Free Tools for video conference meetings

34. HipChat

Tool that can be used free of charge and enables us to conduct meetings for collaborative work among several members of a company or business. It is an ideal system for entrepreneurs who travel a lot and have to hold virtual meetings.

With this application you can have:

  • Permanent chat rooms.
  • Option screen sharing.
  • File sharing to drag and drop.
  • Conversations in public or in private rooms.
  • Videoconferencing.
  • Full conversation history.

35. Fuze Meeting

It is a tool for collaborative video that can be used for both meetings to impart online training courses. The free version allows you to connect up to 25 people at a video conference session, so it is an essential tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs. You can also record sessions. The tool has a mobile app so you can connect from anywhere.

Other free tools for entrepreneurs

36. Evernote

It is the perfect notebook notes, which stores all kinds of information and is available on the phone, the PC, the laptop or iPad.

37. Boomerang

Boomerang is a perfect application to improve efficiency and productivity in managing our email.
This free tool is nothing but a plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, and allows us to maximize the time that you usually spend reading and writing emails. Do you receive many emails a day and you spend hours reading and answering emails? If this is your case you need to use Bommerang.

38. Rapportive

It is a free tool created four years ago and in 2012 bought LinkedIn. What it does is =>  it replaces ads on the right column of your mail from gmail for information about your contacts:
  • Photo
  • Location
  • Biography
  • Social Networking

39. Dashlane

Dashlane the best password manager and digital wallet safer world. The amount of online tools we use today and is recommended to use different passwords and change these from time to time, make fundamental and essential for any entrepreneur to have a tool to administer and manage these passwords safely.

40. F.lux

Perhaps it may seem an application that may not have a place in this list of the best free tools for entrepreneurs, But the fact is that, for those who spend many hours in front of a computer screen is based we can properly regulate the colors of our monitor, and thus we can rest your eyes. F.Luz calibrate your monitor so you can rest your eyes.
These are the 30+10 free tools for entrepreneurs for best outputs in an organisation of business. If anyother tools works best for you let me know in your comments.