No More Malware. Google Launches Antivirus for Chrome

No More Malware. Google Launches Antivirus for Chrome

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In recent weeks we have seen how users of Google Chrome have been threatened, in addition to the classic dangers of the Internet, a series of malicious extensions that have endangered the users of this browser. 

No More Malware: Google Launches Antivirus for Chrome to Avoid Viruses

Google, in order to make the use of the network as safe as possible, has finally responded to these new threats by implementing a number of tools and new security features to make the browser as secure as possible, such as a new antivirus for Chrome.

In order to stop extensions that modify user configurations, without permission and even used to download malware, a few days ago, Google has announced a series of new and security-related improvements that are slowly coming to browser and that will try to finish, once and for all, with the security problems that the browser is facing lately.

Antivirus for Google Chrome

For some time, Google has a tool called ” Chrome Cleaner “, a tool, very similar to an antivirus for Google Chrome, which, as Google details, will allow us to analyze and eliminate all software that can cause problems in the browser.

Until now, this feature was offered as a standalone tool to the browser, however, Google has decided to implement it within the security API so that all users can rely on this security tool that, as an antivirus, will detect and eliminate all those threats that can make our browser malfunction.

For Google, protection against malicious extensions was not enough, so in addition to having this “cleaner” included by default, Google has been working hand in hand with ESET so that, from now on, the browser is capable to detect and eliminate the malware that we download before it can infect our computer.

Both the heads of ESET and those responsible for Google Chrome have ensured that this new antivirus engine for the browser will have an invaluable impact on performance, impact that must be paid if we want maximum security when browsing the network. Of course, we must take into account that this will not work as a conventional antivirus that constantly analyzes our computer, but will only run the analyzes when you really need it, and to detect and eliminate threats that come from the browser.

The new “Chrome Cleaner” tool is already included in the latest version of Google Chrome, although it is not the only security enhancement that Google has implemented in its browser.

Another security measure that will protect us while navigating with Google Chrome

In addition to this antivirus, Google wants to eradicate all computer threats that can endanger browser users, or at least minimize the impact of this feature. For this reason, other innovations that the company has implemented in the browser (and that has gradually been enabling to all the users) is a feature that controls the configuration of Chrome so that if it detects that an extension has made some change in the browser settings, inform us and allow us to revert the changes by pressing a single button.

In addition, we will also be able to reset the configuration to the default values by simply entering the URL in the address bar:

  • chrome: // settings / resetProfileSettings

Nor can we forget the protection against MITM attacks that Google recently included in the browser and that prevents our traffic from being exposed to different attacks.

Undoubtedly, we need all these security settings to protect our data from the hackers. I hope this article will help you to build your Google Chrome privacy and security. If you have any queries regarding the Chrome for Antivirus, let us know in the below comment section. We will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries. 

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This feature that only Chrome has, is the only reason I don’t Change my Browser

What do you think of these security measures for Google Chrome?