APAC Marketing Trends That You Must Keep an Eye Out For

APAC Marketing Trends That You Must Keep an Eye Out For

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The world has changed in the last two years than it did in the past. Owing to the ongoing pandemic, every strategy had to be tailored to meet the needs of the people and to adjust to the current situation.

So, many brands had to step back from their regular working mode and steer into a new direction. This changed a lot of trends and paved the way for new emerging marketing tactics.

Moreover, due to a high population concentration in the Asia Pacific markets, the trends that companies follow often become a precedent for their western markets.

So, here are some APAC marketing trends that you must keep an eye out for this coming year.

1. E-commerce Will Continue to Grow

In the past decade, eCommerce has played a crucial role for the customers and the brands as well. However, the pandemic gave eCommerce a boost, and it somehow changed consumer behavior and made them more reliable on eCommerce.

Many online retailers saw a huge spike on their platform in the initial stages of the pandemic, and even when the restrictions eased, people were still hopping onto eCommerce platforms to make purchases.

So, it is imperative for brands to establish their online presence in the market and leverage digital channels to boost their sales. They must take advantage of sales funnels, media advertising, and social media ads to stay relevant and ahead of the competition.

2. Increase in Digital Advertising Investments

Many businesses have seen accelerated growth in their digital processes in the past couple of years. The pandemic only accelerated this change further. A lot of companies have increased their budget for digital marketing.

Not only the basic web channels have seen growth, but the growth is evident across digital channels such as paid display advertising, social media, search, content, and influencer marketing.

Besides investing more money into digital marketing channels, the focus has shifted to providing value to the customers by engaging with them and providing high-quality content.

In addition, there has been a constant increase in the number of smartphone users across the globe, with almost more than six billion users as of now.

APAC region has one of the highest app shares globally, wherein seventy-five percent of the smartphone users have some kind of retail app on their phone which they use for shopping.

3. OTT Will Serve as a Marketing Channel

Like other channels on the internet, the growth of over-the-top content platforms has been increasing in the past years, and it will only increase in the future.

Many consumers in the Asia Pacific region are migrating to OTT platforms faster than ever. In the past year, OTT platforms have seen a growth of $7.34 billion in revenue. On the other hand, leading production houses are developing their platforms to capture the users.

Since the users are moving to OTT platforms and watching more content than ever, advertisers will benefit from meeting the customers there.

These are some of the best APAC marketing trends that would continue to shape the way of APAC markets. Watch out for these trends and polish your marketing strategy to stay in the game.


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