What Is Automation Testing and How Does It Work

What Is Automation Testing and How Does It Work

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Your software development team has built a software application for you and you want to release it to the market.

Due to the vast experience of the software developers, you believe that the application meets all its expectations when it comes to functionality, usability, performance, and security and you do not need to test it.

This is where most businesses go wrong. One of the roles of app developers is testing, which is an important stage in making sure that software applications meet all their expectations.

If you release an application with bugs to the market, chances are that your users will not use it, meaning that it will not serve its purpose and you might end up losing business.

There are different types of testing, the common ones being automated and manual testing.

Manual testing requires a lot of work and has higher chances of errors since testers are tasked with doing everything on their own. On the other hand, automated testing is not only efficient but also fast and reliable.

Automated testing has been largely adopted in recent years due to the increase in the scale of development as well as the benefits that it comes with.

What is Automated Software Testing?

Automated software testing is the process of conducting software tests automatically through the use of test scripts that are executed on software applications.

It is done using automation testing tools such as the ones employed by TestProject to make the entire process fast, easy, efficient, and straightforward.

The tools allow developers to free up resources and time when conducting the tests. They also allow for efficient testing while at the same time-saving resources and money.

Automated testing allows developers to run many tests simultaneously, something that generates detailed reports meaning that every functionality of the application is tested.

It also allows developers to detect any errors that might exist even before the production stage. This plays an important role in making sure that the application meets all its expectations when it is released to the market.

How Does Automation Testing Work?

When conducting automated testing, developers use a framework that comes with testing tools, some common practices, and testing standards.

Some of the common testing frameworks they use include linear scripting, keyword-driven, and data-driven frameworks.

If they need to implement a test script that needs little to no planning, developers use the linear scripting framework because it is the most efficient when testing small applications.

It, however, lacks the use of reusable scripts.

Sometimes, developers use modular frameworks that require them to write test scripts that are small and independent to ensure that redundancy is reduced.

Even though this framework is efficient, it consumes a considerable amount of time.

The data-driven framework is the most common framework used in automated testing. Here, testers are required to write scripts to work with different data sets.

These scripts provide wide coverage and fewer tests are required to test an entire software application compared to the modular frameworks.

The other framework, the keyword-driven framework, defines keywords for different execution methods and functions through the use of table formats.

This framework is common with developers who lack enough software development experience.

Finally, you can use a hybrid framework when testing your software applications through automated testing.

This is a framework that combines more than one of the frameworks discussed above.

However, you need to be careful when using this framework and to understand how to effectively use each of the frameworks independently.


Automated testing of software applications helps organizations save resources, money, and time. These resources can be used in other areas of software development and developers can have enough time to concentrate on other important aspects of the development lifecycle.

In addition, it allows developers to run many tests at the same time since it requires little if any human intervention.


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