Top 5 Work Management Tools to Streamline Your Work and Life

Top 5 Work Management Tools to Streamline Your Work and Life

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The new year is around the corner and there will be many who want to prepare their list of personal and professional goals and objectives. So here are a few solutions that can help you meet them.

Work Management and Productivity Tools To Use in Work & Personal Lives

Here I will tell you the 4 task and project management tools for both individuals and groups, whose objective is to improve their productivity, facilitate coordination, communication, and collaboration in a team, and, ultimately, be more efficient.


Work or Project management is always a tedious job both for small and large business organizations.

People keep struggling in assigning, managing, reporting, and keeping a track of the work of each individual in the project. Managing all this started with paperwork, went on to excel sheets and now we have new platforms or tools like product management tool which make our life simpler.

These project management tools help manage, organize, track resources, etc. Here is a list of few tools which are sophisticated and also simple for the end-user to use:

1. Taskworld


Taskworld is a brilliant Project Management tool that helps everyone to be more productive in their work life. Taskworld is a simple tool that is very easy to understand and it offers a precise analysis of every work and project. 

Taskworld entered into work management in the year 2012 and the use of this tool expanded very quickly thanks to its brilliant features. Within a short period of time, Taskworld has grown across East Asia, Europe, and the USA. Many top companies like Amazon, NETFLIX, Accenture, Yale, etc started using this tool and declared it as the best one to be more productive in work management.

The best of TaskWorld

  • Simple and easy to understand the use of the tool
  • The Handy Visual Task Boards
  • User-Friendly & Interactive Dashboard
  • The Comprehensive Analytics
  • Efficient File Management
  • Interesting Chat Features
  • Deadline Tracking with the Timeline Feature

The pricing of Taskworld is also very affordable. The basic solo and team versions are in the range of 4-7$/month. All these striking features at these prices is surely a worthy deal you would not want to miss out.

2. Asana

Asana is a project promoted by one of the co-founders of Facebook, Dustin Moskovitz, in collaboration with another former employee of the social network, Justin Rosenstein.

Asana allows us to create different workspaces to easily distinguish projects and equipment. The tool allows you to assign tasks and priorities for all team members, keep track of all tasks and projects and see any changes in real-time.

The description that appears on Asana’s home clearly defines the mission of this company: “Do great things. Asana is a list of tasks shared with your team. The place to plan, organize, and be synchronized. “

Several tutorials are available on the Asana website to learn how to use this tool, available both on the web and on mobile devices.

Price: For individual accounts or for groups of no more than 30 members, Asana is free. From 30 members there are corporate accounts from 100 dollars per month.

The best of Asana:

  • Super complete tool.
  • Division of work by projects. Very tidy.
  • Useful for large teams with different departments.
  • The free version supports up to 15 members.
  • Project progress graphics.
  • Its integration with tools like Harvest makes it very good to check the time we dedicate to each task.

3. Trello


A basic online tool for collaborative project management that uses a Kanban methodology in a super visual way.

It is possible to use Trello for both the management of large projects and for small personal tasks. It is quite easy to use, with a very intuitive interface and with drag-and-drop functionalities.

Your Trello dashboard is fully customizable, so you can add the columns you consider as appropriate, depending on the project. If it is a blog, for example, a structure like the GIF is fine.

Also, the changing column task is very easy.

Each task can be assigned to someone (so you can create tasks and assign them to another person) and inside each card, you can:

  • Attach images and files (from Drive, Dropbox or your own computer)
  • Create lists of subtasks that lead to completing the task.
  • Put an expiration date to the task.
  • Add a description to the task.
  • Put labels (which you must organize) to know at a glance what priority you have and/or what kind of task it is.
  • Add comments in which you can mention a partner.

The best of Trello:

  • Super intuitive and easy to use the tool. Also, at a glance, you can see how your work is going.
  • The free version covers the vast majority of the needs generated by a project manager.
  • It supports a large number of applications, such as Slack, Asana or Harvest.
  • It has a mobile App, and it is pretty good.

4. Wunderlist


In this list of tools for the management of tasks and projects, we could not miss Wunderlist. We are talking about a powerful online project manager that will allow you to create your task lists and organize them according to their importance. Wunderlist is also a very useful tool for collaborative work since it offers the option to delegate tasks to other members of the group. It has a simple and easy to use interface, and also allows you to customize the background to your needs.

The best of Wunderlist

  • Very easy to use. Enough for small projects
  • It is easy to use, has web and mobile apps and is free.
  • Easy, organized, and efficient

5. ProofHub

 ProofHub is a top-rated team collaboration and project management tool that is trusted by more than 85,000 teams and businesses worldwide for seamless planning, efficient execution, successful completion, and timely delivery of projects of all sizes.


Business giants like Netflix, Google, Nike, Disney, and Boeing have used ProofHub for streamlined work management and team coordination, and have found this tool to be of great use for in-office teams, remote teams, and hybrid teams.

ProofHub is rich in features yet incredibly simple to learn and an easy-to-use tool. ProofHub enables you to be more productive, and deliver more in less time through innovative features like Table View, Board View, Task Management, File Management, Custom Fields, Online Proofing, Time Tracking, Scheduling Calendar, and much more.

The Best of ProofHub

  •  A broad range of powerful tools put in one place
  • Fixed, affordable pricing plans
  • Bird’s-eye view of all tasks and projects
  • Task creation, allocation, and monitoring of tasks in a single place
  • Set time estimates, record time spent on tasks, and add timesheets
  • Filter, prioritize, and organize tasks with Table view
  • Manage task dependencies with Gantt charts
  • Stay updated on all activities with Notifications and Announcements
  • Scheduling calendar to organize your events, tasks, and milestones all at one place

Pricing: The affordable, fixed pricing of ProofHub suits the pockets of most small and medium businesses and teams. The Ultimate Control plan is loaded with all premium project management and team collaboration features and is priced at $89/month, billed annually. Surely, ProofHub offers more value for money than you invest in it.


These are the 4 top and the best work management tools, that will help us manage our daily tasks online.

To our trend, almost all the tools are available on both the desktop version and a mobile app. After using all these tools in our work environment, we feel Taskworld stands out with the kind of completeness and the practicality that it offers.

Of course, there is a very healthy competition between all these 4 tools. Different work environments may find different tools more suitable for them. So we would love to know which tool suits you or your company the most.

Once you used all the tools, let us know your feedback in the below comments section and let our readers choose the best one.

I hope this article will help you to choose the best work management tool to be more productive in your daily life. If you have any queries regarding any of the tools, let us know in the below comment section and we will get back to you to solve all your questions as soon as possible.


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