7 Best Content Marketing Resources

7 Best Content Marketing Resources

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So, you’ve launched a website and have already posted a series of awesome articles, but your effort doesn’t seem to have any effect? Well, you are not alone. This problem is pretty common among both new and experienced companies, but it can be solved if managed right. 

Obviously, the first thing to do is to reconsider your content marketing strategy, because it’s the cornerstone of your entire marketing success. However, there are also a few resources that can help you boost your traffic and establish yourself as a credible and authoritative source in the industry. 

Wondering what these resources are and how to make the most of them? If so, this article is for you. Further down, we’ll walk you through the best content marketing resources worth trying that can help you hone your content marketing efforts and reach long-term goals. 

1. HubSpot

First on the list is HubSpot, a comprehensive resource that covers everything related to inbound marketing, including content marketing. With an archive of over 7,000 blog posts, this source offers a wealth of information on how to create and optimize content that resonates with your target audience. 

However, it’s not only the educational part that makes HubSpot a useful resource. What’s also great is that it provides a wide range of content marketing tools that companies can use to drive their growth, including but not limited to:

  • Chatbots,
  • Popup tools,
  • A form builder,
  • WordPress plugins.

One of the most remarkable aspects is that the majority of their tools are available free of charge, making them highly accessible to users. Moreover, these tools are designed to seamlessly integrate with other software solutions, resulting in a multitude of advantages, such as the ability to perform real-time verification of customer data on chatbots, forms etc.

Aside from that, HubSpot provides its own CMS and automation platform that can help businesses streamline their content creation and distribution process. All of this makes it a one-stop destination for those who want to centralize everything on one platform and see quick traffic growth. 

2. Planable

Another great resource that content marketers can use is Planable. This tool is particularly handy for those who publish their articles, blogs, and microcopy across multiple channels and want to improve their workflow. Essentially, Planable is a cloud-based solution designed to help teams plan their content (hence the name). However, it is much more versatile than that. 

With the help of this tool, marketing teams can create and schedule their content for social media, as well as receive real-time updates and feedback on their copies from other team members, all without having to jingle between multiple platforms and tools. 

As a result, companies with good work instructions can boost their productivity, streamline collaboration on the team, and significantly improve the quality of their content while at the same time ensuring that each piece is published on time.

3. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute is a leading authority on content marketing. Their blog features articles and tutorials on how to create, publish, and distribute content that engages your audience and drives conversions

Additionally, they offer a range of resources, including research reports, webinars, and training courses. By attending these courses and watching live webinars, you can identify gaps in your content that can be improved and tweak your marketing strategy. 

4. Moz Blog

If you are not sure about whether your content is SEO-friendly, it can be helpful to start reading the Moz blog. It’s one of the best resources available that offers actionable advice on how to optimize your articles for search engines, as well as tips on creating enticing content that retains your audience. 

5. Grammarly

You may think that your articles are awesome, but if they haven’t been vetted for spelling mistakes, that could be the reason they are not attracting traffic. Today, it’s not enough to simply use keywords to make your content visible.

Google’s algorithms have become much more advanced and if they notice that the content contains errors, they will lower your site’s position. 

That’s where Grammarly can lend you a helping hand. By checking your articles with Grammarly, you’ll not only save yourself the embarrassment of posting poor-quality content but also make sure that your articles are informative and engaging, which will help increase your readership and lead to more sign-up and quality leads. 

6. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another tool that all marketing teams should be using. What’s great about it is that it can provide you with a full picture of your website performance, including what keywords it is ranking for, what pages are attracting the most traffic, and where you have a content gap. 

In addition, it offers a bundle of features for analyzing competitors’ performance, which is crucial in today’s competitive digital landscape. By analyzing the websites of your competitors, you can identify their strengths and weaknesses and use this information to improve your own performance.

7. BuzzSumo

Finally, if you’ve not been using BuzzSumo, it’s time to start. It’s a powerful research and analysis tool that can help you identify the most popular content in your industry, as well as the influencers who are sharing it. 

In addition, it can be used to track content metrics such as shares, likes, and backlinks, which can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy for the best results. 

Want to know which headlines are driving the most traffic? BuzzSumo can help. Not only will it give you a detailed report on the pieces of content that have the most attention-grabbing headlines, but it will also help curate it, ensuring you share it with the audience most likely to be interested in it.

SEO Hong Kong Company can use BuzzSumo to identify popular content in their industry and influencers who are sharing it. They can also track content metrics and curate content that resonates with their target audience

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the path toward creating a content marketing strategy that generates traffic is not always easy and straightforward, and it may take some try and error before you get it right. 

Moreover, it’s not something that can be done once. Therefore, teams that want to be competitive in the market should keep a close eye on the marketing trends and make tweaks to their strategies from time to time. 

In this article, we’ve covered some of the most popular resources and tools that marketers can use to boost traffic. If you’ve not been using them already, you should definitely give them a try.