How to Create a Secure Password, According to Science

How to Create a Secure Password, According to Science

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Researchers from different American universities have carried out a study to discover how to create a safe password according to science.

How to Create a Secure Password, According to Science

There are many people who hack social media accounts, email, applications and other services for fun or for a purpose. Currently, cyber attacks to subtract user access data are booming, so creating a secure password is vital to prevent hackers from accessing our profile.


Although you have certainly heard different tips to create a secure password, many of them are not based on scientific criteria. For example, one of the most widespread indicates that you have to create complicated passwords, which combine numbers, letters, punctuation and other symbols. However, at the moment of truth this type of keys are difficult to remember, so users end up reusing the same codes.

Create a Secure and Strong Password According to Science

A few months ago, the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States (NIST) launched new recommendations to create strong codes based on studies and case studies, and now a study carried out by a team of researchers from different American universities gives us other tips to create strong passwords according to science.

These scientists have analyzed how different password cracking approaches work to better understand the method used by attackers to guess the keys. Criminals use computer programs that allow them to make millions or even billions of assumptions in a few hours, allowing them to finish deciphering them.

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The process can begin by testing the most popular dictionary words, then adding a number or a symbol, the first letter with capital letters, and so on. Once they have given the password, attackers can try entering it to access other user accounts, since many people reuse their credentials.

Bearing this in mind, when choosing a strong code, users have to focus not only on what is difficult for a human to guess but on what is difficult for a machine to understand. To achieve this, the researchers leave us the following recommendations to create a secure password:

  • Use long keys that contain at least 12 characters and mix two or three different types of letters (lowercase letters, capital letters, digits and symbols) in unpredictable places (not at the end or at the beginning).
  • Avoid including the names of people, pets, places you have lived, sports teams, dates of birth or things you like. Do not use common phrases or lyrics.
  • Avoid common or easily decipherable patterns (ABC, 123, etc.) or keyboard patterns (qwerty, 1qazxsw2, etc.).
  • A good way to create a secure password is to compose a sentence that nobody has said before and use the first or second letter of each word as a password, mixing it with other types of characters. So you can easily remember it and it will be very difficult to decipher it for a machine.
  • Never reuse passwords.

This is how we create a secured and strong password in order to prevent hacking. I hope this article will help you to form a strong password. If you have any queries let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to you to solve all your queries as soon as possible.