Digital Content to Promote Your Business: What It Is, Types, and Examples

Digital Content to Promote Your Business: What It Is, Types, and Examples

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The digital area has many sides to give opportunities to businesses to communicate with customers and promote themselves. It is key to reach your audience and one of the strongest tools, and it increases engagement with our brand.

Digital Content to Promote Your Business: What It Is, Types, and Examples

Beyond writing articles in a blog, there are other very attractive types of content that you should integrate into your content strategy, and in this text, we show you several of them.

Whether types of content you chose, the main thing is the content should be valuable, unique, and attractive to visitors. Plus, don’t forget consistency as well. Luckily, you can subscribe to on-demand graphic design services to create graphics on different digital platforms and make them consistent throughout.

Blog Posts

Blog helps your brand establish yourself as an authority in your industry, increase your online presence, create leads, and rank high on search engines.

Remember that the role of blogs is not to sell your product or service but to create interest and trust in your brand, so it is suggested to make academic, informative, and essential posts for your target audience.

Oh, and don’t forget to use all your creativity!

When you decide to create blog content, you probably need a content writer, a copywriter, or a writing helper online. They will help write high-quality posts for your website, make a content plan, and create a topic list.


An infographic combines images and written content that is informative and simple to understand to give information in a very summarized and visual way. It attracts your customers’ attention and is simple to communicate.

Infographics are one of the most straightforward ways to send content and give value to your users since their purpose is to make everyone understand the information exposed.

It is shared three times more in communities and forums than other types of content. It is incredible for generating leads, maximizing your website’s authority, and making your brand stronger.

In addition to the above, infographics can increase your online traffic by 12%, and, as a relevant aspect, Google searches for this kind of digital content have increased 25 times in the last 5 years.


Video is undoubtedly one of the most attractive and exciting types of digital content today and therefore has a particular space within content marketing.

It is increasingly difficult to reach your potential users and capture their attention with static content.

It happens because individuals today are trying to find simple and agile content to understand, and videos are the unique utility to capture their attention.

A quality video made with Film Impact Premiere Pro video transitions also has a higher interaction rate and organic reach in search and communities than other formats.

You can use Promo video ad maker to create professional looking videos at a fraction of the cost.

So, making quality videos is a significant and productive investment, mainly for social media content, email marketing, online digital advertising, and websites.


A podcast is a digital audio or video content that can be listened to or downloaded from the Internet. It usually has a radio program format that talks about a current topic or topics of interest to a particular audience in each chapter.

A podcast can be posted on your website or blog and other platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, Spreaker, or Ivoox, for example.

It is expected that its use will increase exponentially, mainly due to the massive use of smartphones as a recurring means of internet access and the amount of content that appears every day in the USA.

The use of podcasts is more focused on building loyalty among your potential users and promoting your content.

You can make podcasts on attractive topics, news in the area or offer the alternative of listening to your blog contents in audio format.


A webinar is a talk, lecture, workshop, course, or seminar in video format delivered live over the Internet.

Fundamentally it is a direct face-to-face with your target and selected audience, which builds trust and closeness with your followers.

Webinars usually have an educational and training approach. Still, with the usual objective of capturing new leads, you would need to develop a particular offer or lead magnet for those who will stay until the end of your webinar, among other things.

This offer can be a downloadable or an offer of your product or service, among other ideas.


A checklist is a series of steps you should offer to your regular customer to solve a need. A list can be a publication in your blog, a PDF, or an email that has a sequence of things or very explained steps that your user must carry out at the moment of solving his doubt or problem.

Besides being of great help, it is a format with a very grateful reception by the audience.


A newsletter is an email distributed periodically, whether daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or when you have something attractive to send or communicate.

Newsletters usually consist of different articles or content of interest to your subscribers about your company’s updates, sector, or current news.

Each newsletter should have a well-defined purpose, whether it is informative or transformational.

If a newsletter has numerous objectives, it will make it challenging to fulfill any of them, and the user will not know which link to click on or will be overwhelmed by the information you send and will skip your newsletter.


Here were the most common types of digital content. You can choose which you admin the most appropriate one for your business strategy. Remember about your targets and don’t forget about the quality. Good luck in promoting your business!


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