A Short Guide to the Evolution of Coding Languages

A Short Guide to the Evolution of Coding Languages

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How the Programming Languages Have Evolved?

Everything that you see on the internet did not just pop out of thin air. It is the outcome of days of vigorous work put in by qualified programmers. Over the years, coders have stumbled upon a variety of programming languages, each with its own sets of pros and cons.

That is what we are going to address in this article. We will tell you about how programming languages were made to spearhead mankind’s advancement in the path of technological progress.


Java is a programming language that is object-oriented and class-based. It was first released in 1995 by a programmer known as James Gosling. The best thing about Java is that it is comparatively easier to learn than other languages. Additionally, it ensures compatibility just like HTML5 does.

When a site is programmed with Java or HTML5, it is found to be compatible with smartphones, tablets, desktops as well as laptops. The site is also able to accommodate all the major operating systems like Android, Linux, iOS, and Windows.

This is why OTT platforms, food delivery apps, digital wallets, social networking sites, and even online gaming always use Java and HTML to ensure maximum accessibility. As Java is very adaptable to any computer, it is the preferred language for mobile casinos.

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This programming language was invented in Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie and it was launched in 1972-1973. There was a significant increase in its popularity during the 1980s.

C is a general-purpose language used for the creation of structured programs. It is among the top 2 coding languages in The Importance of Being Earnest Index, a.k.a., TIOBE Index.


C++ is an extension of C which was developed by a Danish man called Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985. It has been standardized by the International Organization for Standardization, a.k.a., ISO.

Experts suggest that C++ can be considered a superset of C. There are 32 keywords in C whereas there are 63 keywords in C++.


Javascript is a language that was established in 1995 by Brendan Eich who worked at the Netscape Communications Corporation in America. The vast majority of the online platforms providing digital marketing services use this language.

It is to be duly noted that Java and Javascript are 2 different languages. Java may be relatively more extensive but Javascript or JS is much more suitable for interactive applications.

It is widely believed that JS is slightly harder to learn than Java and Python. JS is lightweight and the syntax is more relaxed.


The full form of the term ‘HTML’ happens to be ‘Hyper-Text Markup Language’ and this programming language was launched in the year of 1993. It was developed by a group of programmers who referred to themselves as the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group or WHATWG.

Over the years, newer versions have been released and the best one, is the latest release, i.e., the fifth version called HTML5. It was released in the year 2008 and it is much more mobile-friendly.


Many believe Python is one of the five most in-demand coding languages in the world as of now. It is a high-level programming language that was developed by the Python Software Foundation in 1991. This language is multi-paradigm and it focuses on imperative procedures.

Python is highly effective when it comes to automation and analytics. That is why its applications are not just limited to the domain of computer science; but also, different fields like science and commerce.

Experts are of the opinion that Python is a programming language that is easy to understand but difficult to master. It is ideal for amateur programmers because of its usability and simplicity.

Final Thoughts

In the future, it is expected that code will end up becoming irrelevant, thanks to machine learning. Artificial Intelligence will lead to a new type of programming where code will not be needed because the procedures will become much more streamlined.

Governments are keenly observing the ongoing situation and preparing for the times to come. It seems that the future indeed seems to have a lot of interesting developments in store.


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