How Fast is Your USB Drive? Discover with These Free Tools

How Fast is Your USB Drive? Discover with These Free Tools

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Do you know that we can check the speed of our USB drive? Many of us do not know how to check the speed of our USB drive and we don’t even think about it. But, it is important to check your USB drive before buying to get the most out of it. Today, we will show you some applications that allow you to check the speed of a USB memory in Windows.

List of the Free and Accesible Tools to Check the Speed of a USB Drive

To know the actual speed of both reading and writing a USB memory, let us consider using some of the free applications which are mentioned below. 


Free Tools to Check the Speed of your USB Drive

These are the very simple tools to handle and allow any user to check and know the speed of their USB drive. Let us see what are those tools. 

USB Flash Benchmark

USB Flash Benchmark is the best tool to check the reading and writing speed performances for a USB memory drive. It has a very spontaneous interface and is also the application for checking the performance of USB memory that more tests performed to verify the actual speed of our device.

Specifically, it carries out up to a total of 15 tests to verify the read and write speeds of USB memory in different situations. The results obtained can be consulted from the tool itself, but Benchmark Flash USB also gives the option to share them with a link to have them always accessible. You can download Benchmark Flash USB from this same link.


USBDeview is one of the applications developed by one of the most popular companies in which it has the development of free portable applications refers, Nirsoft. In this case, it is a tool capable of listing all the USB devices connected to our computer, listing the ones that have been used previously, showing the manufacturer’s details, offering the possibility to enable, disable or uninstall the devices and run speed tests for each of them. 


Check Flash

It is another alternative for this type of applications and the most advanced USB memory speed testing tool. However, this does not mean that it is a difficult tool to handle. Check Flash has three different test modes, several types of tests for reading and writing, different levels of tests, etc. It takes a longer time to give us results, especially if more thorough testing is done. 

That is it!. This is all about the tools to test the reading speed and writing speed of a USB drive. I hope this article helps you to test the performance of your USB drive.

If you know any other methods other than these tools which are mentioned above, let us know in the below comment section. After thorough research, we will include those in our article in the next update.

If you have any queries, write them in the comment section below. We will get back to you to solve all your queries as soon as possible.

Which tool do you use to test your USB drive writing and reading speed?