A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Simple Web API Using .Net

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Simple Web API Using .Net

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The modern lifestyle is almost solely dependent on the internet and smartphones. With the help of the internet, we get everything done. According to statistics, 4.95 billion people worldwide use the internet, accounting for 62.5 percent of the global population. So, if you are a business owner who wants to reach millions of people in no time, digital marketing is the only option. If you want to make the best use of digital marketing, you will need to develop web pages and mobile applications for your business.

So, if you want to build an app or a website, getting the assistance of the ASP.NET Web API framework is very advantageous. It’s handy and convenient. The ambiguity is less. Additionally, it is possible to get access to logging and DI containers without getting help from any additional libraries. This attribute saves time and lets a developer focus on developing better code rather than evaluating and picking the most appropriate libraries.

What Is Asp.Net Web API?

The ASP.NET Web API is a framework that allows you to create simple processes to provide HTTP services. HTTP services that are easily built become available to a wide range of consumers. These become accessible from different systems, including browsers and mobile devices. On the.NET Framework, ASP.NET Web API serves as an excellent foundation for developing RESTful apps. 7.7% of all webpages with server-side programming languages utilize ASP.NET.

The Asp.Net framework is very famous. The use of the same is very prevalent among the developers too. Visual Studio makes it extremely uncomplicated for.Net developers to construct attractive Asp.Net apps. It not only supports scripting languages but also reinforces languages such as C#, J#, VB, etc.

The Advantages of Using Asp.Net to Create a Simple Web

  • One of the key advantages of using Asp.Net is that it runs applications faster and more smoothly than interpreted languages. Since Asp.Net is a server-side framework, it allows for analysis of the code on the Windows server. Later, it proceeds to the web browser.
  • Early binding, JIT compilation, cache services, and native optimization are all components of ASP.Net. These exclusive features help you achieve the desired level of performance. If you wish to avoid launch latency, you shouldn’t be using JIT with .Net. Alternatively, you can use AOT.
  • The Asp.Net framework serves as a language-neutral technology. So, it lets you use any type of programming language to build your application.
  • NET is a comprehensive framework that ensures full endorsement of XML, CSS, and other new and existing web standards protocols.
  • It requires a large amount of coding and writing in vast programming languages to create huge applications. However, the use of Asp.Net minimizes the number of lines of code
  • The .Net applications allow the use of identical Common Language Specification data types. This makes the transformation of type unnecessary while employing.Net methods
  • Net is simple to set up since it possesses integral setting information. The ingrained feature of configuration information makes it inessential to enroll components.

Four Simple Steps to Create a Simple asp.net Web API Service


The prerequisites should be ready before you start the process. Otherwise, you won’t be able to proceed further smoothly. You need to have either Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 to develop this HTTP service. Having MVC 4.0 is also essential to complete the task. Microsoft MVC 4.0 for Visual Studio 2010 is available for download from Microsoft. This step also includes recruiting a trustworthy developer for your task. You can hire .Net developers from different online sources.

Produce Web API Project

  • Launch a “New Project” in Visual Studio by going to “File”
  • Select the option “New”
  • Click on the option “Project…”.
  • Select the “ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application” framework for your venture and label it “FirstWebAPIService.”
  • A new window will pop up when you hit the “OK” button. This will allow you to pick a sub-template. Apparently, there are several sub-options for ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications. Examples include Empty, Internet Applications, Web APIs, and so on.
  • Simply pick “Web API” and tap on the “OK” button.
  • The configuration for the generic ASP.NET MVC 4 Web API template is generated. As it is an MVC application template, the “Model,” “View,” and “Controller” directories are easily accessible.

Build a Domain Model

This step involves preparing the model. This is one of the most crucial steps in this development process. The following sub-steps will convey how to complete the task:

  • Use a right-click on the “Model” directory.
  • Go to the context menu
  • Select the sub-option “Class” from that context menu.
  • Label the class “Product. cs”

Incorporating the Controller Class

The Controller class serves as one of the most pivotal factors. This is regarded as one of the crucial features because the initial enrollment of the client requests is channeled through the controller. The controller then chooses which model to utilize in order to satisfy the incoming client requests. To add a controller, follow these steps:

  • Press right-click on the “Controller” folder.
  • Select “Add” from the context menu.
  • Choose “Controller” from the context menu.
  • Label the controller with the name “ProductsController.”
  • Next, hit the “Add” button to add a new controller class.

If the goal is to keep the sample basic, it is always a preferable option to feed the model with data. The loading of data should be done within this controller rather than from a database. This will contribute to keeping things simple.

It is also advisable to remember to include “using FirstWebAPIService.Models” towards the top of the controller class.

After you are done completing the process, it is time to check if everything is well-versed to run an application. Press “CTRL+F5” to see the outcome.


ASP.NET is presently one of the first choices for web development. A large number of skilled engineers and software development organizations are using the ASP.NET framework to develop online ventures. In the United States, there are now around 165,194 .NET developers actively working. So, it can be evident that if you want to avail HTTP services for web development purposes, you can look for experienced and skilled.NET developers. They will employ the aforementioned simple steps to get your job done.


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