How to optimise Internal links to improve SEO and Blog Rankings

How to optimise Internal links to improve SEO and Blog Rankings

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We used to give a lot of internal links in every blog post of our website/blog right.

Tips in Optimizing Internal links to improve SEO and Blog Ranking 2021

Do you ever think how that will help our blog to rank on the top of the Google search engine? or Exactly how many internal links should be given in every post? and Where to give the internal links in our content and website? or How it will help to increase blog ranking as per SEO?. Well, today I am going to explain about the Internal linkage, its importance in the positioning and optimisation of our webs.
This tutorial will help you to optimise your website or blog with the perfect structure of the Internal links and increases the user visibility and improves the rankings of the website. Let’s get into the article now.

What is internal linking?

Well, for many this question is an everyday thing, but for part of the audience may not.

The internal linking, or internal bonding, are the links that we have in our webs pointing to internal pages of the same domain.

This means that, if we are browsing the web, and we click on the top navigation menu, we will be making use of an internal link. If we are browsing for a category of an e-commerce, when we click on a photo of a product, we arrive at its used tab an internal link that is assigned to the photo.

The definition is simple, but let’s see a little more in depth, what types of internal links we have, why it is important for our positioning and how to work this type of optimisation in our projects.

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How important is Internal Linking for SEO?

As you can imagine, internal links have a vital role for site navigation. Users could not go from one section to another without these links, but not only is important to the user, the robots of Google, run our web and go through all these internal links unless we say otherwise clear.

  • Anchor text optimisation: Of course, since we have the possibility to create these links we will give them an orientation, an optimisation focus for the landing page. If our anchor text of the internal links is optimised, we are giving signals to the robot on the page to which it is going to arrive.
  • Link juice distribution: Another basic aspect. Links are the channels that transfer authority between pages. Your website receives authority on certain pages through external links and we have to redistribute it among the sections that interest us most in our website. This is done through internal linking and is one of the main mechanisms we have to increase or decrease the authority of the pages of our site.
  • Movement of visitors: Eye, that links are not for robots, are for users. The internal links move the traffic of visitors to our site, something that generates positive signals, increases page views, retains the user for a longer time … all this as long as the content is what you are demanding clearly.
  • They facilitate the crawling: Another important point is the access that we give the robot to the different pages of our web. If we have an URL from our website that does not receive any links, it will be very difficult for the robot to end up passing through it and it will be practically impossible to the user unless he accesses it externally or directly.

Types of internal links

As with the external links, we can give a specific relation informing the robot if we want it to follow the said link or not. This is done using the label rel = “dofollow” or rel = “nofollow”.

Here, there is enough discussion regarding its use in internal links, different sources of Google have fallen into contradictions.

One of the main uses of internal links “nofollow” is usually those that link to the pages of Contact, Legal Notice, General Conditions … these pages receive many internal links since their access is usually located in the footer and this is present in all and each of the pages of our website. To avoid concentrating authority on these pages, they are assigned the label that I have told you.

Well, this week John Mueller was asked about this issue and the answer was quite the opposite. His recommendation is that we leave these types of pages with common links because Google is able to identify such pages and there is no need to limit access to the robot. Also, when you use these types of links, the transferring authority is lost, something we do not want either.

Main Link Areas

The internal links have more or less weight on the web depending on a series of issues that Google takes into account in one of its patents, Reasonable Surfer.

  • Navigation menu: Obviously these links are absolutely necessary for users, thanks to them they can easily navigate through the sections of our website. In the face of SEO, these links are not as important as they are repeated on every page.
  • Sidebar and footer: Just like the links in the menu, its incidence in SEO is limited but I do not say that it is null.
  • The body of the page: This is the section that has more impact on the level of SEO for internal links. They are unique links that have a precise use and therefore have a higher value. Let’s see, quickly, the weight of the links within the content.

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In the patent I mentioned previously, we have a series of points that give greater weight or relevance to these internal links so that Google understands that they are “clickable” links:

  • Font size in anchor text. The larger the size, the more options to be clicked.
  • The position of the link on the page. If the link is in the above fold (the visible part of the page before doing scroll)
  • Position the link in a list. If we have a list of links, the first will have a greater weight than the following.
  • Incitement to the click of the anchor text. The more actionable the anchor the more weight it has.
  • A number of words that make up the link. If we link a paragraph or long phrase, we are increasing the clickable surface.

These are some of the concepts that are dealt with.

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My final recommendations

To close the program, let’s go with some of the internal linking strategy recommendations.

Linked to category pages: Whether you work on a blog or an e-commerce, your category pages must have a unique text that allows you to optimise and focus on that page. This text is ideal for including internal links pointing to lower categories or articles or reference products.

  • Links in the first paragraph: When working on a blog post, my recommendation is that in the first paragraph you include a link to the page that you want to promote.
  • It uses natural anchor: There is a tendency to use anchor text super optimised in the internal links, and, although it is certain that it has less risk, to generate a link between your pages that is almost identical is something more than suspicious.
  • Do not go beyond links: As with outgoing, I do not recommend that you put too many links pointing to other pages as this will greatly reduce their power.

This is all about the Internal Linking and its importance in the SEO. I hope this article helps you to optimise the Internal links and rank on top of the Search Engine.
If you have any queries regarding Internal links, let us know in the below comments.
Which strategy do you use to optimize your Internal links?