What happens on the Internet For every 60 seconds

What happens on the Internet For every 60 seconds

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Did you know that every minute 3.5 million searches are performed on Google? Can you imagine how much money is spent online per minute? Discover everything that happens on the internet in 60 seconds.

Explanatory Guide on the Movement of the Internet for Every 60 Seconds

The addiction to technology alone is increasing, and need not go far to prove it. Almost each person spends on average of 5 hours per day in the Whatsapp, the popular messaging service already boasts  1,000 million active users per day.


Facebook recently reached 2 billion active users per month, a bestial figure that has only been growing since the launch of the social network in 2004. This is a chilling fact if it is represented in percentages: 25% of the world population logs on to Facebook at least once a month. That is, a quarter of the world’s population actively uses Mark Zuckerberg’s social network.

We know data on daily and monthly activity in social networks, but what happens in a minute on the internet? It seems ridiculous to be interested in such figures, what could happen in just 60 seconds? The answer will surprise you.

In one minute 3.5 million searches are performed on Google, 900,000 users log in to Facebook and 4.1 million videos on YouTube. But that’s not all, in just 60 seconds you spend $ 751,522 online, download 342,000 apps and send 452,000 tweets.

Surprised? There’s even more. Every minute you see 70,0017 hours of Netflix, you hear 40,000 hours of music in Spotify and 46,200 posts are published on Instagram. The network connection is also constant. 990,000 profiles are slid in Tinder.

Email and text messages have not lost popularity: 156 million emails and 16 million text messages are sent in one minute.

Thus, GIFs are becoming a more frequent way of expressing emotions and communicating: every minute users exchange 15,000 GIFs in Facebook messenger. And there’s always time to get the most professional side on the web, creating 120 new accounts on LinkedIn a minute.

What happens on the Internet every 60 seconds?

Discover what else happens on the net every minute in the infographics elaborated by Visual Capitalist:

This is what happens on the Internet for every 60 seconds in 2017


This is what happened on the Internet for every 1 minute in 2016

In summary, I will mention in a points manner to understand easily.

  • The Google search engine makes 694 445 queries
  • 6600 images are uploaded to Flickr
  • 600 videos are uploaded to YouTube, which is equivalent to 25 or more hours of content
  • 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on social networking site Facebook
  • 70 New domains are registered
  • 168 million emails are sent
  • 320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on social network Twitter
  • 13, 000 iPhone applications are downloaded
  • 20,000 new posts are published in blogs
  • The Firefox browser is downloaded more than 1700 times
  • 50 times download the popular WordPress platform blogging
  • 100 accounts are created on professional networking site LinkedIn
  • 40 new questions are asked on the site YahooAnswers.com
  • 100 questions are asked on Answers.com
  • A new definition is added on UrbanDictionary.com
  • 1200 new ads are created on Craigslist
  • 370,000 minutes of voice calls are done by Skype users

Awesome isn’t it? I hope this article helps you to gain some Internet knowledge. If you think this would be useful for others, share this article with them. If you have any queries regarding the above infographics, let us know in the below comment section. We will get back to you to solve all your questions as soon as possible.
What do you think about these statistics of Internet in every 60 seconds?