Investor Visa Tips to Set Up an B2B Venture in Italy

Investor Visa Tips to Set Up an B2B Venture in Italy

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Setting up a B2B venture is more complex than establishing a consumer-focused company. You deal directly with corporate decision-makers instead of customers, so you can well imagine the effort of convincing them to seal the deal. Things can get even more daunting if you plan to establish a B2B company overseas. However, nothing should stop you from achieving your dreams if you are passionate about them.

Choosing Italy as a global destination for your B2B enterprise is an excellent idea as the country has immense opportunities. You can land easily with the investor visa to get a quick start. If you want to understand this immigration alternative inside out, here is a detailed guide by Bersani Law Firm to help. But you may still have some apprehension about going ahead with the project. Let us share some investor visa tips to make your journey a breeze.

Opt for the right investment alternative

B2B businesses typically have immense funding requirements to get off the mark. The idea of spending millions on immigration may sound painful when running on a tight budget. Although the Italian investor visa entails investment, it is within reach because the minimum funding requirement is €250,000. You can check other alternatives with heftier investment amounts, but it is easy to get in with thousands rather than millions.

Have the funds ready for landing

B2B launch requires a great deal of planning, and the last thing you want to struggle with is immigration hassles. The investor visa process is a breeze as you can start it with bank statements as proof of funds. But remember to have the funds ready on landing because you have to bring the committed investment within three months of obtaining your residence permit. Missing the deadline is risky as it can lead to the revocation of the residence permit.

Tap the B2B markets across the EU

Once you invest the funds, you can go ahead with the launch of your enterprise. But the journey actually begins from here as you can go bigger and broader by tapping the B2B markets across the EU. Flying to these countries to meet clients is easy as you need not go through visa hassles, being an Italian resident. You can travel to match the schedules of corporate leaders, making it easy to pick opportunities as they come.

Stay for good as a citizen

Setting up a B2B venture abroad takes a lot of hard work and strategic planning. You will probably want to stay for good once your business gains footing. The investor visa opens up citizenship prospects after an extended stay for a decade in the country.

You only need to keep your investment intact and renew your permits to reach the qualifying stage for citizenship by naturalization. You can even bring your loved ones with no additional investment in the beginning, and they qualify for a second passport as well.

Setting up a B2B venture in Italy is not as challenging as you imagine, provided you get a good start with immigration. Follow these investor visa tips to cruise through the journey.

Author bio: Isabella Taylor works as the content and marketing head at Submitcore. She is an experienced content writer and specializes in business and legal niches. It interests her to find different ways of growing business in various countries. So, she checks for the legal requirements and pens down the same information for her audience in an easy-to-understand language.