Proven Link Building Techniques for New Businesses to Thrive

Proven Link Building Techniques for New Businesses to Thrive

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Online marketing is vital to get your new business off the mark. The good thing is that you can rely on organic link building to consolidate your online presence without breaking the bank. A robust strategy gets quality backlinks for your new website and propels up the search rankings.

It means you can reach at par with the industry leaders and competitors by focusing on your backlink profile. But it is easier said than for a beginner with limited knowledge and cash constraints.

Luckily, you can follow some viable strategies to overcome these challenges and achieve your link-building goals. Here is the best advice new business owners can rely on.

Leverage guest posting

Think beyond the old-school tactics like directory links, link exchanges, and microsites because they do more harm than good in the long run. As Google algorithms evolve, relevance and authority become the cornerstone of quality backlinks.

The best way to achieve them is by leveraging guest blogging opportunities on niche-relevant, high-authority placements. Experts at outreach monks recommend looking for top bloggers in your industry, pitching them, and providing quality content to get backlinks from them. Guest posting boosts your ranking and gives exposure to relevant audiences.

Use social media platforms

New businesses can get quick results by using social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are the most popular options, though you can pick a mix according to your target audience. Building backlinks across these platforms is easy as you only need to share valuable posts and content your audience will want to read. Creating an engaging profile is a good idea as it entices the users to click and land on your site.

Be selective with anchor text

Choosing the right anchor text is the key to winning the link-building game as a startup. Remember to use highly-searched niche keywords instead of random words and phrases.

But they should be natural and relevant because Google can instantly recognize unnatural ones and penalize them. Opt for long-tailed keywords and diversify as much as possible when using them for link building. The more diverse your anchor text gets, the stronger your backlink becomes.

Prioritize quality content

Content is a game-changer when it comes to backlinks. You cannot expect the readers to click until they find value in the content. Value comes from trending, evergreen topics and in-depth information that resolves a problem or answers a query. Search engines also prioritize content for ranking websites.

The best option for new businesses is to collaborate with a link building agency that offers content marketing services as a part of the package. The great thing about quality content is that it gets you guest blogging opportunities, creates trust, and retains the audience for the long haul.

The final piece of advice for new businesses is to be consistent with link building because it is not a set-and-forget activity. Invest in good ones today, and consolidate by building more down the line to get your startup ahead of the established competitors.