Verify Your PayPal Account For Free with These Easy Steps

Verify Your PayPal Account For Free with These Easy Steps

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Most of the online transactions are made through a trusted network PayPal. Many of them are already using it freely without any issues. But few of them are facing few issues while creating a PayPal account online.

Free Ways to Login, Signup, Create, and Verify PayPal Accounts Online

In general, PayPal doesn’t allow Indian users to send payments from one PayPal account to another PayPal account within India.

PayPal allows users to send and receive payments to the countries only. If you are from India there is another limitation i.e., for Indian users, the payments are auto withdrawn once the payments are received to the account.

To receive such payments you need to link your bank account. For this, I am going to share a neat tutorial regarding how to log in, Signup, Create and Verify PayPal Account Online for free without any issues. For this just follow the steps below to create a PayPal account online for free. Let us get into the article. login-signup-create-verify-paypal-account-online-free

Can I also create a personal PayPal account for my online transactions as a private user?

Of course. In fact, this platform is the most used one to open this type of accounts.

If you are wondering why, I encourage you to continue reading until the end and see the number of advantages of having a PayPal account, in addition, you will discover that there are hardly any drawbacks.

However, as you know, I always like to start from the beginning, so if you are still one of the few who do not know about this fantastic online platform for sending/receiving money, I will start by telling you exactly what it is:

What is PayPal?

Paypal is the best-known network and used as Internet payment platform worldwide. To this day it is a super safe mechanism for both buyers and sellers and very easy to use.

PayPal is an online payment system, which is used to make money transfers between users and/or companies, without the need to share financial information of any of the 2 parts.

It is an alternative to traditional methods, such as money orders or checks, and was born as a result of the misgivings that existed a few years ago in relation to making purchases and other economic transactions through the Internet.

In other words, PayPal is a kind of virtual wallet through which it is possible to perform all types of monetary operations without the need to provide personal or banking information in each of the platforms with which these transactions are carried out.

This payment processor saves and protects the data of its users and acts as an intermediary between both parties, taking a small commission in exchange.

What were the origins of the PayPal company?

The multinational PayPal is of American origin, called Paypal Holdings, Inc. and is headquartered in San Jose (California). It was founded in 1998 under the name of Confinity, and in 2000 it merged with, one year later, adopt the name with which it has spread all over the world and is still known today.

It must adhere to the rules of the US Treasury Department and the Financial Services Authority of the European Union, although this, which in its beginnings (2002) was acquired by eBay and since 2015 is already an independent company, it does not work like a bank.

This payment system with which the US company operates, which at the beginning of 2017 exceeded 200 million active users, offers great security to those who use it, not only because of the rigid data protection policy that it implements.

Also because it watches over the interests of the buyers offering up to 2,500 US dollars as compensation in case certain setbacks arise, perfectly described in their conditions of use.

How does PayPal work exactly?

Through an automatic encryption system, and advanced anti-fraud systems that the company renews and reinforces periodically, the personal information of users who use it is perfectly safeguarded and safe from possible risks.

These, however, with the advances in computer security that have occurred in recent years, are becoming smaller.

It is important to re-emphasize that this platform does not function as a traditional bank, although it is governed by some common rules.

Currently, its services are exclusively dedicated to the payment of purchases and to the sending or reception of money in a safe manner and not to the saving of capitals like most banks.

This payment system, in short, does not offer any interest for the money that each user has deposited in his account.

Does PayPal charge any commission for transactions made?

For each transaction made, this platform charges the recipient of the money a commission that goes from approximately 1.9% to 3.4% plus extra $0.35.

Likewise, it also charges for applying the currency conversion in international operations. It is a variable rate that responds to the conditions of the foreign exchange market and that is usually between 2.5% and 4%.

However, this platform allows the currency exchange to be provided by the credit card entity in case the payment is to be made in a currency other than the main one.

In summary, PayPal only charges the seller the commission for using its platform as a collection system. All actions performed by a user with a buyer profile are completely free.

This American company leads the market of online payment systems and its turnover increases progressively. In fact, the latest data is that the company already exceeds 1,59,56,59,000.00 dollars.

A fact that has served to increase its value on the stock market until recently surpassing that of a giant like American Express.

Currently, its main competitors are Neteller, AlertPay, Moneybookers, Google Checkout, AliPay, Apple Pay and MercadoPago (in Latin America).

Advantages of using Paypal

There are many advantages of using PayPal, but I will only try to summarise those that I consider more important:

  • Creating an account is completely free.
  • Easy and convenient for buyers and sellers.
  • You can make payments as a fraction of a bank. This is especially useful if you want PayPal to turn every month a charge to the user, and all this automatically.
  • The payments that are made through PayPal are completely safe if you make a purchase that you do not receive or that does not match what you bought PayPal will refund the money in full. There is a guarantee of purchase, whether you are a buyer or if you are a seller, which makes it a system that you can trust.
  • It allows you to send and receive payments (money) in your currency or other currencies.

How to create or make a PayPal account

If you are already convinced to take the step and make a PayPal account, I will explain the necessary steps for its creation, and especially bearing in mind that there are 3 types of accounts;

Personal account

Designed for buyers. You can make payments for free and receive payments with certain limitations.

Premium account

Thought for sellers. You can receive payments for your Internet sales, including card payments, for reduced rates. In addition, you can make payments for free.

Business account

Created for companies. You can receive payments for your Internet sales, including card payments, for reduced rates. In addition, you can make payments for free.

Step by Step procedure to Login, Signup, Create and Verify PayPal Account Online for Free:

With this tutorial, you can easily log in, sign up, create and verify your PayPal account through online for free without any issues. Let us discuss one by one part of the PayPal account.

Step by Step procedure to Create a verified PayPal account:

Step 1:
Firstly open the official site of the PayPal and then click on the sign up now as shown in the below image.
Step 2:
After clicking on the signup button, there are two things to be decided in this step. For reference go through with the image as follows.

  • If you are using PayPal as Individual purpose, then get started with Individuals account.
  • If you are using PayPal for any business purpose, then get started with the Business account.

Select your account type as per your requirements and then click on continue.
Step 3:
As the process is different for both Individual and Business accounts, I will explain both of the processes to create an Individual PayPal account and Business PayPal account. Let us discuss the procedure of Individual Paypal account creation.

3.1 Procedure to create Individual PayPal Account Online for Free

Here, we are going to discuss only Individual PayPal account creation online for free. Get deep into the article as follows.
Step 1:
After selection of an Individual account in step 2, you will get the sign up for individual account form is shown on the screen as shown in the image below. Fill the form with all your details. See that all the details should be correct. Select your country name, Email address, Password and then click on continue.
Step 2:
After completing the step 1, there another form appears on the screen where you have to fill the details about yourself. It is must you have filled the form with correct details as this is related to payments. See the image below for the further details. Better to keep your PAN card or any identity proof to fill all these details. Fill the details as per on your PAN card. As you have to receive and send payments from your bank account, you have to fill all the details as per in the PAN card. Fill all the details and click on Agree and create an account.

Step 3:
In this step, you have to fill another form which appears on your screen. In this step, you have to link your credit or debit card to shop online and to send, receive payments. You can link your credit or debit card right away or else you can do it later.
When you click on I’ll link my card late, it asks for confirmation. To confirm click on “Yes! Skip it”.
Step 4:
That’s all the account is successfully created. After the completion of step 3, the screen appears with the login page. Log in to your PayPal account with the password. The screen appears as the image below.

Here, you have to complete few tasks to receive payments as per Indian regulations. To complete these tasks click on the notifications as shown in the image with the number 1.  Also, you have to complete the profile with basics. Such as linking up your credit or debit card, confirm the mobile number, confirm email address and link your bank account. See the above image for the confirmation and it is denoted with number 2.

Step 5:

Complete all the four tasks appeared on your screen.
Complete the above four tasks as follows. The tasks completion procedure is as follows.

  1. Provide PAN: Click on Start. There appears a screen to enter your PAN card number. Enter the PAN card number correctly and then click on Submit. See the image below for the clear view. submit-pan-card-paypalOnce you click on submit button, PayPal asks you for the confirmation of Name. The name given in PayPal account should match your PAN card. See that name is given correctly. That’s all the PAN card is successfully verified. Go back to the task board to complete the remaining tasks.pan-card-verified-paypal-account
  2. Confirm Email:  Go to your Gmail account. There PayPal sends you can Email. Confirm your PayPal account by click on the link provided by the PayPal.
  3. Add bank account: Click on Start. There appears a form where you have to enter your Bank account number and its IFSC code. See the image below for the clear view. paypal-bank-account-linkupAfter filling all the details click on Review. Check all the details are correct and then click on submit. That’s all your account is linked to receive payments. There are few important points you must read. See the below image. PayPal will transfer 2 small deposits to your bank account. You have to enter those two small amounts to verify your bank account. bank-deposits-paypal-account After login to your account, your screen shows you to confirm your bank account as shown in the image below. Click on that and enter the two small amounts which PayPal deposited in your account. Enter an exact number and then confirm it. Your account will be verified. confirm-bank-deposits-paypal
  4. Provide Purpose Code: Click on Start. Select the purpose code. See the image below. purposecode-paypal Select purpose code and click on Save button. If you want you can change your purpose code anytime.purposecode-successfull-paypal-accountOnce all the tasks are completed. There shows Green Tick mark, resembles the task is completed. As shown in the below image.completed-tasks

That’s all the PayPal account is successfully created without any issues. If you have any issues while creating your own PayPal account online, let us know in your comments below. We will help you with our replies.

3.2 Procedure to create Business PayPal Account Online for Free

Here, I am going to share about the creation of PayPal Business account online for free. The procedure is as follows.
Step 1:
Select the Business account and then click on continue.
Step 2:
There appears a form where you have to fill all your business details. Then click on continue for the next step.
Step 3:
In this step, you have to fill with your Email address, password and choose your security questions. After filling all the details click on Agree and continue.
Step 4:
The next process is same as the individual account. Just follow the next steps as PayPal shows on your screen. If you have any doubts let me know in your comments below.

Steps to Log into the PayPal Account:

The process is regular one as we do for other accounts.

  • Go to
  • Click on Login
  • Enter your Email ID and password and then click on Log in

Is it possible to create a PayPal account without a card?

How you could see in the example above methods is possible, since we can make a PayPal account that is linked to a bank account.

Delete or close a Paypal account

Unsubscribe or close a PayPal account, as in almost all platforms is not in a very visible and easy to see the site, so if you want to close your account you have to go Profile>My account> Settings, and then scroll down to the last, there you will find the close your account. 
Click on the close your account, then it asks for confirmation. Click confirm to close your PayPal account.

How to integrate PayPal with your web page, blog or e-commerce

Integrating the payment system through PayPal into your web page or blog is very simple, and usually, comes integrated into the same solution of online store or e-commerce that you have used.
If instead, you want to sell info products or courses through PayPal on your blog or website you have 3 ways to do this;

1. Embedding the PayPal code directly into the website

This form is simple and does not require you to install any plugins but simply create your products to buy in PayPal and embed it in your web page or blog.

2. Easy Digital Downloads

A free plugin for WordPress and very easy to set up and start selling your digital products on the Internet without having an online store.

3. WooCommerce

Free and fantastic WordPress plugin to create a complete online store and with which you can sell both physical products and virtual products, all are perfectly integrated with the PayPal system.

That’s all. This is all about the PayPal. This is the clear tutorial to Login, Signup, Create and Verify your PayPal account online for free without any issues. If you face any issues in the process of creating an individual account or business account, feel free to ask all those questions in the comments below. We will respond to every query as soon as possible with possible answers.

If you have any queries regarding the creation of PayPal account, send or receive payments from PayPal account, let us know through the comment section below. We will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.

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