How Will the Metaverse Alter NexGen Marketing?

How Will the Metaverse Alter NexGen Marketing?

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When it comes to the future of online marketing, most people think persistently that SEO and SEM will hold ground. While this is true and Web 2.0 is a dominant stage for today’s online consumerism, NexGen marketing, and the Metaverse will alter that.

Let’s look at the Metaverse and how it can be the next milestone for NexGen marketing practices.

How can the Metaverse Change the Internet?

Imagine having a virtual replication of our world where a VR headset, sensor gloves, and headphones are at your disposal to immerse a user in a full-scale virtual reality experience. If the customer base grows in this virtual world, like the Metaverse, the marketing opportunities will soon expand.

Our way of perceiving the online world is still on the premises of web 2.0 where traditional online marketing through SEM and SEO best practices are being carried out every day for companies and individuals to build passive income.

While web 3.0 is not yet an existing concept, the way it can change marketing is virtual interaction and online consumerism. While web 2.0 and 3.0 will remain user-generated, 3.0 will be more interactive and captivating to human visuals and senses (thanks to things like Meta’s prototype hand gloves.)

The Monetization of Next Generation Marketing Practices in the Metaverse

Thanks to the ever-growing presence of our virtual worlds, the Metaverse will unfold the dreams and aspirations of those who planned on using VR tech and online platforms to transfer work and some daily chores to the virtual world.

While there is a long way to go for this technology, we can observe that it is digital art, which has taken over the world by storm with NFT’s or Non-fungible-tokens. While the opinion on NFT’s may be biased, it has opened the door for thousands of artists to sell their digital artwork and make dubious sums of money.

It is without a doubt that other niches will probably follow suit thanks to the display of virtual properties.

Virtual land could be the next gold rush, but in reality, it is what it can offer that makes it so valuable. One can build an entire business in the metaverse. Imagine a dropshipping company that purchases land in the Metaverse and redirects their users to the products they’re selling.

The company doesn’t have to bother with web hosting, UX, or UI practices. A buyer’s avatar can have their order made and have the physical or virtual product at their doorstep within days or weeks.

In a world where real estate prices are escalating beyond control and affordability, virtual worlds are a real opportunity for many to consider.

Is the Metaverse Here to Stay?

The short answer is: yes!

But not the way we expect. While Meta, Microsoft, Unity, Roblox, and many other companies have explained that the Metaverse will be a place for both leisure, work, and business from the comfort of our homes, the public perception is not yet open to these.

While the pandemic has given people to move out more, there is no denying that this sentiment will change once the pandemic will be less and less of a concern.

In the meantime, the various Metaverses built by billion-dollar companies will develop user experience and functionality in every aspect of our lives.

It will not be an Orwellian dystopia controlled by tech giants like Meta or Microsoft, but its impact will be gradually more and more tangible as we move into the midst of the 21st century.


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