Best Remote Jobs to Have During the Pandemic

Best Remote Jobs to Have During the Pandemic

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In early 2020, the world health organization (WHO) announced that a novel coronavirus had been identified and began spreading across the world, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die.

Governments quickly begin implementing travel bands and lockdown policies across the world. These policies lead schools, offices, and businesses to temporarily close their doors.

The majority of people had to start working online and, over a year later, that is still the case. Remote jobs became incredibly popular due to the pandemic and as people got used to working from home, many of them found it hard to get back to their daily routines once out of lockdown.

This article provides a shortlist of in-demand remote jobs that are perfect for people who got used to working from home and want to keep doing so.

Customer Service

Working in customer service is a great remote job. Most positions only require a high school degree or equivalent although some may require a college degree depending on the company you work for.

There is a wide range of opportunities in this field including call centers, retail work, government, technology, insurance, financial services, etc. working in customer service entails fielding complaints, providing details about the services or products the organization you work for offers, and being able to work independently with little oversight.

Remote customer service allows you to work from home and is highly flexible. You also don’t need a lot of experience because on-the-job training is provided by most companies.

Skills You Will Need Include:

A Quiet Work Environment

That is free from interruptions, this can be a home office or an otherwise quiet workspace

Technological Proficiency

As you will need to handle phone calls, video chat, email, as well as other remote communication platforms

High-Speed Internet and Good Service

This is absolutely necessary, things such as WebCams, a microphone, or antivirus, anti-spy, and any other telecommuting security software might also be necessary depending on the company you work for

A Friendly, Calm, and Polite Manner

It is necessary as you will be dealing with people who have encountered an issue and need help

Data Entry

The data entry business is highly popular right now because it is highly flexible and perfect for remote work which is needed due to the pandemic. It is clerical work that involves using various processes like typing and voice recording to enter data into computers.

This field of work is needed in a variety of industries, including mass media, healthcare, finance, retail, education, transportation, and so on.

This work is quite simple and straightforward as it requires entering information into an online database. The type of information that you will work with will vary depending on what industry or company you are working for.

As this is a remote job, you can choose the location from where you work including your own home.

In addition, you can typically choose your own hours as long as you meet your quota for the day/week/month.

This job doesn’t typically require a university degree or a lot of experience, however, in some cases such as if you were employed by a hospital or law office, it can be due to the proficiency of the field and the technical jargon that comes along with it.

Skills You Will Need Include:

Computer Literacy

As you will handle different types of electric data as well as the operating devices you enter data into

You’ll Need to Be Familiar With Online Spreadsheets

Like word processors, transcribers, and at times even coding software

You Were Going to Be Working With Large Amounts of Data

So great attention to detail is paramount, you do not want to make any mistakes

Working Fast

Yes, you have to work fast and meet deadlines

Sales Representative

Every company or industry needs a sales representative. These individuals promote and market merchandise. They showcase and sell products to businesses, organizations, government agencies, as well as directly to consumers.

Being a sales representative can take you to a wide range of industries and businesses including but not limited to, retail, food and beverages, office equipment, hospital equipment, the film industry, technology, pharmaceuticals, and basically any product or consumer good you can think of.

As a sales representative, you do not necessarily have to have a university degree, or a lot of experience, as long as you have an excellent understanding of the product or products you are dealing with.

In this job, you will be working with customers in order to find out what they want/need, create a list of solutions for them, and ensure a smooth and minimally stressful sales process.

Skills You Will Need Include:

Telecommunication Skills

It gives the customer the perfect overview of what they needed to know.

Extensive Knowledge of the Products You Are Selling

The products you are selling as well as the products you are in competition with

A Friendly and Convincing Character

To carry out solid sales

The Ability to Perform a Cost-Benefit Analysis

For customers of existing and potential products

Establishing, Developing, and Maintaining a Trustworthy and Positive Relationship

A positive relationship with the consumer to ensure future sales


programming codes

Working in cyber security is among the most sought-after jobs as of right now. Most things in life have been digitized and protecting information has become a major concern for businesses, offices, companies, the government, and basically every industry that has information online.

A job in cyber security primarily entails protecting IT infrastructure, including networks, hardware, and software.

This means that you will be monitoring networks and systems as well as detecting, dealing with, and reporting on security threats (intrusion attempts or false alarms), monitoring networks and systems.

You will need to keep up to date with the latest security and technology software and developments, research and evaluate cyber security threats, plan for disaster recovery, create contingency plans in case of any security breaches, upgrade existing security systems or design new ones, generate reports for both technical and non-technical staff and stakeholders and be available to assist staff on technological issues such as spam or unwanted emails.

As you can see, this job comes with a great deal of responsibility, so unlike the previous jobs that have been mentioned, a position in cybersecurity typically requires a STEM degree (a degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics).

Skills You Will Need Include:

Be Extremely Skilled With Technology

Like coding, programming, and hacking

Be Very Familiar and up to Date With Different Kinds of Software

The kinds of software and computer programming to combat threats

Ability to Use Advanced Analytic Tools

These are very helpful tools.

Ability to Think on Your Feet to Solve Problems

Solve problems as fast as possible and as efficiently as possible.


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