Software Development Trends Expected to Impact the Market in 2022

Software Development Trends Expected to Impact the Market in 2022

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The business changes associated with the notorious pandemic are those major factors that have shaped the recent software development market trends. Today, it’s no longer a secret that in the foreseeable future, companies will have to work under fundamentally different conditions in terms of working hours, employee motivation, security, and  IT maintenance infrastructures.

No wonder, these factors have forced businesses to reconsider their approaches to purchasing and utilizing software products.

In today’s article, IT analysts and software developers from will go over the factors that will determine the development of the IT market and look at the major trends that will dominate the software development landscape in 2022.

Remote Work Solutions

The geographical “blurring” of teams and the hybrid format of work will lead to vendors supporting the remote work infrastructure and offering dedicated solutions, which will increase their share in the software market: from managing remote desktops and mobile devices, to software for remote teleconferencing and teamwork.

While these markets used to have a few winners like TeamViewer and Zoom, now the safe havens are experiencing a sort of a storm. New manufacturers are entering the niche, offering solutions for more attractive prices. Therefore, in the segment of tools for remote work, competition will only intensify, and buyers will have more opportunities to choose among a wider range of software options in terms of quality and price.

Emphasis on Cyber Security

An unequivocal and long-term trend that we will continue to observe is increased demand for cyber security tools. According to experts, this trend will be strengthened by the import substitution policies enacted in some European countries. The trend towards import substitution and business incentives on the part of the state will also prompt international manufacturers to constantly improve the quality of the information security tools they produce.

In 2021, such solutions as new generation firewalls, subsystems that allow detecting confidential information leaks, as well as the subsystems for controlling privileged users, were in high demand. Business digitalization will also lead to further popularization of anti-DDoS solutions and other types of cyber security tools.

Emerging new strains of coronavirus will force companies to keep most of their employees remote. This will lead to the fact that we will see an increase in demand for network security subsystems associated with building communication channels and providing secure workplaces for distributed teams.

There will also be a demand for subsystems for controlling and monitoring users in terms of scope of work, efficiency, time tracking, and behavioral analysis in order to be able to control the situation and build graphs of connections and main communications. This also will be helpful in identifying internal violators.

In-House IT Departments

Development costs are on the rise, and companies strive to save more. In addition, in-house IT development structures are often more flexible and can respond more quickly to changes in sales channels. As a result, new companies are emerging. And they need to be equipped with the solutions necessary for development, testing, and team management. This trend creates an increased demand for related products.

Major Takeaways

So the main trends for 2022 are as follows:

  • the growth in consumption of software related to remote work, information security, and the involvement of remote employees in the life of the company;
  • uncertainty in the timing of equipment deliveries, which will indirectly affect the business needs for the supply of complex design software;
  • further growth of the software development industry, which will allow solving cybersecurity-related issues and managing more complex IT projects;
  • the emergence of internal departments aimed at creating their own digital products in all industries;
  • the market development will be determined by state programs for import substitution and the introduction of specific technologies;
  • IT products will rise in price because of inflation and the rising software development costs.


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