Top 10 Technology Trends

Top 10 Technology Trends

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In 2019 we have the luxury of being surrounded by truly amazing pieces of technology, some of which make our lives easier and more convenient, and others that are purely there for our entertainment and enjoyment. We have come a long way from the Stone Age and we should celebrate it! Here are 10 of the hottest trends in technology you should look out for this year!


Technology Trends

3D Printing

3D printing allows users to design 3D products and then print them using a specialised printer that can print these products by using a variety of materials. This incredible innovation is not just a creator’s dream, but also provides an opportunity to create a variety of business models. These printers can easily be found online and have been used for many exciting projects.

Advancements in AI

Artificial intelligence is cognitive ‘thinking’ displayed by machines that mimics the way in which humans think. This technology has uncountable uses and has already been put to work by big companies such as Google and Facebook. AI can provide solutions to issues in the fields of medicine, translation, security and many more. AI gives rise to further automation and we cannot wait to see what projects harness AI throughout this year.

Home Automation Devices

One of the top trends in technology has got to be home automation. Imagine that all your appliances are linked and you can turn things on and off just by using your voice. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? You can dim the lights or turn on some jazz just by a click of a finger. You can even get completely automated vacuum cleaners! One of the best things about home automation is that it is usually customised to your liking. Improvements in home automation have smoothed out some of the kinks that this industry experienced in its early stages.

Virtual Reality


What was once a thing of the future has now been made a reality! VR headsets can be bought online or in a variety of stores. There are thousands of stunning virtual worlds, art and performance pieces that can be viewed through these headsets. This technology truly transports the viewer, and the potential that this technology has seems endless! It is sure to make further appearances in gaming, entertainment, tourism and advertising.

Mobile Gambling

While mobile gambling has been around for a while now, this industry saw unbelievable success over 2018. Software companies have been bringing players games of exceptional quality, made easily accessible on mobile phones. Everything from slots to poker can be played online from the comfort of your home, with some games even being made available in offline versions. This industry is definitely on the path to greatness and you can expect impressive things in 2019. Online casinos have also made great stride with integrating mobile banking into their platforms ranging from ever popular electronic checks to Interac and PayPal.

5G Wireless

Goodbye 4G, 5G is here! 5th generation wireless systems proved successful in the numerous tests that were performed over the last couple of years, with the technology already been made available in certain countries and is expected to replace 4G over time. 5G gives us much faster upload and download speeds, which is essential for a high functioning business. This improved technology is all set to completely transform internet services.


Many businesses suffer from security threats, and one of the best ways to prevent these threats is by making use of biometrics. Biometrics gives your security a facelift and makes it virtually impossible for unauthorised personalised to enter your premises. Biometrics uses your employees’ physical components in order to grant them access. This includes fingerprint technology as well as facial recognition. Biometrics has proved to be very popular among a variety of types of businesses.


If you haven’t heard of drones yet, you must be living under a rock as they have been making headlines all over the world! These little, and some not so little, remote-controlled flying machines have hundreds of uses and have been made readily available to the public. They have completely transformed the photography and videography industries, providing us with footage and images that have never been possible before.


Blockchain has seen many successes over the past few years, and these successes extend past the realm of cryptocurrency, of which Blockchain has become synonymous. The Blockchain is essentially a system that is made up of a growing number of records, which is continuously checked by certain algorithms. Blockchain can be used in any projects that involve keeping funds secure.

Self-Parking Cars

Who hasn’t had a near accident while parallel parking? Parking nightmares may soon become a thing of the past with the many self-parking cars that are being made available by companies such as Ford, Prius and Lexus. The self-park technology makes use of cameras and sensors to ensure you don’t end of scratching the vehicles on either side of you.