Top 9 Woo Commerce Plugins for 2021

Top 9 Woo Commerce Plugins for 2021

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Launching an online store has never been easier! The WordPress and WooCommerce combination offers great functionality and convenience. However, it takes more than just a great eCommerce platform to attract sales. That’s when WooCommerce plugins can help.

Each plugin on our list has unique functionality. Some will help you manage your online store, and others will make it look more attractive.

Some plugins are paid and others are free. However, that doesn’t mean that some are better than others.

With that said, let’s take a look at the top 8 WooCommerce plugins.

Top 8 Plugins for Your Woo Commerce Business

YITH Infinite Scrolling

What if you had to load a new page every few posts when scrolling through your newsfeed? Think of Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and other popular platforms. We can take infinite scrolling for granted, however, it’s not integrated into WooCommerce by default.

Infinite scrolling helps users navigate through your online store and explore each product without loading a single product page. Every time they want to check the previous product, they only need to scroll up the page. It’s a simple but convenient feature.

Mighty Review for Discount

What if there is a plugin that can help you in building a loyal audience and multiply your revenue?

While marketers have been trying and testing different strategies to increase sales for a long time, nothing beats offering great discounts to customers. And Mighty WooCommerce Review for Discount Plugin can help you with that.

This powerful WooCommerce WordPress plugin offers great discounts to customers in exchange for their honest product reviews. By using this strategy, you can build loyal audiences for your products, drive organic traffic to your website, and finally monetize your product.

The Mighty Review for Discount has potential features that can help you in building long-lasting results. Let’s understand why this plugin is a must-have product for your WooCommerce store.

Offer Great Rewards 

Motivate your customers to write product reviews by offering great rewards.

Discount Conditions 

Set a “minimum or maximum amount to spend value” in order to use the discount coupons.

Customized Review Emails 

Send customized review reminder emails and promote customers to write reviews in order to get the discount.

Include/Exclude Products

Include/Exclude a list of products or product categories on which you want your coupon to be applied/not applied.

Select Trigger Event

Choose a trigger event; single review/multiple reviews to send coupons to the users.

Manage All Review Discounts at One Place 

Edit, delete and manage all the coupon discounts in a single place.

Expiration Time

Set an expiration date for your discount coupon and let the unwanted coupons get deleted automatically.


Metrilo translates data into sales conversions. It does everything, from providing analytics to defining marketing strategies.

Metrilo is a separate app that runs outside of WordPress. It communicates with WooCommerce through a specialized plugin that feeds data from the site into the program.

The plugin allows you to perform an in-depth analysis of several system elements at once and evaluate how effectively each of the available marketing channels works. For instance, you can separately analyze the traffic flow from Google.

Metrilo is also able to assess how effective you are at keeping customers interested in your online store. In other words, it has the potential to turn random new visitors into real customers who regularly make purchases.

You can also access a cohort analysis of multiple user groups and evaluate the effectiveness of individual ad campaigns.

Metrilo also features a full-fledged CRM system and tools for automating email marketing.

This plugin offers a 14-day free trial, after which, if you like it, you will need to buy it, as well as all of its phenomenal features.

Metrilo features:

  • Shopping habits tracking:
  • Customer behavior analysis and classification;
  • Data-driven emails;
  • Detailed reports on email performance;
  • Reduced abandoned carts;
  • Marketing campaign analysis:
  • New and repeat customer analysis;
  • Data-based recommendations (on what to sell next).

Mighty Frequently Bought Together Products

With the right product recommendation, you can significantly influence your customers to add more products to their carts. This saves the customer’s time & money and multiplies your eCommerce sales at the same time.

Using the Mighty Frequently Bought Together plugin, you can create personalized product recommendations for your shoppers and give them a seamless shopping experience. It is a must-have add-on for your WooCommerce store.

 Let’s see how this plugin can help with the buyer’s journey and the sales revenue.

Bundle Discounts

By offering bundled discounts, you can encourage your customers to buy more, thus increasing the cart value.

Personalized Recommendations 

Set different personalized recommendations like up-sell, cross-sell, related, or custom products to increase your sales.


Let your customers check/uncheck the products they want to add directly to their cart.

Fully Customized 

The plugin features plenty of customizable options, including colored labels for single, double, and multiple products, changing text and hover colors, altering image sizes, box titles, and button position that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Set Number of Recommended Products 

Manually set the number of recommended products that you want to display.

Linked Products 

Save your time by creating and managing the linked products list in a single place.

Zero Plugin Configuration

You can even use this marketing strategy to outperform certain products, thereby increasing the average order value and the greater revenues.

YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce

YITH Infinite Scrolling adds a “Request a Quote” button which opens a chat between a seller and a buyer to set the price.

Some online stores may not need a plugin like this so we’d recommend considering it in the following cases:

You Sell Services Through Woo Commerce

When you offer a service, you may not specify a price because it depends on specific requests. You need to add a button so your customers can request a price.

You’re a Vendor

If your customers decide to purchase a certain product in large quantities, they can usually ask for a special price. They can click this button to negotiate the best price for both themselves (as buyers) and you (as the vendor).


Beeketing is an AI-based plugin that can help you with marketing automation. It has great features and will definitely increase your revenue.

Beeketing features:


 Encourage new customers to make their first purchase. You can offer them before customers leave your online store with an abandoned cart;

Special Offers

Make them if new customers sign up to your email or follow your social media channels;


Send emails to customers if they have pending orders;


 Offer more products before customers click through to the checkout page.


Putler is a powerful system that combines all popular tools for managing your online store, tracking sales statistics, monitoring transactions, and so on.

Putler WooCommerce dashboard can integrate the following services:

PayPal and Stripe

(to track payments)

Google Analytics

(to collect data about your store visitors);


(to manage email marketing);


(to trade digital products).

According to users, Putler helps noticeably increase online store sales. The profit grows, as well as the number of orders (almost +50%,) and unique customers (+30%).

All this is thanks to advanced Putler reports, which are guaranteed to provide relevant and correct information, needed for ad campaigns adjustments and product improvement.

The developers claim that the main advantage of this service is the accuracy of data. Unlike other similar analytical systems, Putler integrates information from multiple sources to generate accurate reports.

Monster Insights

Monster Insights was not created as an inclusive plugin for working with WooCommerce. However, the analytics system regularly ranks among the top tools for collecting statistics from online stores on WP. Users consider this plugin one of the best of its kind.

The utility displays a lot of useful information about literally every page, customer, and product. Monster Insights tracks clicks on ads and affiliate links. It’s can also be integrated with Google Optimize for A/B testing.

When you use the Google Analytics eCommerce add-on, you can access the following metrics:

  • Total store revenue;
  • Average cost per order on your site;
  • Successful conversions (%);
  • All customer transactions;
  • Referral links;
  • Most popular products.

All indicators are collected in an intuitive dashboard that clearly displays everything you need to know on one screen.

A rather expensive but popular tool for collecting data from multiple systems. Glew synchronizes with almost any popular eCommerce service, payment system, or social network in just a couple of clicks. The list of integrations includes Google Ads, Stripe, Shopify, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc. has the ability to break down the resulting data into segments, based on multiple criteria. This helps to better analyze your online store’s performance and decide how to improve its position on the market.

The plugin is also very useful in logistics. You can use it to manage your warehouses and see in real-time how many items are available in stock, which of them are wasting space, etc.

Also, this mode of operation helps you plan, say, if, before the holidays, you want to buy products that were popular on the same date a year earlier.

Another significant advantage of is a separate list of indicators for businesses, based not on selling individual items, but on earnings through subscriptions. By analyzing them, payment plans can be adjusted to reduce bounce rates.

Abandoned Cart Reports for Woo Commerce

The most highly specialized plugin on the list. Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce is focused on one small but crucial problem for many online stores, which is, obviously, abandoned carts.

It often happens that a potential customer actively explores the assortment, adds a bunch of items to the cart, and is almost ready to make a purchase, seeming quite confident.

But then, at some point, for whatever reason, he/she drops everything and leaves the site. Of course, you, as an online store owner, won’t like that and will probably try to win back the missed chance.

Well, then you should know that this plugin “remembers” such “buyers” and “punishes” them by sending their data to you, the site owner.

You, in turn, will try to get in touch with those customers to find out what was the reason for rejection and whether the store can do something to avoid such situations in the future.

The main advantage of the plugin is that it’s free. And for WooCommerce, “free” is rare. Even if you don’t encounter runaway customers that often, it’s still worth installing, without worrying about the return on your chosen software.

The “Un plugin” – ReadyCloud Suite

One last tool that’s worth honorable mention — and while technically not really a plugin, per se — is ReadyCloud Suite. The company has actually positioned its WooCommerce CRM software as “The Unplugin” for this shopping cart because it doesn’t add a traditional plugin and it doesn’t add any bloat to the website.

ReadyCloud’s suite of ready-to-use WooCommerce software includes a robust CRM Software — which connects cross channels and Woo to instantly import and organize data by the shopper, complete with shipping and delivery timeline, tasks, notes, and tags.

The software also includes a multicarrier shipping plugin (ReadyShipper X), which comes with built-in shipping savings, as well as a returns automation platform for Woo called ReadyReturns.

Rounding out the list of ReadyCloud’s features is something new they’ve added called Action Alerts — an internal email and text message marketing growth platform for e-retailers.

This new feature allows for beautifully designed post-purchase/reminder/thankyou email and SMS message marketing, complete with detailed analytics and tracking.


These plugins have been endorsed by most users and are considered best-in-class. Most of them offer a test version, so you can try them out before you buy.  For when you are trying them out, be sure to have a proper website resetting tool by your side.

Managing an online store can be a complicated and stressful process. Fortunately, there are many WooCommerce plugins that can help you make this process as easy as possible.

The listed plugins are easy to use and are guaranteed to increase sales for your online store. Best of luck with your eCommerce business!


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