5 Ways to Avoid Being a Broke WordPress Blogger

5 Ways to Avoid Being a Broke WordPress Blogger

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If your commercial WordPress blog venture isn’t doing as well as you thought, don’t worry. Turns out, you’re not alone – welcome to the broke blogger club!

Get Rich and Have Fun: 5 Ways to Avoid Being a Broke WordPress Blogger

The vast majority of blogs out there fail to get the desired attention and end up being just another drop in the ocean of the World Wide Web. If you’re determined to make your blog a profitable venture, you may find yourself asking “how can I turn this around?” Avoid being a broke blogger, and read on to discover our tips for best success.


Best ways to Avoid being a broke WordPress blogger

Below are the 5 best tips which will help you to be successful in your WordPress path.

1. Invest in your blog

If your blog has all the hallmarks of an amateur operation, i.e. your site has been built from a free template and has a bare, no-frills interface, then this could be part of the reason visitors to the site are being deterred from staying to read the content. The solution is to invest in your blog to ensure it looks like a professional outfit. As the following guide from 1&1 explains, the structural elements of a WordPress theme are there to help you create an expert-looking website. There are thousands of templates to choose from that will give your blog a proper business-front and steer clear of the DIY/homemade look.

2. Regular Content

Even if your ultimate goal is to make money from a site, don’t forget the most important thing: content! One of the biggest mistakes career bloggers make is to overload their site with more ads than content. Ultimately, your blog’s followers want to read something entertaining and they aren’t easily fooled. Seeing a site that’s clearly full of paid content can seem spammy and disingenuous – a seriously off-putting factor when it comes to fostering a fan base.

3. Sufficient SEO

Not enough traffic? Chances are people can’t find your blog among the sea of others out there. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to helping search engines – primarily Google – find you. Aim to have at least three keywords per page, particularly around the H1 headers and metadata (the text that displays in the search engine when someone searches for your keyword). A word of caution, however: Google can and will penalize sites in its display rankings who improperly overload their page with keywords (a tactic known as ‘keyword stuffing’) for being spam. So don’t go overboard or not only will your page remain obscure, the content will also read unnaturally. To keep you on the right track, check out these useful SEO plugin extension tools you can add to your Chrome browser.

4. Understand Google

Part of the blogging process is getting to grips (as best you can) with the elusive Google Penguin and Panda search engine algorithms, which have a key influence on how modern SEO marketing works. In a nutshell, these updates have two core purposes: to improve the user experience for search engines and to penalize sites that contribute negatively to that experience. Keep in mind that new Google updates are being made constantly, and they won’t always be well-publicized by Google themselves, so be sure to keep on top of your content in line with these announcements as best you can by reading tech insider blogs and keeping an eye on the activity around the search engine giant’s annual conferences. A tool such as SEMrush can help you with regards to the keyword research and analytics side of things.

5. Keep Everything in Working Order

If there’s one thing to deter a potential reader from your site (who may make an affiliate purchase or follow-through click), it’s knowing that your site isn’t secure. Make sure your blog is watertight when it comes to security certificates and your Secure Socket Layer (SSL). It goes without saying that getting hacked is not a good look and should you recover your site after this, it would seriously damage your reputational image.

Likewise, if your site is slow to load, no reader is going to stick around waiting for your page to fire up when there are millions of other options back out there on the search engine for them to click on instead. To avoid slow-loading content, optimize your page technically as best you can and keep images and animations to a minimum and consider a paid hosting service for your blog.

I hope this article will help you with your WordPress Blog. If you have any queries let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.