Boost Your SEO With These 17 Google Chrome SEO Extensions

Boost Your SEO With These 17 Google Chrome SEO Extensions

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The SEO extensions for Google Chrome have become a necessity for the Digital Marketing field, at least in my case. These 17 SEO extensions for Google Chrome browsers will save you a lot of time. Not only time but also helps you monitor your blog and its growth.

Therefore, if you already know what SEO is and its importance in a digital project, you will understand the tools, add-ons, and extensions for the browser, importance and it will be a great idea.


How Can These SEO Extensions of Google Chrome Help Me to Improve the Positioning of My Blog or Business?

The truth is both the SEO extensions for Chrome and Google tools will indirectly help you to improve your blog business.

However, as you already know, doing a good analysis of your Web positioning requires a lot of tools and actions that complemented each other, and make up the “so desired” final optimization of our site.

And this will undoubtedly lead us to improve our positioning in search engines considerably.

The Best SEO Extensions for Google Chrome that You Can Not Miss

If you want to position a website in Google, you have to do many tasks with the SEO extensions for Chrome, which will make your life much easier.

Imagine being able to see from your browser in a couple of clicks the 404 errors of a web, if the external links or backlinks that the web has are dofollow or nofollow, which images do not have the ALT attribute, study authority of a page, etc.

All this and many other things are very easily achieved with SEO extensions for your browser.

Having a toolbar for SEO on hand helps you to analyze the positioning of your website easily, quickly, and perfectly.

If you use some of the extensions that are mentioned here in your browser, without a doubt you can save a lot of time, and the positioning of your website will improve.

Forget about inspecting the code to analyze the web, or waiting to have an SEO audit of your site, when you install these extensions in your browser you will no longer need to separate from them.

Chrome Multitasking Extensions for Web Positioning

They have become an indispensable tool of work.

The ease of use, speed of installation, easy access and time-saving make working with these add-ons adapted to Google’s browser an almost mandatory factor to use.

This type of work application is not only part of Chrome, also Firefox allows you to use many of them.

There are applications, add-ons, or plugins for almost everything, web design, organizing work, downloading YouTube videos, recordings, graphic design, and, of course, extensions for SEO.

So, now let us know what are all extensions we are going to use in our Chrome browser for SEO purposes.

17 Essential SEO Extensions for Google Chrome

Multitasking extensions are those that, based on their main functions, serve more than one task as far as web positioning is concerned.

Web Developer

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Web Developer is an essential SEO extension for Chrome, easy to use, and one of the complete multitasking tools.

The information shown is very broad and has all kinds of options, with web design and SEO as its main incentive.

Its operation is very simple, as each extension is very easy to use, simply type the name of the extension in the search engine, click on add and go.

Once you have installed the tool, a sort of configuration wheel will appear in the top bar, click on it and you will see how to improve your website using your options.


As I said, the web design functionalities are also the strong point of this extension, for example, it allows you to play with cookies, use of CSS functions, etc.

But our main goal is to improve the web positioning of our website. So, let us see which of the functions helps us to do it.


The images are very important in the face of SEO, the size, weight, and the ALT attribute are an important part of the positioning.

Achieving a good web speed depends largely on the optimization of the images.

    • Display alt attributes: this option shows you the alt texts of the images if you need any to fill, do it.
    • Display Image Dimension: it will show you the actual size of the images.

Very useful to detect images that are larger than what is being shown to the user, so you must optimize each photo.

    • Display image packs: shows the dimensions of each image, as well as the assigned name (it is important to give information to search engines, rename the image with a coherent text)
    • Outline images width empty alt attributes: this function indicates with a red frame the images that you do not have assigned alt.


The links are very important when it comes to SEO. The headings, and title tags play a vital role in our Website positioning.

    • Display links details: it shows information about all the links on the page that you are seeing. In this way, you will be able to analyze where they point and if they have some kind of assigned attribute.
    • Display title attributes: although it is not as important as the ALT, the title adds if you add it to the field of the image, this option shows this.
    • Views document outline: important tab since at a glance you can see how you have distributed any page at the level of headers (h1, h2, h3, etc.)
    • View link information: a list of all the links on the page can be analyzed, this is good to control internal linking.
    • Outline external links: the external links marks in the red color of the page you are viewing.


This part has several functions but for SEO the following is useful:

    • Validate Accessibility: shows certain header errors, ALT, or repeated texts.

While this option is a bit extreme, when it comes to giving you improvement tips, it’s great to see the header structure or again the alt of the images you have or missing.

Web Developer Checklist Check

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It is an extension for Google Chrome web analytics.

It is simple, fast, and very useful since it shows a simple screen of a basic technical summary of the web.

This extension teaches you if you have everything correct or missing functionalities that help the positioning of a website.

It shows important aspects such as: if the web has the robots.txt, accessibility, alt attributes, Google Page Speed score, etc.

Although simple it is always good to make use of it on time.

Extensions to Track Links in Chrome

It is very necessary for Web positioning to detect 404 errors and study the linking of each of our pages and articles.

It will be very easy with these Google Chrome extensions as we can see all of them at a glance.

Check My Links

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Check my links are the best SEO extensions to detect broken links or 404 errors.


It is very easy to use. Simply click on the icon of the installed extension and the links that are shown in green color are the links of the page that are correct or redirected and the red color indicates that those links are broken.

These 404 errors are detected through this extension, you must fix them by deleting them in Google Search Console or making a 301 redirect through a plugin, or manually editing the htaccess file.


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Nofollow is another SEO extension, which is displayed in the browser through an icon in the form of a link.

This exceptional tool for positioning shows graphically through red boxes, the links of the page are cataloged as nofollow.


Nofollow extension works automatically on any website you visit. No need to perform any manual action with the extension like others.

As you have read, it is a tool for the indispensable browser.

There are similar ones, but this one does its function perfectly simply and quickly.

Link Parser

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Link Parser is one of those extensions that you will use very often for your own page or analyze your competitor’s webpage.


The operation is very simple, once installed and activated, access the icon, and in configuration, you can assign different colors for the links:

    • Internal Dofollow.
    • Internal nofollow.
    • External Dofollow.
    • External nofollow.
    • Subdomains nofollow.
    • Subdomains dofollow.

Once you have chosen the colors that you like the most, on the web page that you are looking at will appear the links with the chosen colors, in this way you will be able to control all the links of the site.

Without a doubt, it is a tool that must always be at hand.

Extensions to Perform SEO Audits in Chrome

Conducting a good audit of the project you are working on is vital.

There are many tools to do it, you just have to surf the Internet to go crazy. It is best to have an extension to do it, as I say.

Although there are many tools that do a complete study, these tools do a very good job.

Let’s see them!


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Seoquake is a veteran tool that, as an extension, makes a very good function for the positioning of a website.

Examine the page on which you want to carry out a study, by clicking on the icon installed in the navigation bar.

We highlight 4 options for this tool:

Page info



 Domain comparator

Open SEO Stats

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Another simple extension that has a table of options allows you to display them to see interesting information on the web at a glance.


For example, you can see:

    • The robots.txt file
    • General information about each page.
    • The DNS of the web.
    • Links to the page that is studied.
    • Estimated speed of the web.

Woorank (SEO Optimization and Internet Marketing)

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A very good tool, which in its free version offers this extension to perform an audit of your website or blog.

It is a tool that gives you good improvement data, indicating how easy or difficult to solve problems.

Although they are a bit strict tools in their reports, it is very useful for you to solve those small errors in your web so that you end up gaining positioning.

The SEO audit options offered by this huge extension are complete and are one of the best web analytics tools.

These are some of the data that the extension shows:

    • Headers.
    • Keyword Cloud
    • Broken links
    • Indicate if you have assigned a preferred domain in the Google Search Console (important to avoid duplicate content).
    • Indexing.
    • Robots
    • The responsive part to see if it adapts has good tactile usability, font size, or speed.
    • Cache.
    • Country visits
    • Reference links.
  • And a thousand other things, as well as the possibility of making free tests for one month (the next month you have to pay).

It is one of the best Web audit extensions for Chrome. And the most interesting thing is that it’s free.

Chrome SEO Extensions for the Study of Keywords

As we all know Keyword research is essential, most tools for the study of keywords are paid and Keyword Planner has not offered exact data for a long time unless you hire a Google Adwords campaign.

This has an easy solution with the following extension:

Keywords Everywhere

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Keywords Everywhere is a very powerful extension that offers exact data of keywords planner in Google Chrome.


It allows you to focus more on the number of more or less interesting keywords to attack by volume.

It is a very good tool and also free, which offers a number of searches not only for the Keyword Planner, but also for other platforms such as “Answer the Public”, Ubersuggest, keyword shitter, or Google’s suggestions.

SEO Stack Keyword Tool

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A tool adapted to the Google browser where you can make a free study of keywords.


The operation of this application is very simple, open the extension and enter the keywords in the left field on which you intend to obtain the data.

Once included, select the search engines, the country, and the language, and the tool will yield different results.

It does not offer data but you can export them to use in another keyword search tool or you can link with a keyword planner (get volume + CPC data).

Other Extensions for Google Chrome Web Positioning


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Mozbar is the SEO extension of Google Chrome that indicates the authority of a domain and the authority of a web page, always at the discretion of the company MOZ.

It is important to consider these values to study the degree of competence when attacking certain keywords.


Although this data can be falsified with inbound visits, it is true that it is a very valid tool to take estimates.

To make use of this extension you have to register for free in Moz, once you have registered and installed the application, automatically below each URL the authority data of each website will appear.

AMP Validator

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Install this simple SEO extension for Chrome if you use the AMP format on your website, which allows you to offer the user an HTML page in a simpler but faster mobile version.


This extension basically tells you if that URL in AMP is working well or not.

To see the AMP version of a specific URL, just add the following after the URL: “/ amp”.

The extension will automatically reflect by means of a green-ray if the AMP implementation of that URL is correct.

Vidlq for YouTube

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If you have a YouTube channel and you are trying to position your videos on top of the search engine, then this is the perfect extension for you.


This extension lets us know the labels from competitor videos, competition level, keywords, etc. But, it offers limited functions yet an important one in the free version. If you are looking for more opportunities than the present then go for the premium one.

You can use them in the field of the labels of your video to replicate them and increase your positioning.

If you want to study other important factors of positioning, do not miss this article about SEO on Youtube.

Ahrefs Toolbar

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This is one of the SEO extensions “of the harvest” of José Facchin himself, which he proposed to include, because of its great utility and the amount of information that it provides.

If you know Ahrefs, then you know that it is a very powerful tool with a huge amount of utilities, among which the information that contributes to you in terms of your external links, keywords, and positioning of the other professionals of your competence stand out.

For this, Chrome also has an extension of Ahrefs that you can download and install, which includes a bar in your browser and gives you very interesting data about each URL you visit, just like if you were using the tool itself.

Majestic Backlink Analyzer

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This extension of Majestic SEO is ideal to consult the strength of any web page in a very fast way, based on the information provided by your backlinks.

Because Majestic tracks the entire web, it does not have to depend on a third party to obtain the data.

Redirect Path

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From a simple glance at this tool, you can check the status of the redirects of your website or any other website where you use this extension.

Redirecting status codes 301, 302, 404, and 500 or even the status of your HTTPS implementations are some of the features provided by Redirect Path, so you do not have to make complex and tedious analyzes.

Page Speed

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Although this add-on for your Google browser does not make you a too extensive review of technical aspects, it is very useful when you want to see how is your website in terms of loading speed in a global and intuitive way,

As you know loading time is a fundamental aspect of positioning a website this tool helps you to do that.


So far these are the best SEO extensions for Google Chrome.

I think you do not have to spend more time looking for more extensions as I have included the best ones here. From a simple design to positioning a website in the Google search engine, all the SEO extensions are available here.

Once you install them, you will always have them on hand for your project, for your clients or to study the competition.

50 Free and Best Tools to Position Our Blog on Number 1 Place

And, do you know any other Google Chrome SEO extensions, in addition to the ones you’ve read?

Let us know in the comment section below.