How to Increase Your Retail Brand’s Reach and Engagement

How to Increase Your Retail Brand’s Reach and Engagement

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When you think of a certain product or service and a specific brand name pops into your head, that’s good brand awareness. It means you are comfortable and familiar with the brand, and it’s what you look for when you go shopping, even when other brands will do the same job and give you the same quality and service.

As a retail business owner, having great brand exposure is a huge goal to work towards because it will set you apart from your competition and ensure you are successful. With that in mind, here are seven ways you can increase your brand exposure.

Use Infographics

Infographics are a vivid and eye-catching way to convey important business facts and data. These articles are often shared widely, making them an effective tool for spreading awareness of your brand and thought leadership.

Tell Your Brand’s Story

People want to know more about the people behind the brand. You can tell the story of how your company started on an “about us” page on your website, for example. It’s also a good idea to show the more human side of your business, and this can be done through engaging social media posts. The more potential customers feel as though they know you, the more they’ll link your brand with a positive story.

Run Social Media Competitions

Giving something away can help get people talking about your brand online. If you want to attract more people to your social media pages and increase brand awareness, a contest with a “tag a friend” entry approach is a great way to do both. You can also reach a wider variety of new customers by teaming up with another company or content producer for the competition.

Create Targeted Content

A well-known method of expanding a company’s reach is content marketing. Website traffic can be increased by including user-generated material, such as blog posts, on a company’s website. This is a fantastic technique for boosting brand awareness and going beyond the standard company blog can really boost exposure. If you know who your target market is, you can ensure that all your content relates directly to them, which will make you even more memorable.


SEO, or search engine optimization, is a technique employed to ensure you rank as high up as possible (and ideally on the first page of Google) when people are searching for the specific keyword or phrase you are optimizing for. Even if they don’t initially click through to your site, the more you appear in results, the more recognizable your brand is going to become.

OOH Advertising

Online and digital advertising certainly has its place, and we’ve talked about it a number of times in this article. However, out-of-home (OOH) advertising is also important, and when it comes to brand exposure, it’s vital. Shopping centre advertising is a great example of OOH marketing. Assuming your target market spends time in shopping centers, you can advertise there and ensure they see your billboards and posters. If you also have good digital advertising, you’ll be noticed online as well, and this combination can really boost engagement.

Start A Podcast

A great way to promote your brand and make connections with other professionals in your business is to host your own professional podcast in which you interview established figures in the field. As podcast listenership grows, your brand will become more well-known.