Top 8 Benefits of Using Automated Testing in Software Testing Process

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The algorithms of automated testing are created at the initial phase of software development. After that, a software developer concentrates on their work for developing software as the testing framework continually tests it. The scope of testing and the details of the test outcomes are programmed before the testing process begins.

Developers benefit from a hands-free testing process and get more time to perfect software or develop more. Since the time automated testing was created, there has been a boom in the field of software development after development delays were eliminated. Today, the number of experienced and new developers has significantly multiplied.

Wide Scope of Testing Types

Different types of automation testing techniques can be implemented during the testing process which has become faster, less error-prone, and more effective than manual testing. Manual testing contains a lot of human work while automated testing reduces human participation in the testing process and involves tools, scripts, and software.

Although the customers/businesses have benefited, developers are the primary beneficiaries of automation testing. Today, it is possible to program automation testing frames and carry out any of these types of tests simultaneously.

Data-driven testing, unit testing, integrated testing, keyword testing, smoke testing, etc. They also do various types of QA consulting such as websites, IoT devices, mobile apps testing, API testing, load performance testing, microservices testing, etc. The scope of testing and consulting is wide, which makes software development easy with the best experiences.

Wide Range of Automation Testing Tools

At the time when developers relied on manual software testing techniques, there were limited options on the types of technologies available for testing. They had to learn to use them whether they had multiple challenges or not. Some of them required high-level programming knowledge to use, which was a challenge to inexperienced developers.

Since the time the first automation testing framework was developed, there has been an explosion of automation testing tools. Today, developers have a wide range of testing tools they access, ranging from open-source QA testing frameworks to proprietary QA frameworks. Some of the tools are highly developed such that even the most inexperienced developers can use them and obtain detailed reports.

No Time Limitation 24/7

Manual QA software testing is a limited type of testing in terms of time. Testers can only execute tests when they are available to sit before a computer. After office hours, no one can order testing until the next day. If the tester has an urgent issue to attend to, no tests can be done until they return.

Automation testing eliminated this challenge. Testers are only required to schedule testing execution and the testing tools automatically complete tests any time of the day or night. Testers no longer need to be present. They only need to program schedules and worry about other things while the testing runs on.

The Possibility of Reusability

It is not easy to write a complete test case. It is time-consuming and exhaustive too. It is more exhausting when you have to repeat the same process for the same software. You have no option for writing test scripts for each test if you are doing manual testing. With automation testing, you need to write the scripts once and reuse them multiple times.

Detailed Testing Reports

Manual testing is a tedious process when writing test reports. It is done manually and the tester has to create a separate report for each type of test done. They have to report the number of scripts done and the bugs fixed. Automation testing eliminates this cumbersome process. It generates automatic reports for historical and current tests, including the scripts written and the bugs fixed.

Multiple Platform Testing

Online business assets and platforms such as websites have to be compatible across multiple browsers to give the business maximum benefits. It must also effectively work across multiple hardware types, devices, networks, and operating systems.

To test the functionality and effectiveness of the website across these platforms can be tedious when writing test cases for each. Manual testing makes the work easy. Testers execute testing across multiple platforms once and save time.

Better Return on Investment

Manual testing is an expensive process due to the amount of time involved to write cases for each test and the slow, time-consuming testing process. Testers require more time to prepare reports for each test case. To the business, this process increases the amount of money spent.

Automation testing doesn’t require all these tedious and expensive processes. The written test cases can be reused multiple times and all reports generated are attained automatically. The process saves a lot of time for the business and money. The time wasted in manual testing means a loss of money. The time saved in automation testing means a better return on investment.

Quick Bug Detection

Developers cannot pinpoint bugs before a test result is obtained. It would mean destroying the same software they have to spend time creating. Manual testing takes time which means it takes longer to detect bugs.

With manual testing, some bugs escape the testers only to be detected when a customer begins to use the software. With automation testing, bugs are detected the earliest and removed. There are rare chances that a bug will escape a developer at the testing phase.

When the software development phase completes, everyone is happy. Both the developer and tester get happy and their customer is the happiest because the software helps them serve customers without issues.


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