How to Charge a Mobile Phone Quickly Using a Computer USB

How to Charge a Mobile Phone Quickly Using a Computer USB

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your phone battery is running low and you’re nowhere near a wall socket?

Maybe you’re traveling, or perhaps you forgot your charger at home. It’s a frustrating feeling, but fear not – there’s a solution that many people overlook: using your computer’s USB port to charge a mobile phone quickly.

Not only is it a convenient option, but it can also be a lifesaver when you need to charge your phone quickly.

In case you didn’t know, the USB connector has seemingly evolved at the speed of light!

Computers either have USB 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 ports. The new USB 4.0 will allow us to double our charging speed without changing the cables. So, the USB is an ever-developing piece of technology, and we most commonly use it to charge our mobile devices.

Many of us are accustomed to charging our smartphones by connecting them to USB ports on the computer. It’s convenient, and it makes our phones more accessible when we are using our PCs or laptops.

Here comes the real question: can we charge a mobile phone quickly with a USB port?

The quick answer is that it depends. If you want a brief explanation, check out the first 60 seconds of this video. 

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In this blog post, we’ll explore how to charge a mobile phone quickly using a computer USB and share some tips to help you get the most out of your phone’s battery life.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn how to keep your phone charged and ready to go, even when you’re on the go.

Should I Charge My Phone With a Computer USB?

A very common thing that most phone users don’t understand is, that all phones are not created equally neither their battery life. Similarly, not all phone chargers are the same. Charging your phone using a USB cord on a PC  slows it down noticeably when compared to a power adapter since the voltage is lower and it does not give sufficient power to charge the mobile rapidly.

Despite this, we understand that sometimes we forget our chargers at home or in an emergency which will make us charge our mobile phone using a computer USB. But don’t worry, you can sometimes charge your phone with a computer USB and even faster. 

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How to Charge a Mobile Phone Quickly Using a Computer USB

It is advised to use a charger box and connect it to a wall socket to charge a mobile phone. This ensures the highest charging speed if the charger is in good condition.  

But sometimes, for convenience, or because we have more tasks at hand or limited outlets, we charge our mobile phone by connecting it to a computer’s USB port. This is perfectly valid, and there is no problem in doing so. But on a modern PC, there are USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, so it is normal to ask: In which USB port will my phone charge faster?

A phone can accept higher power chargers with no compatibility restrictions. The 1.0 and 2.0 versions of a PC USB port give just 2.5W, but if you update to USB 3.0, your phone may receive up to 4.5W, making charging quicker. USB 3.0 is a vital update for consumers to use, specifically those who need to charge their phones with other devices (laptops, and computers) more frequently. 

The type of USB port influences the maximum recharge speed. A  USB 2.0 port can supply up to 500 mA, while a USB 3.0 port offers up to 900 mA.

But that does not mean that all phones connected to a USB 4.0 will charge faster than a USB 3.0 or 2.0 port. Of course, there are other factors involved.

Specifications of the USB port:

The other specifications are as follows.

The maximum capacity of the battery:

If the battery only accepts up to 500 mA, there will be no difference between using a USB 2.0 or 3.0 port.

The software:

There are smartphones that, based on compatibility, can limit the load to 500 mA when they detect that you have connected it to a USB port, although that port offers more charge power. More modern versions of operating systems disable this limitation when they detect that the port is USB 3.0 or higher.

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Not all USB cables are the same. If the mobile accepts the charging at 900 mA and connects it to a USB 3.0 port with a USB 2.0 cable, it will only recharge at 500 mA.

In summary, if you want to charge your phone at maximum speed on a PC, you’ll want a USB 3.0 port and also a USB 3.0 cable. Be sure to check that both the battery and the operating system allow fast charging through a USB port, not just from a charging box.

Things To Consider When You Charge a Mobile Phone Quickly Using a Computer USB

There are many factors that play vital roles in making your phone charge fast. If you consider the following factors, your phone may charge faster.

Switch Your Phone to Aeroplane Mode

The phone’s continual need to be associated with your mobile carrier consumes the majority of the battery. When it is turned on, it definitely reduces your charging capacity. 

Obviously, if you turn on airplane mode, you won’t be able to receive calls or texts. As a result, you might be able to charge it faster.

Disconnect Other USB Connections

Another approach for helping a computer charge your phone faster is to unplug other USB devices when connecting your phone to the computer. 

Why? If you connect two additional devices to your computer when charging your phone, your motherboard will be required to distribute power among three devices. In return, your phone will not charge as much faster as it should.

Turn Off Update and Extra Features

Whether you have an iOS or an Android, several functions such as Bluetooth, Location services, Wifi, and vibration mode are likely to drain your phone battery. So, if you want to charge your phone faster, turn them all off.

Furthermore, see whether the App Store or Play Store is upgrading some of your programs, as app updates are becoming too often nowadays, and depending on the number of apps you have, this might consume your battery and slow down your phone’s charging process.

Don’t use your phone while it is charging.

The screen is one of the most significant power drags on a phone. If you’re awaiting a crucial call and can’t switch off the cellphone, leave it charging. When you have the call, disconnect and pick up the call. 

Remove Your Phone’s Case

Lithium-ion batteries are presently used in all cell phones. The science of how they function requires that while the battery is cool, the charging time is far faster.

The battery temperature must be around 41 and 113 F for optimum charging (5 and 45 C). Evidently, the external temperature influences the battery temperature. So, removing your phone cover will decrease it.

However, if you’re considering placing your phone in the ice-cold temperature to charge it, don’t be a fool. At temperatures below the optimum range, the power decline is considerably more alarming.

Clean your phone charging port

The issue may not be with the capacity of your battery. Dirt and dust can collect in your charging port and block it over time. Clean your phone charging port with a toothpick. Make sure to turn it off before. Don’t be so harsh doing this. If you are not confident doing this, just blow some air with your mouth, it may also help.

Afterward, plug your phone into your computer and check if the charging time increases.

Note: Make sure you update your USB chargers!

Here’s an important note about USB updates that everyone should know—if it can’t charge quickly, it may be out of date!

Something that may not be common knowledge is that USB chargers can eventually wear out like most other tech gadgets. If they’re particularly ancient, they might be charging your device at only 40% of the speed that they once did! So, if you haven’t purchased a new charger in a while, do it as soon as you can.

Also, the previous steps will still work if you’re in this situation. However, we want to reach our full charging potential when using USBs.

For the fastest charging and safe use, keep in mind these simple tips:

Bonus Tips: Here’s how to prolong your USB cable’s most effective charging period:

  1. Keep your USB cord and connector port as clean as possible: this means not touching the USB with greasy fingers or eating while using it!
  2. When connecting the USB to your computer or other port, make sure it goes in cleanly: if it’s upside down, don’t try and force it.
  3. Make sure not to bend the cord if you can help it: try and keep it straight or neatly coiled when possible.
  4. Store it in good condition: when you’re not using it, coil it up and store it in a dry place until you need it again.
  5. Charge your phone’s battery when it falls below 50%, but disconnect it before it reaches 100%.
  6. Try to stick to particular chargers meant for certain phones at least for a year for the best battery capacity and greatest performance.

So, these are the best tips to help you quickly charge your mobile device using the USB ports on your PC or laptop. If you are in a hurry, it is quite helpful to do this. Remember to check out your ports’ power—look up which ports your laptop or computer system has. Then, plug in the pertaining USB cables to the port.

FAQs Related To Charging Your Phone Using a Computer USB

How can I do fast charging on my iPhone using a PC USB?

When charging your iPhone with your pc, use a high-quality Lightning-to-USB cable. Stop using your cellphone while your phone is charging using a computer USB, and check the battery percentage periodically. All of this will speed up the charging of your iPhone.

Why is my computer charging my phone too slowly?

The power within a system is probably lower than direct electricity from a plug socket. When electricity is transmitted to your phone via a computer, the amount of power is divided among other devices connected to your computer.

Will it affect my PC or laptop if I charge my phone with it?

Probably, there is no evidence of heavy damage. However, it might affect the battery life of your laptop if you make a habit of charging your phone with it.

What to do if my computer is charging my phone slowly?

Prefer to purchase a high-quality, compatible USB cable to boost your device’s charging speed.


In this article, we learned that charging a mobile phone using a USB port on a computer will slow down the charging process compared to using a power adapter, but in some cases, it may be the only option.

The maximum recharge speed depends on the type of USB port, the capacity of the battery, the software, and the cable used. To charge the phone at maximum speed, a USB 3.0 port, and a USB 3.0 cable are recommended.

Additionally, factors like switching the phone to airplane mode and disconnecting other USB devices may help in charging the phone faster. It is important to note that not all phones are created equally, and their battery life and charging speeds vary.

Therefore, it is recommended to use a charger box and connect it to a wall socket to ensure the highest charging speed.

I hope this article will help you charge a mobile phone quickly from your PC or Laptop. If you have any queries regarding the above methods, let us know in the comment section. We will get back to you to solve all your questions as soon as possible.

If you know of any other methods to recharge a mobile phone faster than ever, let us also know in the comment section, and we will include them in the next update.

Which method do you use to charge your mobile phone?