Create Free Temporary Email Address in Seconds

Create Free Temporary Email Address in Seconds

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In today’s world, our email addresses are gatekeepers to almost everything – from social media accounts to online banking.

But with the rise of spam emails and phishing attempts, it’s essential to keep our primary email addresses safe and secure.

That’s where creating free temporary email addresses can come in handy. With temporary email addresses, you can sign up for online services or submit your email address for verification without exposing your primary email address to potential threats.

In this blog, we’ll show you how to create free temporary email addresses and explore the various benefits and use cases for using them.

Sometimes, when we want to access a service or the web they ask us to register with our email address.

It is very likely that we do not want to give our true Email ID so as not to be victims of spam or promotions that are not of our interest. 

In this type of situation, we all have gone through the head to create a temporary or disposable mail account to use and pull, but we have given up trying to think that we were going to waste too much time.

So, let’s get started and safeguard our online presence!

create temporary disposable email address in seconds

However, this is easier than we think. If you want to know how it is done, you will only have to follow this tutorial step by step.

Shall we begin?

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3 Best Methods to Create Temporary Email Address for Free

When accessing a service or website, we are often required to register using an email address.

However, giving out our true email address can lead to spam and unwanted promotions. In such cases, it is best to create a temporary or disposable email account to avoid such spam.

If you are wondering how to create a temporary email address, you can follow these three easy methods.

Method 1: 10 Minutes Mail – Temporary Email Generator


The 10 Minutes Mail tool creates a temporary email address that disappears after 10 minutes without leaving any traces.

To create a temporary email account, visit the official website of 10 Minutes Mail, and an email account will be created automatically.

Copy the email address to the clipboard and use it to register for the service or website. You can repeat this action as many times as necessary. Once you receive the confirmation email, you can forward the message, reply, or click on any link.

Need More Time?

10 Minutes Mail provides you, by default, an email account for 10 minutes. Of course, if you think it is insufficient, you only have to go back to the web and click on the link: Give me 10 minutes more! Which appears next to the temporary account.


You can repeat this action as many times as necessary and, just like in any service, once the confirmation email arrives you will only have to click to open it.

You can forward the message, reply or click on any link. In short, do what you would normally do with this type of email.

Method 2: Chrome Extension – TrashMail – Create Free Disposable Email Address

Chrome Extension - TrashMail

If you need to create temporary email addresses regularly, you can install a Chrome extension called TrashMail.

This tool redirects any temporary email address to your private email, allowing you to control the use that is made of it.

To use this tool, access the Chrome Web Store, install the extension, and create a new user account in TrashMail. Configure the base of the temporary mail accounts, and then create the disposable account. You can monitor the different email accounts you have created from the TrashMail Address Manager.

For this, you will only have to access this link

Click on  + Free to install it in your browser and accept its installation.

It then creates a new user account in TrashMail. Click on Register a new account and fill in the data, including the email address to which the emails that you receive from the disposable account will be redirected.


Once you have created a profile, you will have to configure the base of the temporary mail accounts. Then click on the new TrasMail icon that appears in the Chrome bar.

In the General tab, confirm that you have entered the correct real address and create a prefix that identifies where the account will be used (for example, insert the name of the service where you will use it as a prefix).

Establish an expiration period for the account and, if you wish, respond from that disposable account. Finally, press Save.

How to Use TrashMail

When you are registering for a service, you only have to right-click the field that asks for the email address and choose the option: Create disposable address and Paste disposable address.

A setup box for the disposable account will then appear. In the new address, the prefix will appear that you configured at the time, since this way you can differentiate them more easily.


You will also have the possibility to configure the domain of the mail accounts.
You can set the number of notifications you want to receive and whether you can respond to them. Then click on Create address.
In case you want to monitor the different email accounts you have created, you can do so from the TrashMail Adress Manager.

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Method 3: Alias – Alternative to Create Free Temporary Email Address

Aliases are changes made to your standard email account that allow you to create a parallel identity by adding a prefix. Although you will not receive the messages in the same account, the service or website will not have access to your personal account, but to the one, you have created.

For example: If your account is, you can create an alias that is [email protected].

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Although it is true that you will not receive the messages in the same account, the service or web in which you have used it will not have access to your personal account, but to the one, you have created. 

Best Practices for Using Temporary Email Addresses

If you’re looking to protect your privacy and avoid spam emails, using a temporary email address can be a useful solution.

A temporary email address, also known as a temp email or disposable email, is an email address that is created for a short period of time to receive emails and then discarded.

We’ll discuss some best practices for using temporary email addresses.

  1. Use a reputable temporary email service: There are many temporary email services available online, but not all of them are trustworthy. Look for a well-established and reputable temporary email service that has a good reputation for protecting your privacy.
  2. Create a strong and unique temporary email address: When you create a temporary email address, use a strong and unique password to protect it from hackers. Avoid using common passwords or reusing passwords that you’ve used for other accounts.
  3. Use a temporary email address for sign-ups: When signing up for online services or websites, use a temporary email address instead of your personal email address. This will help you avoid spam emails and protect your personal email address from being shared or sold to third-party marketers.
  4. Check your temporary email regularly: Set up notifications or reminders to check your temporary email regularly to ensure that you don’t miss any important emails.
  5. Avoid using temporary email addresses for sensitive information: While temporary email addresses can be useful for protecting your privacy, they may not be the best option for sensitive information. Avoid using temporary email addresses for financial transactions or personal information that you wouldn’t want to fall into the wrong hands.
  6. Delete your temporary email address when you’re done with it: Once you’ve received the emails you need, delete your temporary email address to prevent anyone from accessing your emails after you’re done with them.
  7. Use a VPN for added security: To protect your privacy even further, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) when accessing your temporary email account.

Alternatives to Temporary Email Addresses

While temporary email addresses can be a great solution for avoiding spam and protecting your personal email address, there are also alternatives to consider.

Here are a few options:

  1. Email forwarding: If you don’t want to create a temporary email address for each service you sign up for, you can set up email forwarding. This means that all emails sent to a specific email address will be automatically forwarded to your personal email address. This allows you to keep your personal email address private while still receiving emails from different services.
  2. Use a dedicated email address: Consider creating a dedicated email address that you use solely for sign-ups, newsletters, and other online activities. This way, you can avoid cluttering your personal email inbox with marketing emails and spam, while also maintaining a consistent email address for these types of communications.
  3. Use an email filter: Many email providers offer filters that allow you to automatically sort incoming emails into different folders based on criteria you set. For example, you can create a filter that sends all emails from new sign-ups to a specific folder, making it easy to keep track of these types of emails without cluttering your inbox.
  4. Use a virtual mailbox service: Virtual mailbox services allow you to create a temporary address for receiving physical mail, which can then be scanned and sent to you electronically. Some of these services also offer virtual email addresses, which you can use for sign-ups and other online activities.
  5. Use a password manager: A password manager can help you generate and store unique, complex passwords for each service you sign up for, reducing the likelihood of spam and other unwanted emails. This also helps protect your personal email address, as each service will have its own unique password that is not shared with other services.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to protecting your email privacy and avoiding spam. Consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing an alternative to temporary email addresses.

Temporary Email Address Providers Comparison

If you’re looking for a temporary email address provider, you’ll find many options available on the internet.

With this comparison guide, you’ll be able to make an informed decision and choose the right provider for you.

Temporary Email Provider Storage Maximum Email Lifespan Email Forwarding Email Aliases Attachments Additional Features
Guerrilla Mail 150MB 60 Minutes Yes No Up to 150MB Browser extension
TempMail Not specified 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week No Yes Up to 10MB Mobile app, Browser extension
Mailinator Not specified A few hours Yes Yes Up to 10MB Public inbox access
10 Minute Mail Not specified 10 Minutes No No No None
YOPmail Not specified 8 Days No Yes No Email address personalization

Please note that some information, such as storage and additional features, may vary depending on the specific plan or version of the service being used.

While most of these providers offer similar services, there are some key differences that can impact your decision.

To help you choose the right provider for your needs, here’s a comparison guide of some of the top temporary email address providers:

  1. TempMail

TempMail is a popular temporary email address provider that allows users to create a temporary email address with just one click. Users can easily copy and paste their temporary email address, and it will be automatically deleted after a certain period of time. This provider is free to use, and it doesn’t require any sign-up or registration.

  1. Guerrilla Mail

Guerrilla Mail is another popular provider that offers temporary email addresses for users. It allows users to create a fake email address quickly and easily, and the email address is automatically deleted after one hour. Users can also choose to extend the email address for up to 12 hours if needed. This provider is also free to use, and it doesn’t require any registration.

  1. Mailinator

Mailinator is a unique temporary email address provider that allows users to create any email address they want. It allows users to receive emails on any email address they create, and the emails are automatically deleted after a certain period of time. This provider is free to use, but it does have a paid option that offers additional features.

  1. TempInbox

TempInbox is a simple and easy-to-use temporary email address provider that offers a free service. Users can create a temporary email address quickly and easily, and the email address is automatically deleted after a certain period of time. This provider doesn’t require any registration or sign-up, and it’s a great option for people who need a temporary email address for a short period of time.

There are many options available for people looking for a temporary email address provider. Each provider has its own unique features and limitations, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs.

Tips for Avoiding Spam

When you create a temporary email address, you are taking a smart step to protect your personal email account from spam. However, there are still some things you can do to further avoid spam emails. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use a strong spam filter: Make sure that the email service you use has a robust spam filter in place. This will prevent most spam emails from ever reaching your inbox.
  2. Don’t share your email address: Be careful to who you give your email address. Avoid giving it out to companies or websites that you don’t trust.
  3. Don’t click on suspicious links: If you receive an email from an unknown sender, don’t click on any links in the email. These links may lead to malicious websites that can harm your computer or steal your personal information.
  4. Avoid using your primary email address for online sign-ups: Whenever you sign up for a service online, use your temporary email address instead of your primary email address. This will ensure that your primary email account doesn’t get flooded with unwanted emails.
  5. Be wary of freebies and giveaways: If a website or company is offering a freebie or giveaway, be careful about giving out your email address. Sometimes these giveaways are just a ploy to collect email addresses and send spam emails.
  6. Use a different email address for different purposes: Consider creating multiple temporary email addresses for different purposes, such as online shopping, social media, or job applications. This will help you keep your inbox organized and prevent spam emails from cluttering your primary email account.

By following these tips, you can further protect your email privacy and avoid spam emails.

Use of Temporary Email Addresses in Different Industries

Temporary email addresses can be a useful tool in a variety of industries, offering benefits beyond privacy concerns.

Here are some examples of how temporary email addresses can be utilized in different contexts:

  1. Marketing: Companies can use temporary email addresses to test their email marketing campaigns before launching them to their actual email list. This can help identify any issues with the campaign or the email itself, ensuring that it is effective and successful. Additionally, temporary email addresses can be used to create multiple accounts for promotional offers, contests, or surveys without risking the recipient’s privacy or inbox being flooded with spam.
  2. Development and Testing: Developers and testers often need to create multiple user accounts for their projects. Using temporary email addresses can simplify this process, allowing them to create and manage accounts easily without worrying about the privacy of the account holders. It can also prevent spam emails from cluttering up the inboxes of real users.
  3. Education: Temporary email addresses can be used by students or educators to create email accounts for specific purposes, such as class assignments or group projects. This ensures that communication remains organized and efficient while protecting the privacy of the individuals involved.
  4. E-commerce: When shopping online, temporary email addresses can be used to protect personal information from being shared with online retailers. It can also prevent spam emails from being sent to the primary email address, making it easier to manage and sort through legitimate emails.

Overall, temporary email addresses can be a valuable tool for many industries beyond privacy concerns. By utilizing this tool, businesses and individuals can better manage their online communications, protect their personal information, and prevent spam emails from cluttering up their inboxes.

In Conclusion

In this blog about creating free temporary email addresses, we covered various topics related to temporary email addresses.

We discussed the best methods to create a temporary or disposable email account for free, including the benefits of using temporary email addresses, such as protecting your privacy and avoiding spam, as well as the drawbacks, such as not being able to use them for long-term communication.

We also provided tips for avoiding spam and compared different temporary email address providers.

Finally, we explored how temporary email addresses can be useful in different industries, such as marketing and testing. By providing this information, we hope to help readers make informed decisions about when and how to use temporary email addresses.

I hope this article helps you to create a free disposable email account. If you have any queries regarding the above methods let us know in the below comments.

If you have any other best alternative to create a temporary email id, write them in the below comments and let our readers know about it.

Which method do you use to create a temporary email address?