The New eCommerce Customer Experience

The New eCommerce Customer Experience

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Customer experience is the way your customer feels while interacting with your company. An exceptional experience is a distinguishing feature that builds brand loyalty and reduces customer exodus. It is key to giving eCommerce retailers a competitive advantage.

The New eCommerce Customer Experience

Retailers who focus on the customer experience and respond to that experience with agility and innovation will do better by strengthening their customer loyalty.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has put the customer experience at the center of eCommerce and made it an urgent priority for businesses.

The customer experience landscape has changed dramatically in the last year. As pandemic closures and social isolation have led many consumers to try various technologies such as click-to-collect, proximity payments, and augmented reality.

You must retain existing customers and attract new ones by providing an excellent customer experience to grow your eCommerce business.

Why It’s Important

According to research, the quality of the customer experience offered by a brand is more important than the price of the product.

In a report on the future of customer experience, 15,000 consumers were surveyed and results showed that one in three customers leave a brand because they or a loved one have had a bad experience, and 92% leave a company after two or three negative interactions.

In addition, 60% of consumers say they would stop doing business with a brand after a bad customer experience.

The Purchasing Experience

The key to improving customer experience is to provide accurate information such as product details, inventory levels, answers to common questions, and price clarity.

Not all businesses have the weight of a global retail powerhouse. But there are options to build and improve the customer experience, regardless of size.

For example, selling on Rakuten, the largest eCommerce marketplace in Japan and third-largest globally will give you a bigger stage on which to present your products to consumers.

The Importance of Feedback

The duration of the relationship between the customer and your company should include customer service, pricing strategy, and shipping and logistics.

Moreover, as retailers reformulate their customer experience, they should involve their customers in the design process. Share feedback when developing ideas, ensure that new offerings meet real needs, and take risk-mitigation initiatives on the go.

A simple way to check if you’re headed in the right direction is by tracking the customer satisfaction score (CSAT). This uses surveys to calculate how well your customers fared doing business with you, from their perspective.

What Happens After

Once the customer completes their purchases and signs off, you may assume that this would be the end of it. There is more work to be done. This is where you build brand loyalty.

Delivering updates, special offers, giving users the incentive to come back to your brand specifically are tasks that should not be left out of your priority list.

If people visited you once, the relationship is not binding. It is a conscious effort that must be made to build loyalty. And make them a customer for life, ensuring a steady stream of purchases.

The Human Touch

Social distancing has affected not only our society but our emotional lives as well. This is why customers look for an organic, human-friendly relationship with their eCommerce retailer – formulaic, mass-generated websites are no longer cutting it in the new market.

There are options to make your business appear friendlier and warmer, the opposite of faceless, distant corporations of the past:

  1. Mobile-friendly website – with as much as 75% of users preferring mobile-friendly sites and 52% abandoning brands due to the lack thereof, you can see why this item would be at the top of the list.
  2. Live chat – for all questions and concerns, the customer should have the option of communicating with an actual person instead of an answer-generating bot.
  3. Social media – another quick and simple way for customers to interact and establish a relationship with your business.
  4. Videos – through this medium, you can tell your brand story, show its values and goals and provide the customer with insight that will strengthen their connection to your brand.


The importance of eCommerce is accelerated by this pandemic. And with it, the influence of customer experience on the world of business.

Evolving is a necessity, but it need not be a struggle with the amount of instant feedback at your fingertips. Customers will want to help you grow with their feedback and returning business, with brand loyalty.

Meeting their demands through streamlining your business to fit your exact demographic. It will guarantee your business survives where many have sunk.


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