4 Best Email Newsletter Tools Compared

4 Best Email Newsletter Tools Compared

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Despite the prevalence of social media, email marketing is still a rock-solid foundation from which a business can thrive. In fact, it’s at the top of the charts for driving sales across the lead internet.

It may seem surprising to many but emails are 40% more successful at generating sales than any other digital marketing trend. That’s a huge percentage.

And besides lead generation, newsletters have been very effective for keeping customers engaged and delivering a high level of customer service with personalized emails.

This is why you need to get the most from your email campaigns by utilizing email marketing as a key part of your content production strategy.

If you are wanting to grow your email list and convert more subscribers into customers – and hopefully keep them – here, we’ll look at some of the best emailing tools to enable you to get the best results from your emails.

1. MarketingPlatform

When it comes to Email Marketing tools, there are many companies that claim to be ‘the be-all and end-all of email marketing. Over the past decade, MarketingPlatform has created a system that has evolved into a sophisticated platform that no company, great or small, should be without.

This tool is widely used by startups. If you are planning to start a new business then you can take the help of a business name generator tool and use MarketingPlatform as an email newsletter tool.

MarketingPlatform offers a user-friendly system that almost anyone can use. With an endless array of features such as drag and drop editor, feeds, personalization and segmentation, forms and landing pages, abandoned cart, dynamic content, split testing you’d be hard-pressed to find a better solution.

Most important of all, MarketingPlatform offers delivery safety, avoiding spam at all costs. They do not accept customers with purchased mailing lists, nor should you. They also offer SMS marketing which can be combined on the same platform.

The list of features is endless. They have also made it simple to integrate with a wealth of webshops systems, EPR systems, 3rd party lead generation systems, social media, and much more.

MarketingPlatform remains a sleeping giant, waiting to unleash all its superpowers that can assist the needs of you and your company in every way possible.

2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is perfect for those who are new to email marketing and is equally suitable for the pros. It’s simple to get to grips with, yet it is one of the most powerful and efficient email newsletter services you can get your hands on.

Intuitive and user-friendly, even in its most stripped-down incarnation it has excellent functionality. Newcomers will be impressed right off the bat by their tidier, sleeker, and much more professional-looking emails.

Constant Contact comes with all the tools built-in to share social media and includes an image library including templates that are mobile-friendly, and options for perfect eCommerce integration via Shopify.

It is great for both established marketing professionals and newbies alike. Constant Contact’s software also has the capabilities required to send you reports, enabling you to track your campaigns and see how they are making progress.

This gives you the data you need to tweak your strategies during the lifetime of a campaign.

You’ll also be able to drop your newsletter into inboxes during peak hours around the world thanks to its impressive array of automated send-out features.

These include greeting mail as people subscribe, click-based trigger mail, as well as targeted emails to particular groups within your mailing list. For analysis to enable better insights into your audience and email success rate, Constant Contact gives the ability to monitor in real-time so that you can see who is and is not opening your mail, who is clicking from inside it, and who is forwarding it to others.

Tutorials are available – and they have exemplary, industry-best customer support service with representatives available to assist when needed via phone and live chat.

3. MailChimp

Mailchimp is one of the ever-green email services. It’s one of the world’s most used email tools and is as solid as it is popular.

It comes with a huge abundance of easy-to-use templates and is packed with features to make impressive, engaging emails that look great and perform well no matter what desktop or mobile device they are viewed on.

You needn’t worry about your technical proficiency: Mailchimp is tailored for anyone. It can also be integrated with a wealth of other tools and applications – literally, hundreds – including Shopify, WooCommerce, Zapier, LeadQuizzes, and WordPress.

MailChimp has a free-forever plan (so long as your mailing list remains under 2,000) which has contributed to it being a popular choice for small businesses, especially when first starting out.

The creation of newsletters and other campaign marketing emails is straightforward, easily customizable, and professional-looking, and they can be sent out on a schedule via MailChimp’s automation feature.

The build of marketing newsletters is kept simple with versatile drag-and-drop features: it comes with a lot of the necessary bells and whistles but keeps itself free of any unnecessary complexities.

MailChimp has successfully established itself as a heavyweight email tool for big businesses around the globe. For startups and rookie enterprises, you’ll be hard-pressed to find another email service as generous – or as able to give your marketing a strong push.

4. SendInBlue

SendInBlue is strategic email and SMS marketing software. Another platform that is easy for newcomers and professionals alike, it is among the fastest-growing providers for email marketing strategy in the EU.

SendInBlue is packed with an array of features and powerful tools to enhance the nurturing of customers.

With a deep selection of email templates to hand, customization is possible immediately with the use of its editorial drag-and-drop features. With these, the building of web pages with engaging content is possible with attractive, clear designs.

If you want it, SendInBlue can collect email subscribers from landing pages and provide A/B testing so you can gather valuable information regarding your open rates and any subsequent conversions.

On top of this, you can learn where your customers click and any subsequent interactions. This data and the invaluable insights it provides give the ammunition needed to make adjustments to your future campaigns to improve the likelihood of success.

One key feature worth noting: SendInBlue can utilize retargeted ads. So stronger, more specific, and bespoke advertising can be deployed based on past webpage interactions.

5. Drip

For powerful but simple customization, Drip is an email service that is very well-suited for eCommerce and digital marketing. A host of CRM (customer relationship management) features can be enabled to better engage with leads and send personalized emails as a result of behavior on your website – all of which can drive substantial sales growth.

Drip can also be integrated smoothly with a wide variety of other platforms – notably WordPress and WooCommerce – which allows for the adding of pop-ups and opt-in sign-up forms with no hassle.

High-end workflow capabilities include visuals for enhanced content that engage recipients and enhance the likelihood of steering them to the point of purchase.

Simple straight out of the box, Drip is another email service loaded with tools and the potential to become indispensable to the establishment of an eCommerce business – and its growth.

However, one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind is the speed of your website. If the sites don’t load up fast, it’s going to cause a problem. You should consider reliable cloud hosting, such as the one offered by Cloudways, for the highest conversion rates.

Conclusion – So which Should You Use?

Ultimately it depends on your business requirements. Skills could also be a determining factor but, as illustrated here, many email service tools are designed with non-professionals in mind for the ease of use for newcomers and those who simply don’t have the time available to invest in deep-dives.

Each of the above will benefit any business marketing campaign by creating an engaging and efficient newsletter to aid and complement a sales strategy – and grow your sales and customer relationships.


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