5 Quick Solutions to Fix Duplicate Music Files Issues In iDevices

5 Quick Solutions to Fix Duplicate Music Files Issues In iDevices

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It looks terrible if your iTunes starts creating duplicate files in the playlist. The experience goes worst when even after deleting, you can save replication of content in the playlist.

5 Quick Solutions to Fix Duplicate Music Files Issues In iDevices

It affects your device performance and you need to take immediate active actions to come out of duplicate file issues.

Let’s discuss the 5 quick solutions to deal with duplicate music file troubles.

1. Quit Music and restart your device

Quitting music is one of the easiest ways to get rid of duplicate files.

All you need to do is press the home button on your device and refresh your device. It helps the system to get refresh and stop commands creating duplicate files.

You can also restart your devices or sign in and sign out of your iTunes account. If you are not able to restart from with command, use the forceful technique, like while using Mac, switch off it.

Remember, be careful and never use forceful Mac switch-off technique every time as it can create more serious trouble.

2. Delete the affected playlists

If the restarting app or system won’t serve fruitful results, the next trick is to delete files either manually or with an application.

Keep in mind, if you choose a manual technique to delete matching music files, you need to be patient. As it will take time and you need to find files from the finder then delete files one after another.

Whereas, many choose applications as the quickest solution to delete duplicate music files. Just with a few clicks, you will get a list of all duplicate files in your system.

With another click, you can delete all identical music files created by the system.

3. Disable the Automatically sync

When the device is in automatic sync mode with a computer or another iDevice, it starts creating duplicate files whenever the device is connected to the system. Therefore the best option is to connect the device manually.

For this, Go to the summary option of your iPhone or iPad then option. Uncheck the automatic sync option.

Then delete all the songs from your device. Once everything will be done, you will be able to use a system containing no duplicate files.

4. Turn off iCloud music sharing

Sometimes, cloud sharing of files becomes a reason for creating duplicate files in the system. Therefore, it will be great to turn off iCloud sharing on your system. Go to iPhone settings and swipe down, music.

Also, switch off iCloud Music Library. Once the iCloud music library will be disabled, you will not see duplicate files created by mismatched design or incorrect metadata.

5. Fix the iTunes Match glitches

iTunes match is a service that helps to scan and find tracks replicating its files. You can use it too to solve your purpose quickly.

For this, open your Mac > Go to Files > Library and click on the export playlist option. Keep in mind, while exporting the playlist, export it on the desktop. It helps to access the music list easily.

Delete the same playlist with the right-click. Syn it again and or restart the device to check whether deleted files disappeared or not. If everything is well, import the playlist using the library option.

In nutshell, duplicate files are the most common troubles and results by affecting your productivity.

Therefore, follow the above-mentioned tips if you found duplicate file issues in your device.