How Healthcare Sector Is Benefiting From Technology

How Healthcare Sector Is Benefiting From Technology

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Technology has made our lives easier and less complicated. We can see how the use of technology has helped businesses across all industries, but when tech is used to help save lives, it becomes even more important.

How Healthcare Sector Is Benefiting From Technology

Under healthcare technology, we can count any software and tools medical professionals use to improve the overall quality of care they provide such as EHR revenue cycle management. All modern healthcare institutions have already integrated health tech into every step of the patient’s experience. Efficient software will also optimise staffing and ensure that you have the necessary technology, expertise and flexibility.

And here is how they’re benefiting from it.

Laboratory Information System

Laboratory environments are evolving rapidly, but every lab that uses an outdated laboratory information system can’t grow and thrive.

Luckily, technology has allowed healthcare organizations to use a modern Laboratory Information System, or LIS for short, which eliminates a lot of outdated problems. Busy medical laboratories and hospitals use LIS, which is software that manages the data flow of laboratory information management.

This includes reports management, sample tracking, and everything regarding patient data such as recording, updating, and storing.

This software works by comprehensively managing all of the data needs of your laboratory by creating one lab information software infrastructure and gathering data from all processes and departments. This process ensures data integrity across all departments.


The Health and Human Services industry is one of the most regulated industries in the US, and people who work in this industry are constantly under a lot of pressure.

It requires a huge amount of paperwork and care providers who need to deal with all of that ultimately have much less time for their patients.

So if you’re ready to save a lot of resources your organization usually spends on administrative responsibilities, it’s time to integrate one of the best HRIS systems. This stands for Human Resource Information System and these tools provide the following benefits:

  • Full integration. HRIS tools have the ability to fully integrate your health care records, electronic medical records, and general ledgers so your data can be streamlined and centralized. You will be able to gather, record, and track data across all departments with ease.
  • Automated reporting. Anyone working in HRIS knows how big of a backlog reporting overload can cause, but you don’t have to worry about that if you use this tool. It comes with automated reporting for all HIPAA reports and you can even build custom reports based on your needs.
  • High ROI. When you automate most HRIS-related tasks, you can greatly reduce staging costs while also avoiding penalty fees that your organization might get because of outdated or unfinished reports. So basically, you will save much more than you spend on your HRIS tool.

Administrative Tasks

The administrative workload in healthcare institutions is constantly growing, and handling all of it without the help of at least some technology is practically impossible. Luckily, thanks to artificial intelligence, administrative teams can streamline patient flows with a plethora of tasks.

A good tool can help you predict what hours will be busy, prioritize schedules based on preliminary patient questions, and allow patients to make appointments online.

This last benefit is especially important, as 68% of patients say they’re more likely to choose medical providers that offer the ability to book, change, or cancel appointments online. Some patients are even willing to switch practices if their current healthcare provider doesn’t offer online bookings.


Healthcare technology can be divided into relatively small tools and software that help with tasks we’ve listed above and bigger and more serious technology that can help with more important things.

When it comes to health tech efficiency, surgery is the one area that has probably seen the biggest improvements thanks to the invention of surgical robots. Robotic surgical assistants come in various shapes and sizes and can be used to perform minor and major surgeries.

There are tiny robots that can crawl the surface of the human heart and assist with open-heart surgery, robot arms that are an extra set of hands during long and complicated procedures, and much more.

Unfortunately, surgical robots aren’t used in too many operating rooms just yet, but we can expect that to change in the next decade. The global surgical robotics market is estimated to reach $16.77 billion by 2031, so it’s safe to say that this technology is here to stay.

But robots aren’t the only technology you can find in operating rooms, as surgeons and doctors have also started using virtual and augmented reality during operations. VR can help them practice new surgical techniques, make new doctors feel more comfortable, and explain procedures to patients.

Final Thoughts

To some, the rise of technology is something they’ve accepted and don’t see as anything important. But if we take a look at what was made possible in the healthcare sector thanks to technology, we need to be more aware and grateful for these accomplishments.

The state of the healthcare industry now and just a decade ago are two different worlds. And thanks to technological advancement, it’s easy to see we’re living in a much better world.


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