Role of Information Technology in Healthcare

Role of Information Technology in Healthcare

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Today, information solutions play one of the most important roles in people’s lives. We depend on technology to make our lives easier in almost all aspects of our lives.

Role of Information Technology in Healthcare

Their objectivity, speed, and reliability make us use them more and more in our activities, and medicine, of course, is no exception.

Pros and Cons


First of all, I would like to touch on the benefits of information systems in medicine and Behavioral Health EHR and how they have improved the lives of everyone who, in one way or another, interacts with medical IT solutions.

Well, as you probably remember, for quite some time medical facilities have been dealing with a huge amount of paperwork, large and long waiting lists, and a constant lack of time and resources to perform a quality and responsive medical process.

The entire process took simply tons of human resources and time to collect and store data, not to mention the quality and accuracy of medical records.

The situation has changed dramatically over the past decade.  Electronic systems have played one of the most significant roles in healthcare that you and I know today.

IT solutions from companies like Redwerk in healthcare software development have simplified medical record-keeping, registration, and data archiving.

Their correctness and high organizational efficiency are astounding. According to many surveys and studies, the convenient and modern ways of keeping personal records of new medical information systems significantly reduce patient care time by 50%, and their patient-oriented approach greatly improves the quality of staff and overall organizational management.

The next positive thing is to improve the quality of medical care from the beginning of the patient’s work to the transfer of data to the doctor, the registration of test data, its storage in the database, and the release of results.

Information systems can avoid possible errors in the preservation and interaction with the data; a qualitatively designed system will automatically find all kinds of matches or discrepancies in the databases, thus minimizing the commission of any errors caused by the “human factor.”

One of the innovations of recent information system models is the ability to integrate with other medical systems. This flexibility will allow access to patient data from anywhere in the world, with confidence in the reliability and security of data confidentiality.

All of these benefits are mainly focused on the accuracy, quality, efficiency, and consistency of the system, as well as reducing errors, time, and human resources.

On the financial side, more often than not, electronic systems also allow you to control the receipt of funds, eliminating the possibility of errors.


So, as you have probably already guessed, almost all information systems are not immune to penetration and impact from ill-wishers pursuing their own selfish purposes. Such vulnerabilities are being solved since the operation of information systems.

Still, the transience of computer systems and their constant updating apparently does not allow to fully resolve the issue of maintaining complete security.

The second drawback, not so much the information solutions, but those who work with it, is the lack of competence of people working with systems.

Well, everything is simpler here. Either the staff was not provided with quality training, or workers are simply not psychologically ready for innovation.

Going further, at the moment in medicine is still dominated by the need to enter a large amount of data in the manual mode, which often leads to the risk of introducing a large number of errors.

Well, this can jeopardize the accuracy of the entire system of the organization.

And finally, today, many information systems are integrated with a large number of cloud services, thereby increasing the risk of hacking and leakage of confidential information.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the development of information technology in various aspects, particularly in medicine, is striking in its rate of innovation and that the growth and diversity of services are only gaining momentum.


In the near future, their impact will be even stronger and more tangible. We can endlessly weigh their pros and cons, but let’s not deny their usefulness, help, and focus on solving our problems, especially those related to our health.

Many researchers consider the development of information systems for the better, increasing their focus primarily on people, making their lives easier, saving energy and time, and increasing the efficiency of management of the entire healthcare system.


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