Tools, Tips and Mistakes to find the Best Keywords on Google

Tools, Tips and Mistakes to find the Best Keywords on Google

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This comprehensive guide Keyword is a complete work that I have done with my team, which aims to guide you step by step through these tips, mistakes, tools and other interesting aspects to help you to choose the Top keywords to position in Google.

Find the Best Keywords on Google Tools with the Tips and Mistake Lists

If you follow the recommendations we give you in this guide, you can squeeze the most of your Content Strategy and you can position yourself on Google with the most important keywords in your niche.


This Keywords ranking Guide consists of the following sections:

  1. Introduction to Keywords
  2. Tips for choosing the most powerful keywords
  3. Mistakes to Avoid
  4. The importance of analyzing the positions of the keywords
  5. The theory of the 4 keywords to improve your Content Strategy
  6. Improved tools for analyzing keywords

1. Introduction to keywords

All the content strategy must begin with the choice of topic you want to write about and conduct a basic study of keywords. Today, such a study is available to anyone because we have very simple tools to use and provide us with hundreds of possibilities for us to choose the best keywords.
You should be aware that the choice is always primarily related to two aspects:
  1. The theme where we want to position.
  2. The audience that we want to go.
It is also important to know that there are 2 types of keywords and each of them has entirely different objectives;

Keyword Transactional:

This keyword searches targeting a conversion, either a direct sale or get a subscription.

Keyword Fact:

This keyword you are looking to give visibility to the business and improve its brand image.
In both cases, we always try to choose keywords that generate quality traffic to our website.

What is and how to calculate the degree of difficulty of a keyword?

The degree of difficulty of a keyword or also known as Keyword Difficulty is the level of complexity that has a keyword to bring it to the top positions of Google search engine.
It is calculated by considering the authority of the domains that appear in a better position and also takes the number of web pages that attempt to position themselves for that particular term.

2. Tips for choosing the most powerful keywords

1. Start by performing a basic study

For this I recommend to use Google Adwords planner, you can get hundreds of keywords from 5-10 base words. The first and basic step to find the best keywords on Google.

2. Study your competition

Analyze the keywords that are getting more web traffic similar to yours and add them to your list of words pages.

3. Discard Phase

You should try to reduce that list to 30 or 40 keywords that will base much of your Content Strategy.

4. Select the 4 pillars

Select 4 Keywords that are the pillars of your list of words and make the aim of achieving the Top 1 of Google.

5. Realistic Vision

Try to reach small goals and gradually you can go “raising the bar” and try to position yourself with more complex and difficult keywords.

6. Give it a 2nd chance to an old post

Do not forget the old post that missed Olympus to reach the first page of Google or simply did not generate web traffic by a poor choice of keyword, so take a few minutes to change the keyword and thus try to position again that old article.

7. Monitor your keywords

Monitoring keywords are very useful to measure the results of our actions on our web positioning. We can also see how it affects Google algorithm updates.

3. Mistakes to Avoid

1. Poor choice of keywords

This is the most common error and occurs for the simple reason that a Blogger or any other professional does not have to have knowledge of SEO and knowing how to choose the best keywords to get thousands of hits per month through Google, it is for that reason it is very important not to err in the choice of these keywords.

2. Content strategy too diversified

Do not be put off by the desire to appear in the Google search engine with a large number of terms, and thus devote most of your efforts to generate and create content because this is a mistake, you have to choose the niches in which position you want, and in most of the cases a few pages are reduced within your website.

3. Very diffuse Strategy

Not because they cover more topics in your blog or website will better position in Google, we should always look for consistency and coherence of content and preferably include one or two areas and do well to make a very fuzzy strategy where “many sticks touch”.

4. Prioritize the quantity versus quality content

There are those who think to get thousands of hits per month on a blog, must publish the content constantly, but that’s not true, it is preferable to publish a post a week and that this is “milk” to publish every day.

5. Do not pay attention to your competitors

It certainly a big mistake because analyzing competition is a competitive advantage because in seconds can detect very powerful keywords and whether we would position ourselves in some of them.

6. No monitoring positions

Otherwise, we monitor the positions of our web pages we’ll go blind and may not know whether the work we are doing is well focused or what aspects should be improved.

7. Aiming too high

We must always keep our feet on the ground when choosing the keywords in which we position ourselves, and we should try to position terms with large variability “longtail” so that we give so many combinations and is easier to reach the TOP 10 in Google and get web traffic.

4. The importance of analyzing the positions of the keywords

There was a time when the success of a website is measured according to their positions. But times have changed, and today many SEO specialists cast doubt worthwhile to continue monitoring the positions of the search engine.
Although anyone could consider this metric is outdated and is debatable, I am sure that the positions are incredibly important to help achieve better results in SEO factor, and no one can or should ignore. And this is the reason.

The position of your keywords clearly indicates the result of your work on SEO

Promoting a website is a complex process, and many of the activities contribute to its success or its failure-not only SEO but also PPC, content strategy, social networks, etc. Conversions and engagement can give you a general idea of ​​how your site performs, as are positions of keywords that give you the opportunity to accurately assess your work on SEO.

The positions with traffic data to help you manage time and budget

If you combine positions with data from organic traffic, you can get information about the potential of your traffic for each keyword or group of keywords. For example: if you see a particular keyword that is in position 5 of the search engine brings you, say, 60 views, you can estimate approximately how many visits have when in the second or first position. This information is essential for planning your budget and prioritizes time to dedicate to do SEO.
Another useful tip is that the position can help you predict traffic flow even before it occurs. Imagine you start your SEO campaign, you write informative content, you optimize the page. But traffic does not come suddenly, and not easy to understand if your efforts have paid off. If you monitor your objective steadily keywords, you can see how your position is increasing gradually growing, for example, from position 60 to 30. And that’s where you realize that you are gaining ground.

Positions with conversion data to help you adapt your strategy keywords

While organic traffic is a good thing, you should always think of conversion. If you monitor accurately the positions of your keywords and analyze the number of conversions that bring you, you’ll realize that that particular keyword is in a higher position does not mean that bring more sales, despite being directing more traffic.
This indicates that you’ve taken full advantage of this keyword, and although the follow pushing up, do not bring more benefits. It’s time for you to concentrate on other keywords, or are looking for new variations and long tail keywords.

The positions tested the visibility of your brand

Converting visitors into customers is the main task of most marketing campaigns. But still, do not forget those who are early in their search for products or services as you can offer. Improve your position in the search engines means actually increase your brand image and visibility. Therefore, when you track your positions you can see how they grow the authority of your brand and trust.

The positions you keep abreast of your competition

Monitor positions can be a crucial part of your strategy of competitive intelligence:
  • It provides knowledge of where your website in relation to your competition;
  • It offers an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses;
  • Reveals effective keywords for which you should position yourself.

The positions help you to find new opportunities keyword

The positions of competition can offer you fresh ideas on keywords, but you can also discover new ways to increase your visibility while you monitor your own positions. One of the most valuable benefits of tracking is to find positions called “ripe fruit”. These are keywords that are in their crucial positions (close to the first 3 positions or the first page of results). Focus on these words and you will get better results than working with keywords that have lower positions.

The positions help you to optimize your PPC budget

Track steadily the position of your keywords and see that every keyword is in a good way to optimize your PPC budget. If any of the keywords you use in your PPC campaign are showing very good results in organic positioning, why not reduce your PPC budget for these words and concentrate on those that do not work so well in the organic positioning? This will help you not to spend money and meet some new keywords that can bring you sales in the future.

The positions show you when your site has problems

The ranking keywords is a powerful indicator of the health of your site. When things go wrong, either by a problem with SEO, a technical problem or the penalty of a search engine, you will notice forthwith by the change in position. A significant drop in positions of some keywords is safer than any other metric alert.

10 SEO tools for keyword analysis

5. The theory of the 4 keywords to improve your Content Strategy

The major source of web traffic from Google search engine comes from a few keywords or what is the same thing from a few pages of a website. This theory what you want is to show that your Content Strategy is effective and fruitful, must detect and work those 4 keywords, which will be the pillar that supports web traffic to your website.
This theory tells us is that it is more effective to focus your Marketing Strategy and on some specific content, in the centre instead of on a strategy of quantity.
Once you have identified what are the four keywords where you want to position, you have to do is a strategy that works and boosts the SEO of these four keywords, and thus your website traffic will increase significantly.

6. Improved tools for analyzing keywords

This is all about the Tools, Tips and Mistakes to find the Best keywords on Google. If you have any doubts regarding the Keywords, let us know in your comments. Whenever there is a possibility we will answer your questions.