50 of the Best FREE SEO Tools to Increase Blog Rankings

50 of the Best FREE SEO Tools to Increase Blog Rankings

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Which tool is best for SEO? I want to give you a go-to collection of the top free SEO tools.

50 of Best FREE SEO Tools You Can Use to Increase Your Blog’s Rankings

I will describe 50 of the best free tools regarding SEO positioning, ultimately, to help you optimize your blog to achieve a more significant position on the web.

By using all these tools, you can keep your blog/website in the number 1 position. These free SEO tools will help increase your blog or website’s ranking like never before!

But, before we go into details, I found this very helpful video. It is a complete SEO for beginners to walk through and guide. Please watch the first 60-seconds of this video.

Now, let’s get it started!

In this comprehensive guide you will find:

  • SEO tools for keyword analysis
  • 10 Tools to analyze the position of Keywords
  • Free SEO Plugins for WordPress
  • 10 Basic Tools for Improving SEO
  • 5 Tools to create a free SEO report
  • 5 Free Tools to analyze backlinks
  • 10 Tips to Improve SEO positioning
  • Pitfalls to Avoid in our SEO positioning
  • 10 SEO tools for keyword analysis

50 of the Best FREE SEO Tools to Increase Blog Rankings

The 10 best free SEO tools for keywords are listed as follows.

1. Keyword Planner

As we all know, Keyword planner is the best tool to study the main keywords of our business. It is important to get ideas for keywords through this tool and consolidate the results in Excel format. I know for a fact that many bloggers use this tool. This is the best tool by Google.

2. Keywordtool.io

With this tool, you can get essential suggestions and frequent searches in the Google search engine and obtain any keyword. This tool is simple to use because you only need to enter the keyword and your country’s search engine. Then, click on the search button.

3. Ubersuggest

This tool is very similar to the previous tool keywords.io, but this site has a less attractive interface. But, we can get exact recommendations of keywords.

4. Soolve

This tool will help us study keywords with a broader perspective, as we will offer results in addition to Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines. They also provide results on Youtube and Wikipedia.

5. Google Trends

This tool not only finds the most popular keywords, but also analyzes trends over time—for example, if it is a seasonal keyword, or if the trend is going up or down.

6. Google Instant

This is one of my favorite tools to find words, build long tail methods, and find similarities with previous tools.

7. Internet Ninja

Analyzing our content’s density is very important for us to see the most important keywords of our post. Thus, we can see that we are not overextending the reiteration of the keyword you want to position; always try to see that density does not exceed 2%. This ensures that our content is as natural as possible and thus get a better SEO positioning.

8. SEO Quake

This is one of my favorite tools for analyzing the density of an article’s content before publication. It is a traditional SEO. In short, it is an essential tool for improving SEO on the page of our items before publication.

9. SEO Chat

It is a complete package of free SEO tools. There are 2 keywords: the first to recommend the most important keywords for Google, Bing, Amazon, and YouTube, and the second to analyze the keyword density of any content.

10. Keyword Density Lite

I end the first mini-list with a free tool for mobile devices that can be used very easily in tablets or smartphones.

10 Tools to analyze the position of Keywords

11. Cute Rank

The best of the free SEO tools you can install on your computer analyzes the evolution of your keywords in the Google search engine. Definitely a highly recommended SEO tool.

12. Daily Keyword Rank Checker

This is a rather unknown but interesting tool that will analyze the position of at least 5 keywords and also your 3 main competitors.

13. Free Keyword Rank Checker

This is a free online tool that you can use to query any keyword position in the SERPs.

14. Rank Checker SEO Book

This plugin can be installed in the Mozilla Firefox browser and can analyze the position of your main keywords.

15. Ninja Keyword Position

This one is a very comprehensive tool by which you can analyze the position of a list of keywords.
  • Mobile tools

16. Edge SEO

This tool is the successor of SEO Search Ranking and can easily control the position of your keywords in the Google search engine.

17. SE Ranking

se ranking from intellectsoft ltd
With this application for mobile devices with iOS, you can control the positions of your main keywords.

18. Excell

This is one of the best free SEO tools that you cannot omit. This tool helps the positioning of your site.
  • Analysis of backlinks. To do this we will give you a tabular format and use the rules to mark the text colour or suspicious URL anchor, all in seconds.
  • Analyze broken links.
  • Study of keywords.
  • Study of competition.
  • Organic visibility of the project and its evolution.

19. SERPs SEO Keyword Rankings

You can use this on your mobile, and it lets you see the positions of your keywords in the SERPs from anywhere. A comprehensive tool for an iOS system.

20. SEO Ranking Tool

A german-created tool with which you can control keywords in Google. This is available for all types of mobile devices.

10 Free SEO Plugins for WordPress

21. WordPress SEO by Yoast

This is an essential SEO plugin on any WordPress site because it gives us features that optimize and significantly improve our On Page. Here are some of its features:
  • Check accounts of Google Webmaster Tool, Bing Webmaster Tool and Alexa.
  • Configuration and optimization of Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Canonical URLs.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Clean the permalinks and headboard.
  • To SEO on page our content.

22. Google XML Sitemap

A very comprehensive and advanced plugin that creates and configures our blog’s sitemap, which is given by default and configured quite well.

23. W3 Total Cache

SEO Plugin that lets you optimize the speed of your blog. Within a few clicks, you can compress stylesheets, Javascript, etc. W3 Total Cache plugin cache is the most widely used tool today.

24. WP Super Cache

A plugin to manage your cache. Setup and implementation are very easy. Great blogs use it, so it is almost a guarantee of success!

25. WordPress Related Posts

We all know the importance of internal links to improve the SEO of another post positioning. With this plugin, you can display a widget with others related to achieving that goal to increase visits to the post and pages visited by users; both are important in SEO.

26. WP Post Ratings

This plugin gives you the possibility that your tickets can be assessed with classical stars. This assessment will appear in the search engine, which will help better capture user attention and increase CTR.

27. BJ Lazy Load

This plugin is used to load a page quickly. In other words, we can say that this plugin used for boosting web page speed. So, images, content, and everything else get loaded within less time.
No need to configure it, just install and activate it.

28. Broken Link Checker

This plugin will analyze your website’s content in WordPress for links or broken images and notifies with an Email ID.

29. EWWW Image Optimizer

With this plugin, you can optimize and compress all images from your WordPress backend with one mouse click. Also, you can compress the images of the theme you used for your blog.

30. Sumome

A free plugin essential for several reasons:

  • Get thousands of subscribers per year.
  • Facilitates the sharing of our post through social networks.
  • Lets the reader share images on the social environment

10 Basic SEO tools to optimize positioning

31. Configuration Robots.txt

Do you know if you have properly configured your robots.txt or not?
Robots.txt Checker is a simple tool that lets you check whether the configuration of the robots.txt file is correct. This is the file that controls which is indexed and what is not indexed.

32. Test Mobile Friendly

With this tool, you can analyze on Google if your website has a good mobile adaptation. Google is already sending notifications via Google Webmaster Tools to pages that do not conform to the guidelines of Google phones.

33. Google Webmaster Tools

A basic and indispensable tool for any webmaster because it is the preferred channel for Google to communicate information on any website. It is very important to enable notifications to receive an email when you receive any type of alert that you need to address.

34. Google Analytics

As we all know, Google Analytics is great. We know that this is one of the best tools ever for seeing the statistics of our site.
35. GTMetrix
A free and effective online tool for analyzing our website’s speed. Also, it offers advice to optimize loading speed. The same tool gives us the ability to compress images, stylesheets, and Javascript files.

36. Google Insights PageSpeed

This Google tool is used to analyze the speed of any website on mobile devices or computers. Also, like the previous tool it gives suggestions for improving our upload speed.

37. Siteliner

Analyzes your website in search of duplicate content and common content. It is important to try and have always duplicate content below 20%, although Google says we should not exceed 30%.

38. Copyscape

Examines who is plagiarizing your content and this is the totally free tool. This is very simple to use and understand.

39. Screaming Frog

This is one of the best tools for technical analysis of SEO On Page.
Analyze features like:
  • 404 Error Detection and server.
  • Analyze Titles and Descriptions to optimize or find possible duplication.
  • Analyze Page.
  • Identify H1, H2 and optimize tabs to filter, as well as find duplicate content
  • Identification of Canonical on our items.

40. Xenu

Xenu is a free tool you can install on your computer and analyze broken links on your website. Depending on the size of the page, the analyzing process can take several minutes or even hours. We can also use this tool to find expired domains of great authority and use them as a mechanism for link building.

5 Tools to create a free SEO report

41. SEO Site Check-Up

A tool that performs a full Social SEO focused on our analysis on five aspects:
  • Common SEO mistakes.
  • Loading speed optimization.
  • And the security server.
  • Mobile Usability.
  • Social Media.

42. Woorank

This is one of the best online applications for a free SEO report. It is a step-by-step guide that will tell you what you should be doing to optimize and improve the SEO of your website.
Features Woorank:
  • SEO audit and report comprehensive.
  • Social Media Audit.
  • Free Trial for 7 days.
  • Marketing plans with steps.
  • Analysis of visitors.

43. QuickSprout Website Analyzer

A great SEO online tool with which you can get a complete analysis of your website.
Some features of the application:
  • Full SEO analysis, optimization, speed, tags, keywords, and links
  • Full Social analysis.
  • Compare up to 4 different domains.

44. MySiteAuditor

A very interesting tool with which you can draw free SEO reports, among other things. The information you provide is very comprehensive and quality.
These are some of the features of this application:
  • SEO Audits, free and unlimited.
  • Audit specific pages.
  • Good data collection.
  • Analyze the SEO from the keyword.
  • Compare your page with better positioned or competition.
  • Export reports to PDF Free SEO.
  • You will receive by email a link of each SEO analysis you make.
  • Download your SEO audits.

45. Marketing Grader

Marketing Grader is made by HubSpot, Inc., a company of great prestige in the field of Marketing, and allows us to make a good audit of our website and offers a complete free SEO report.
Some features of the application:
  • Complete SEO Audit.
  • Very good analytics blog.
  • Good analytical Social Media Facebook and Twitter.

5 Free SEO Tools to analyze backlinks

46. Ahrefs

My favorite tool is helpful to all bloggers that want to find all the backlinks and anchor texts of a particular domain. Identify harmful backlinks and can make our site be in good condition by dissolving them.

47. Majestic SEO

A professional tool for analyzing backlinks is also the oldest in the world. We can export a free excel of all our links to examine their health and possible anomalies.

48. Open Site Explorer

SEO tool that you can look your best backlinks, your competition, and the most viewed content, among many other things.

49. Monitor Backlinks

One of the latest backlinks panorama tools, but very professional.

50. Open Link Profiler

A free tool to analyze the backlinks but much less known than the previous but with very interesting features such as detecting toxic bonds.
So, these are the 50 free SEO tools to increase blog ranking. I hope everyone liked this article. If you think this is worth sharing, let your friends know!
Which free SEO tools do you use for your online business?