List of all different ways to monetise your blog

List of all different ways to monetise your blog

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List of all different ways to monetise your blog: You have a blog, you have traffic, but you are not making any money. What should you do? Let’s start with the easiest one.

Different Tricks and Strategies for Bloggers to Monetizing their Blogs

List of all different ways to monetise your blog

  1. Google Adsense: Number one, Adsense, it is something that Google provides, and allows you to put ads on your website. People put Adsense on their website, you put it throughout your text, your sidebar, every time they click on it, you will make money.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Number two Affiliate Programs. Affiliate Programs is where you promote a product or service, and you get paid every time you drive a sale. There’s a lot of networks out there that have affiliate offers such as Click Bank, or JVZoo. You can go there to signup for offers, promote them on your blog, and you will get paid every time you drive a sale.
  3. Sell Digital Product: From e-books to courses, there’s an infinite amount of possibilities with digital products. You can even use a service called Kajabi to deliver your digital products to the people who buy them. Now, when you are selling digital products, the best way to do it is typically through a webinar. Have people go to your website, register for a webinar, watch, and then some of them will end up buying or becoming leads or customers for your digital products.
  4. Sell Your Own Ad Space: Adsense, which is owned by Google, is the middleman. If you don’t want to have a middleman, you can go directly to the people that should be advertising and get them to buy ads. Sure, most people are going to say no, but that’s okay. If you hit enough people up, someone will buy an ad spot. That way, you can keep that middleman fee and you will make more money.
  5. Sell Physical Products: A good example of this is Legion Athletics. They have a blog all about fitness and they sell physical products. Proteins, Supplements, Vitamins, and you know all other physical products. They do millions and millions of dollars a year. They do over $10 million a year, literally, over $10 million a year because of their blog traffic. It’s super effective as long as you are creating an amazing product that people want to buy. Use those five methods and you will be able to monetize your blog.

If you want, you can use multiple of them. Some people do ads and they sell digital products. Some people sell digital products and physical at the same time. So, it’s all up to you. We will not recommend doing all five, because it’s just overwhelming for a visitor. You can pick one or two, and if you want to go extreme, you can pick a maximum of three.

List of all different ways to monetise your blog

So basically, you have started blogging, you started adding some quality content, driving some traffic, but still don’t know how to monetize that blog. How do you monetize that traffic? So, this is going to be the subject for this section. Number one source of income that you will ever have in your list. So, you should be always trying to build your list with your blog.

And once you have a list of subscribers that are loyal to you. Once you build a relationship with them, it’s going to be your source of traffic on demand. And, income on-demand as well. So, how do we monetize the other traffic that comes to our websites? So today, we are going to discuss four different ways that you can use to monetize your blog or website. They are all pretty straightforward. Well, three of them are very easy. The fourth one will need a little more effort or for you to be a little more advanced. So, let’s get started. We are going to just discuss a couple of things here. Because we have written a blog post with a lot of details.

So, the first way to monetize your blog is the easiest way. It’s affiliate marketing. Everybody’s get started with affiliate marketing, it’s the easiest way to monetize your traffic. We got started with affiliate marketing. We still do affiliate marketing and it’s one of the best ways to make money online. When you get started and also when you are advanced because when you are more advanced, and you have a larger list of subscribers, you can use that to start selling high ticket offers like Webinars and stuff like that. That can allow you to make you know four figure commissions with a single sale.

So, let’s go through a few of then networks that we recommend. The first recommendation is Clickbank. It is one of the oldest networks out there for affiliate marketers. We love it, we have been on this website for a decade almost. And, it’s one of the best websites to get started with. Because it covers a lot of different markets. So, whatever niche you are in, you can find related offers on Clickbank and the great thing about Clickbank is most of the time you never actually have to request to be approved as an affiliate.

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