The 4 Key Elements That Make up the Perfect DevOps Strategy

The 4 Key Elements That Make up the Perfect DevOps Strategy

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If you get DevOps right, it can be a real asset to your organization and the customers it serves. There are a few lynchpin elements that must be factored into every good DevOps strategy, or else it might not deliver the desired results.

If you are thinking about putting together your first DevOps strategy, or you feel your current setup is falling short, read on for a rundown of the aspects you need to get close to perfection.

Cross-Team Collaboration Must Be Prioritized

Although it can take many guises and harness many tools and tactics, generally speaking, the purpose of DevOps is to allow employees from different departments and with different specialisms to work with one another more successfully.

Enabling collaboration is, therefore, a priority in any DevOps strategy, and managers must take a multifaceted approach to this which is tailored to the needs of teams, as well as the resources you have available.

This can include everything from organizing cross-team social events to re-jigging office spaces so that there is no physical separation which can lead to conflict and division.

If in doubt, taking advantage of the expertise of a DevOps consulting provider like this service is sensible. Experts in this field will be able to guide you as to the kinds of policies and technologies that will catalyze collaboration.

End-Users Must Be Considered

Another essential aspect of your DevOps strategy is of ensuring that the end-user is always at the top of the agenda throughout the software development process.

This can help to break down barriers to understanding in all sorts of ways, such as by allowing every team member to take on customer-facing duties at different points so they gain an appreciation of the struggles and pain points that are being faced.

Likewise, it is not enough to have some team members working on a project without actively experiencing the end product of their efforts.

Everyone should be experiencing the software as it progresses from its conceptual stage, meaning that they can empathize with end users rather than being blinded by the development bubble.

Automation Must Complement Your Human Resources

The ability to automate aspects of software development is not a new one, but what DevOps does is scrutinize where automation will help the most and ensure that employees are empowered by tools that take tedious tasks out of their hands.

As well as being a positive step from the perspective of team morale and job satisfaction, embracing automation will lower the instances of errors occurring and also make your teams more efficient and productive.

Monitoring Must Lead To Persistent Improvements

Testing software apps is all part and parcel of the development cycle, and you can bake this into your DevOps strategy as well.

It is about recognizing the value contained within all sorts of performance metrics, and extracting this to steer your team toward bigger and better things, while ironing out kinks as and when you uncover them.

The prospect of tracking so many metrics can seem overwhelming, as you not only need to see how your product is being put to use by customers but also assess things like team satisfaction levels and KPIs as part of this.

Once again with the right tools, such processes can be streamlined and automated.

Final Thoughts

While there are many more facets to a DevOps strategy that will really make it fly, perfecting the concepts covered above is a good starting point.

Also remember that not every team is the same, and flexibility is equally important when applying the principles of DevOps to your organization.


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