This is a Perfect Resume which is Accepted by Google & Other Big Companies

Perfect Resume
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This young woman created the perfect resume with which she has managed to conquer Google and has been a magnet for other big companies like eBay, Buzzfeed, and more than 20 startups. Discover her tricks to make the perfect CV.


It is a fundamental trick to develop a good resume or the “perfect CV”, because if it ends up in the hands of the recruiter of the company you have approximately 6 seconds to give a good impression and move on to the next stage that is the interview.

The Perfect Resume Accepted by Google and Other Big Companies

Katie Simon is a young American from the outset was very clear to get a job after her graduation. She Refused to return home and focused on continuing her professional training through a scholarship.

During this period she constantly remodeled her CV, until she achieved a resume that was a magnet for brands, as she got job offers from Google, eBay and more than twenty start-ups, including Spotify, Buzzfeed, Venmo, and Oscar.

Simon launched into the world of entrepreneurship at the age of 14. She is currently the founder of More Money For Me, a project which helps millennials to succeed economically and professionally. It offers advice to perfect the curriculum of the young people allowing them to get an interview for the work of their dreams.

Learn Simon’s advice to create the perfect curriculum:

Tips to create a Perfect Resume.

Use your resume to guide the interviewer 

Take the reins. Conceive the CV as the sketch of a script that you would use to get the ideal job; Consider what questions you would like them to ask you, how you would like to impress them, why you want to stand out, and on the contrary what you would like to ignore. And most importantly: keep in mind that these are the only details they have of you, are you attractive?

Be clear

In theory exams, you may get approved by filling the space with paragraphs (may or may not be relevant). But in the selection, processes do not work well. It includes only relevant details. Too many words imply disorder which leads to confusion and finally to rejection. So, analyze the few words you choose by rereading your CV and asking yourself phrase after sentence whether that data will improve the company’s perception of you.

Be concise

Make life easier for the recruiter. A resume should occupy a sheet if it takes more you are including irrelevant information. Thus, in each section of the CV, you must include up to three or four sub-sections with two or three enumeration points of one line each.

Add a section of ‘projects’

If you have carried out a project that has had some impact mention it; It may be irrelevant that you do it in your work, university or free time but everything counts!

First results, then skills

Being incredibly productive, organized and a fantastic leader is fine; But companies do not want to collect your skills, but take advantage of your results. Demonstrate your talent with the achievements you have gained in previous work experiences and try to exemplify it with numbers. Simon explained that in her case instead of simply stating that “I took the Twitter and Facebook accounts of the company” opted for something more significant like “I increased Facebook followers by 40% and their total reach by 60%. 

Eliminate the old and the irrelevant 

If you have more than three labor experiences, plan to eliminate one or two of the oldest ones. So, do not try to fill in space with experiences that are not particularly interesting – take the opportunity to expand the information on what is important.

Normality is sometimes boring

If you have done something different and flashy include it, even if it is not particularly related to the post. You may prove to be an enterprising or imaginative person, who knows.

Help them to know more about you

On a sheet, you obviously can not provide every aspect of yourself and your professional career. Facilitate links to your LinkedIn profile, Twitter or your portfolio so companies can expand information if you are interested. Remember, the purpose of your resume is to get them intrigued so they want to know more about you.

Customize it

It is easier to send the same CV to all offers, but it is less effective. Invest some time in customizing your curriculum for each company. Simon explains her best trick: save a document with double the number of enumeration points that you are going to include really, so for each company you can choose the data or the style that suited most for that position.

These are the tips and tricks to create the perfect resume to get accepted by the big companies like Google, Buzzfeed, eBay, etc.
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