How 5G Is Revolutionising Game Streaming in India

How 5G Is Revolutionising Game Streaming in India

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When mobile phones were introduced, there was a widespread belief that they would, at most, be a sidekick to consoles and computers.

But, in the last two decades, mobile phones and mobile gaming went from Snakes’ blinking pixels to creating worlds that billions around the globe can access simultaneously. This led to the transformation of mobile gaming companies into a billion-dollar industry both worldwide and in India.

How 5G Is Revolutionising Game Streaming in India

50% of the US population owned a smartphone by 2012. That was the time when telecom companies started deriving reliable users’ insights.

Since that time, data has shown that gaming publishers were poised to capture a large share of voice in official app stores. This is a way of saying mobile phones will be a massive part of the gaming universe in the decades to come. In 2016, revenues from mobile gaming exceeded that of console gaming and even PC gaming.

The next big step for online gaming is live game streaming, which is expected to have a huge impact not only on gaming in the Indian subcontinent but also on the world of online casino games in India.

Challenges to Online Mobile Game Streaming

Till now, gamers in India have been playing alone. Some games allow for online connectivity and multiplayer access, but live-streaming is still a bit far-fetched.

Connectivity Problems

Data speeds and network strength are the two significant barriers that we face today. For example, Google Stadia requires at least a 10Mbps connection for basic display resolution and playability. For 4K HDR, you need to have a 35Mbps connection.

In metro cities and a few Tier 2 cities, this may be doable. However, for smaller townships and areas, this becomes a nightmare. They lack basic infrastructure and demand of bigger cities, which keeps any further development at bay. In contrast to these speeds, upcoming 5G networks are a giant leap. They offer speeds up to 300Mbps, which can potentially transform the gaming scene across geographies.

Data Models

The way people consumed data a decade ago has changed drastically today. Data service providers and carriers are still to adapt their costs and price models to encompass the streaming of enormous data volumes on OTT and video platforms.

Casual streamers use about 3 GB of data per month to give you an idea, while avid Netflix users use about 7-8 GB. If gaming streaming is added to the mix, this number will only go higher.

Smaller Screen Experience

Compared to a large HD screen, a minor mobile phone experience is not the best. To overcome this challenge, games will need to be developed specifically for mobile.

PC or console-oriented games tend to shrink down when played on mobile, which is why mobile games will need to be designed with different dimensions.

5G – The Future of Mobile Game Streaming

There are many types of games that can be played remotely while being hosted remotely on a centralized server.

Users who enjoy playing online casino games in India require a strong network and connection that could help them stay on for the duration of the game. Similarly, a strong network is needed for other games too.

5G infrastructure, or a lack of it, will drastically impact mobile gaming. 5G represents the fifth generation of networking wirelessly.

It is bound to change user behavior due to its drastically higher network speed. It also has lower latency, which means the world will be able to access gaming experiences that have never been possible before.

What Makes 5G Such a Big Deal?

The technological innovations in 5G will jumpstart the next chapter of mobile usage and gaming. With more robust networks allowing faster uploads and downloads, new opportunities and potential for mobile games will be unlocked.

5G will let you download a 2GB mobile game in seconds without downloading any additional content and giving players access immediately. Games like Dragalia Lost on Nintendo and Asphalt on Android require starter content to be downloaded first, while the playable game and levels are downloaded later as the game progresses.

Latency refers to the time taken for a request to travel to and from a server. Lower latency means requests are completed faster, which means your gaming experience is smoother. With 4G, heavier games often make mobile devices slower.

It becomes frustrating to have inputs ignored or even delayed within a game. With competition rising quickly in the mobile gaming industry, developers and service providers need to operate at a competitive level to offer the best user experience.

5G works exceptionally well for multiplayer gaming experiences. Its ability to take on multiple connections simultaneously can enhance current experiences and help create new ones.

Take the example of a game like Fortnite. It allows a maximum of 100 players per game due to server and speed limitations, but with 5G, you could see this number go a lot higher. This is also true for eSports and fantasy sports.

5G will also change how these games are monetized. The traditional way of putting out ads in the form of videos and interactive ads will evolve to create new experiences to match consumers’ expectations with this new high-speed 5G connection.

Game Streaming Will Rise

To understand what game streaming is, think of it as an OTT platform for games. An entire catalog of games will be available to be streamed across multiple devices using a fixed payment model.

This will allow gamers access to numerous games, no matter which device they are on. Combined with 5G connectivity, users will experience a whole new gaming world with limitless access, new connected experiences, and reduced costs.

The Revolution Has Begun

5G is going to transform game streaming, advertising, interactive experiences, and game development forever. Gaming platforms and network operators will have no choice but to adapt to this new way of life to remain relevant to their audiences.

For gamers, this will be the start of a wholly unique experience. With the rollout and broader adoption of 5G predicted for 2021, the world is looking forward to this revolution.