Steps To Help Google Bot To Crawl Your Website Effectively

Steps To Help Google Bot To Crawl Your Website Effectively

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Steps To Help Google Bot To Crawl Your Website Effectively: In this article, we are going to show you how to Fetch and Render a crawl from Google. to an existing page on your website that you have updated. Now, in a previous article, we did show you how to submit a URL, so Google doesn’t crawl all websites with the same frequency. So what happens is, Google bot comes out, it crawls your website, and it crawls a certain amount of pages. And, then it pulls them back for indexing.

Steps To Help Google Bot To Crawl Your Website Effectively

And, depending on how often you are updating your website, and the amount of traffic and your page speed is going to make a difference as to how much of your website Google crawls. So, you might make some changes to a webpage, and you might just be sitting there waiting to see those changes update, and they are not updating frequently enough, is to use Google’s Fetch and Render So, what you can do is use, the Google Webmaster Tools for the same.

Apart from that, there is not a tool to index your articles on Google. To send it out to, basically, take a snapshot of what your new page looks like, and then you can request indexing. And, here we showed you in a previous article, if you actually go to Google and just hit the submit URL, and you can also do this in your Google Search Console, right here, this cute little cheat comes up and if you have a brand new page that you just posted, that you just create, you can paste that here and hit submit. Hey Goog,e we have got a new page, this is what you are saying to Google.

Now, this doesn’t guarantee any kind of indexing or ranking, but it does say – Hey Google, please come out and pick up this image. So every time you create a new page, it’s a good idea to go ahead and submit the URL. Now, we want to do Fetch and Crawl, so we are going to do Google Fetch and render and then crawl. So, what this is going to do is you can click here and read a little bit more about it, but we just want to go ahead and open it.

And, you can also do this in your Google Search Console. So, here we are going to select which one of our websites we want to pull a page from. Now, see here, it opened a search console, so, look at the left-hand side, if you were to just log into it and all you have to do is go down to a page and then click Fetch as Google. So, now we need to find a page on the website that we want Google to crawl. So, let us go ahead and go over there to our website. And let us just go ahead and grab a page that we want to crawl, and you take this URL up top, Go back over to Google Search Console, and you don’t need that https in front of the top-level domain, just what comes after the /there. Now, you can say, Fetch Render or Desktop or on Mobile.

So, let’s just do mobile and we are going to fetch and render. Now, Google goes out and it crawls the website, and that allows you then to take a look at how it is indexing that page. If you look down here, here’s one we already did, because this one may take a minute, so here’s one we already did a little ago, and it tells me that page was redirected. So we don’t; want to index that page. We want to index the page that it was redirected to. Here, we have another one, so request indexing. If we click on this little arrow here, then we have got the details about the crawl. And, then we got pictures of what it looks like, so this is how Google Bot saw the page, and this is how a visitor to your website would have seen the page.

This is perfect because they are the same. Let’s go ahead and go back, to the one we just did. Now, we have fetched, we have rendered it, we say yes, this is what it’s supposed to look like. Now we can click this button and request indexing. And it says you are submitting this, follow the URL, recrawling happens a few minutes after you click Go. At that time, the content of your page is what Google will index.

Now remember it’s only going to index it if it meets the quality guidelines, and it doesn’t have the No index checked off. Most of your website’s pages, as long as they are set up correctly, will index, but remember indexing just means, Google puts it in the database. It doesn’t mean you are ranking in any particular position.Steps To Help Google Bot To Crawl Your Website Effectively

This is just getting into the Database. Ranking happens after the analysis is done, and it runs through, its algorithms determine where you should be placed in that position. Now, you can also click here, crawl only this URL or crawl the URL and its direct links. We actually do like it to pull the extra links, too, but as you can see, it says you have nine submissions remaining of the 10 monthly quotas, so, we have to be careful about allowing it to crawl all the links on the page, because you can only do 10 of those in a month.

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