What Is the RPA Process?

What Is the RPA Process?

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You may have heard the term RPA (Robotic Process Automation) thrown around recently, but do not know what it means. It’s a process that can help your company automate repetitive tasks so that you can focus on more value-added activities for your business.


In any business, it’s critical to know where you’re going and how you plan to get there. You’re probably familiar with the term “business planning.” It’s simply the process of defining your goals, determining what resources are needed to achieve those goals, and then laying out a timeline for completing them. The same concept applies when planning an RPA implementation. This is an important step because it forces you to define your problem before moving on to solutions.

For example: If your goal is “get people working out at least three times per week,” then an RPA solution might be useful in achieving this goal by automating workout reminders or even helping members find new ways of working out more often than they previously did (like at home).

Process Analysis

RPA involves the process of automating and executing repetitive tasks that are traditionally performed by humans. For effective RPA implementation, it’s critical to first understand how your current processes work. To do this, you must first identify each step in the process.

This includes identifying who is involved in performing these steps (both people and technology), what tools they use to perform them, what data they use or generate from these steps, and where that data goes once it’s been recorded.

Test and Implement

Now that you have the RPA process, it’s time to test and implement it.

First, test the process in a controlled environment. This is where you try to simulate production as closely as possible by testing each step of the process on a copy of your production data. This can be done using something called “shadow IT,” which is when employees use their personal devices to access company systems at work.

For example, if an employee needs access to something on Salesforce but doesn’t have permission yet, they could log into that system during lunch or after hours while still at work using their smartphone or laptop (or even on another company computer). Shadow IT allows companies an opportunity to see what their users are doing before they get too far along in their tasks; it also gives them insight into how long tasks take when employees do them without following proper procedures or protocols.

Monitor and Measure

You should monitor and measure your results so that you can make adjustments over time. If a certain strategy isn’t working, or if it’s causing negative side effects, change what you’re doing! Likewise, if something is exceeding expectations, do more of that thing.

If there are any problems with your RPA implementation (and there will be), address them immediately. Be alert to potential problems by monitoring your RPA software and processes on a regular basis. This will allow you to catch issues before they become problematic and prevent unnecessary downtime due to errors in your automation setup.

According to automation experts like Sutherland, “Automate quality monitoring with AI and machine learning to audit each and every interaction, not just manually auditing a mere 3%. Get reliable, granular insights on quality adherence by intent types, product, geography, etc.”

RPA is a very useful tool, but it can also be complex. It’s good to understand that the process isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s about finding what works best for your organization and tailoring it accordingly.



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