How to Keep Better Track of Your Work-at-Home Employees

How to Keep Better Track of Your Work-at-Home Employees

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The global workforce has now accepted remote working as the new standard. Rather than full-time employees, companies are hiring work-at-home individuals who can get more done in less time without the confines of an office.

How to Keep Better Track of Your Work-at-Home Employees

These employees are expected to perform just as well or even better than their onsite counterparts, but staying organized and on task while working alone takes some preparation.

The first step to keeping your remote employees organized and efficient is creating an effective system for them to follow.

The most important thing a boss or client can do for a work-at-home employee is provided consistent, clear instructions on how tasks should be completed.

This entails giving detailed information about deadlines along with breakdowns of what exactly needs to be done and in what order. These guidelines help work-at-home employees stay on task and prevent them from straying without supervision.

Track Employee Email Activity

Email is the most common form of communication between a boss and work-at-home employees. If possible, companies should set up an email address just for employees to use as their company email.

There should be one employee account that all messages for this specific group of people go to. This way, you’ll know exactly who’s receiving what information and when.

Use a Time Tracking App

There are also plenty of time-tracking apps that companies can use. These apps track how long every task takes, and employees receive notifications when they need to move on to the next item on their list.

This time-management technique is particularly helpful in preventing work-at-home employees from becoming distracted and taking too many breaks.

Get a Monitoring Software

Managing tasks isn’t the only way to keep work-at-home employees on track. It’s also important for employees to know that they are being watched in order to ensure good behavior.

A good monitoring app will help in tracking at-home work forces allowing employers to see how long each task takes, which employees are most efficient, and when certain people are most active.

By keeping track of how long employees are working, when they are working, and what they are doing during that time, you’ll have a much easier time ensuring deadlines are being met.

Although work-at-home employees can be very successful in their jobs, they do need help staying organized and on task.

By establishing guidelines for employees to follow along with a monitoring system, companies can keep work-at-home employees working efficiently and effectively.

Request for Reports

Since work-at-home employees are often working alone, it’s easy for them to get distracted and neglect their duties.

To prevent this from happening, companies should request regular reports that tell them what their remote employees have accomplished today. This way bosses will always know if their orders are being followed or not.

As a manager, it’s important to know what work-at-home employees are doing at all times.

You should have a consistent set of guidelines that detail how tasks should be completed and when to do them, as well as consistent reports about what exactly these people are working on every day.

This will help keep remote employees organized and working efficiently.

Create Tasks Lists

One of the most important things a boss or client can do for work-at-home employees is providing consistent, clear instructions on how tasks should be completed.

This entails giving detailed information about deadlines along with breakdowns of what exactly needs to be done and in what order. These guidelines help work-at-home employees stay on task and prevent them from straying without supervision.

three people having a discussion

Have Deadlines Clearly Stated

Another way to keep track of your work-at-home employees is by setting deadlines. Provide a daily or weekly schedule for employees and break down each task into a list.

This way, they’ll always know what to do next and when it should be completed by. Establishing deadlines will help work-at-home employees stay on task and prevent them from straying without supervision.

They should always know what’s expected of them and when their tasks should be completed by. This will ensure a consistent, efficient workflow and prevent employees from straying without supervision.

Deadlines should be clearly stated for every task with a consistent schedule to follow. This will make it simple for work-at-home employees to stay on target and complete their projects efficiently.

Establish Rules for Breaks

Breaks are a big problem for work-at-home employees. When nobody’s watching them, many people simply get distracted and take too many breaks.

To reduce this from happening, companies need to have clear guidelines about when breaks should be taken. This includes times for lunch, coffee, and smoke breaks so employees don’t stray from their tasks without supervision.

The key to keeping your remote employees on track is communication. You need to be very clear about what you want them to do.


Be prepared with answers when they ask questions so that no one feels like they are being left out in the dark or can’t understand what’s expected of them.

It also helps if there are specific goals set for each employee which can help keep everyone motivated and working towards a common goal.


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