GDPR FAQ: 10 Questions and Answers About the GDPR

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Have you already received dozens of emails alerting you with the changes in the privacy policy? It is the new General Law on Data Protection, better known as GDPR. It is a regulation that regulates the collection and management of data of European users and companies.


The continental regulation establishes that all companies that handle data from users or from other companies must update their procedures, in addition to requesting consent from those affected to continue handling that information.

The problem is that, despite having enough time, not all companies have adopted in time. Hence the wave of emails you have received asking for your consent for the new GDPR.

10 GDPR Frequently Asked Questions that Everyone must know

Here, we will clear the main doubts that you have regarding the GDPR update and the European data protection in a question and answers format.

1. When does GDPR take effect?

The official date of GDPR entry into the force is today May 25, that is, from now on it is mandatory to have updated the privacy and data management of individuals in all companies.

Many have rushed until the last minute, so you may still receive emails in your tray.

2. Where can I read the entire GDPR?

There are few websites for Data Protection has published a full document of the GDPR on their portals.

It is important to emphasize that this law has been promoted by the European Union with the help of all EU government agencies.

3. Is it only for personal data or also for relationships between companies?

The European GPDR affects both the information that companies handle about users and private individuals as well as the information they manage from other companies or legal entities.

This means that if you do not work with end customers and only serve other companies, you must also adapt.

4. Do I have to adapt my blog or website?

If your website or blog compile some type of data of users, you must also apply the GDPR. In fact, you should have done it already.

It is possible that it is not you who designed the web. In that case, you must contact the person in charge and request information about it.

5. My company is very small and I barely have clients, me too?

The answer is yes, one more time. Keep in mind that you handle not only information about your customers, but about your employees and suppliers. That’s why, as each piece counts, you have to adapt yourself too.

Obviously, this creates a dilemma for SMEs, which have largely outsourced the adaptation to the new Law on Data Protection.

6. Do companies that are not European have to adapt to it?

If your company is based in Latin America, Asia, Africa or anywhere else, surely you think that the application of the GDPR has not affected you, but yes.

If you handle data from European customers, you must protect your data in a manner consistent with continental protection.

7. What happens if I do not comply with the regulations?

The fines for breaching the GDPR are quite hard: 20 million dollars or 4% of the annual turnover. For a small company whose benefits are small, it can mean bankruptcy.

These figures have been chosen precisely to discourage those who thought to ignore the new law.

8. If I do not respond to the emails, will I stop receiving spam?

One of the objectives of the GDPR is that users stop receiving spam emails from companies to which they gave their data more or less involuntarily years ago.

Therefore, on May 25, today, if you do not give consent to the handling of your data, you should stop receiving spam from those companies.

9. Can I request to be deleted from your database?

According to the new law, every user has the right to know what a company has done with their data. This means that you can ask for a detailed report of everything they know about you and what they have used that information for.

Secondly, you can also request that they destroy all your data immediately. It is similar to the so-called digital “right to oblivion”.

10. I have not responded to the emails but emails keep coming, what do I do?

Report it as simple as that. Today all those companies that send you emails or handle your data without your explicit permission are committing an illegality. It is not enough to send you an email to inform you of the change in the GDPR, but it must be an explicit and formed consent, we emphasize.

These are the 10 questions that most of them are searching on the Internet to know about the GDPR. I hope this question and answers clear all your doubts about the GDPR. If you still have any other queries regarding this new law, let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to as soon as possible to solve all your questions.

Have you updated to new GDPR law?