These are the 11 Ultimate iOS 11 Features Loved By Everyone

These are the 11 Ultimate iOS 11 Features Loved By Everyone

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With the introduction of new iPhones, 8 and X, a new version of Apple’s operating system, iOS 11, has also arrived. What’s new? Did you download the new iOS 11? We downloaded it and analyzed it. So these are the ultimate iOS 11 features. 

Premiere and Ultimate iOS 11 Features Downloaded and Loved By Everyone

iOS 11 does not represent a big leap between the previous version and the present one. The app icons are slightly refreshed. The Mail menu has also been retouched but above all, we can see a huge difference in the control centre with a more number of options. But, there are much more hidden features. Let us discuss all of them here.

11 Ultimate iOS 11 Features Loved By Everyone

Let us see all the 11 top ios 11 features one by one.

Move Apps

One of the things that do not convince me of iOS is the way you have to organize your apps. With iOS 11 you can now select multiple apps at once. It is now much more intuitive than before.

Access notes from the control centre

You can configure the control centre with more options. How do we do it? Go to the settings menu, control centre and customize.

Write to Siri

With iOS 11 you can now write directly to Siri. How? Let’s go to the general menu, accessibility, Siri and write to Siri. A functionality that is sure to take advantage of when you need to be silent. 

QR in the camera app

We were promised that QR codes would be the future. Okay, it has not been but it is still a useful tool. So far, you had to download an app to have a QR reader. With iOS 11 you are no longer needed any third party apps to read any QR code from your iPhone. 

In addition, from the application of notes, you can scan documents in a very simple way. Simply open a new note and click on the cross next to the configuration options (pencil, letter size, grid, etc …) and choose the option of scanners documents. Practical and it will save you a lot of time.

New Do not disturb mode while driving

Another novelty is a revamped version of the “do not disturb” mode. In iOS 11, Apple has introduced a new mode other than airplane mode: do not disturb mode while driving to avoid distractions at the wheel.

SOS button

Another great news is that you can now configure the power button as a distress button. You can set up the menu of settings and press the button 3 times in succession to activate the SOS emergency button.

Convert Safari pages to PDFs

Now you can convert the pages of Safari that you want in PDF and that allows you to be able to store them easily.

Manage storage automatically

Regardless of what model of iPhone you have, storage is often a headache at some point. Now you can manage it automatically by deleting the apps you do not use, checking the files that occupy more storage, etc.

Change the colour of the settings menu

Now you can change the colour of the menus to a kind of dark black mode. To change the colours go to General, accessibility, quick accessibility function, intelligent colour inversion. Press the home button 3 times in succession to activate or deactivate it.


Now, when we do a screenshot, we can share, modify or save it quickly. By pressing the on / off button for a few seconds together with the Home button, we make a screenshot that will be placed in the lower left corner of the desktop to modify and share it more quickly.

Record the screen

And finally, you can directly record the screen of your Apple device with this function that you can also add in the control centre. So you will no longer need to download apps to do it as it is now.

These are the 11 ultimate iOS 11 features that are loved by everyone. I personally liked the new Apple iOS 11 as I am watching it from the beta version. I hope this article will help you to explore more iOS 11 features. If you are facing any issues with the new iOS 11 operating system, let us know in the below comment section. We will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.

These are the 100 Incredible New iOS 11 Features – ApplePay, Siri & More

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Which iOS 11 feature do you love the most?