What Does the e2e Testing Process Involve: Phases to Pass and Challenges to Meet

What Does the e2e Testing Process Involve: Phases to Pass and Challenges to Meet

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The e2e testing process is critical to ensuring your product’s quality and functionality. This testing phase is often overlooked in the development process. However, it’s vital to ensure you meet user expectations.

However, proper e2e testing is a multi-stage process. It’s not just about running a few tests and seeing how your product performs. It requires a thorough understanding of the product and its components.

End-to-end testing is also fraught with challenges. These challenges impede the effectiveness of e2e testing. This can result in products that are not ready for the market.

This article discusses the phases and challenges of end-to-end testing. It helps you avoid the pitfalls and get the most out of your e2e testing efforts.

Phases Involved in e2e Testing.

So, what is e2e testing? In end-to-end testing, the testers simulate an end user’s actions. They check if the application can be used as intended.

This process involves the phases for optimal e2e testing. These phases include:

Test planning stage

You must test the application with a plan. In the test planning phase, testers create a testing strategy. They set goals for their testing efforts. For example, they can decide what features to test and how many times you should test each feature.

They also need to determine how many users will participate in testing. This way, they don’t overwhelm the system with too many people at once.

Test design stage

In the test design phase, testers create a plan. The plan identifies what features will be tested and how they will test them. This step is crucial because it helps testers understand how to test the application.

They must also document all scenarios, bugs, and issues identified during this stage. This way, they don’t forget anything important before moving on to the next phase.

Test case preparation stage

Test preparation is the most fundamental part of the testing process. It involves creating test cases. These documents outline how testers interact with the application and their expectations.

These cases help testers determine how an application should work. They also identify any bugs or issues that need to be fixed. Test case creation can be done manually. You can also use automated tools like Cucumber, Selenium, and Java.

Test case execution stage

This is where things get interesting. Testers use test environments to simulate how users would interact with a system. It helps identify any bugs or issues that may be present.

They then execute their test cases. After, they compare the results against their expectations during the preparation stage. If there are discrepancies, testers determine why this happened. They’ll see how they can prevent it from happening again in future tests.

Test result analysis stage

This is the final checkpoint where testers examine the results of their test. They identify any bugs in the system and determine whether they’ve been fixed. If not, they brainstorm how they can resolve them.

They may also look at how their tests affected other application parts. Then they’ll make adjustments as necessary.

E2E Testing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Some challenges that E2E testing can present include:

Determining test scenarios

E2E testing can be complex. It requires an in-depth understanding of the application and how it works. It’s essential to determine which features are most important and how they interact.

Simulating a production environment

E2E testing can also be complex as it’s important to simulate a real-world production environment. You may have to create your own if you don’t have access to one. This can involve setting up servers and databases. These must match those of the application being tested.

Choosing a testing framework

A testing framework is a collection of tools, libraries, and procedures. It makes it easier to write tests. Many different testing frameworks are available for web applications. Some are explicitly designed for E2E testing, while others are more general-purpose. You need to choose a framework that will work with the language and technologies you’re using.


Time is crucial to a successful E2E test. Since you’re simulating user actions, running tests can take longer than other tests. You may need to wait for pages to load or retrieve data from the application under test. At the same time, you should perform actions such as clicking links and filling out forms. This can make it hard to keep track of what’s happening in your tests—and even more difficult if they fail.

Requires a good understanding of user goals

You need a good understanding of user goals and how they are achieved to write effective E2E tests. This is because the tests are based on users’ actions in your application. If you don’t know what those actions are, it’s hard to write an accurate test that simulates them.


The phases and challenges involved in creating E2E tests can seem intimidating. But you need to understand how to manage your project’s expectations. Then E2E testing becomes a powerful tool. It’ll help ensure that your application meets its users’ needs and helps them accomplish their goals.